/ / Congestion of the ears without pain. Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Ejaculation of the ears without pain. Causes, diagnosis and treatment

For each of us, some of the most importantthe vital and, however strange it may seem, the ears are indispensable organs of sense. Thanks to them, since childhood we begin to hear the voice of our mother, who kindly talks to us and reads fairy tales; we get acquainted with music - classical, modern; communicate with friends or colleagues.

Therefore, those who independently methorror of ear pain, such impressions will remain for a long time. This may be so unbearable that the sufferer will rush to the hospital, without waiting for the advice of the household.

Hear - do not hear

A completely different situation unfolds, if suddenly,"On tiptoe," crept deafness. It seems that not everything is as bad as it may seem at first glance: due to the fact that the ears become stuffy without pain, the quality of hearing decreases, but it is because of the absence of pain that everything that is happening is ignored for quite a long time.

And yet, any advancing ear congestion withoutpain can deliver a lot of incomprehensible and unpleasant sensations. No need to panic and hysteria. First you should try to understand the reasons that led to the fact that just laid ear.

no pain in ears

In order not to waste your time and nerves toThe doctor, often used by a method that uses a sufficiently large number of people to eliminate the congestion of the ears without pain, is self-medication. It is not contraindicated. And yet, in order for the effectiveness of the chosen treatment option to reach 100%, you should find out what preceded the appearance of deafness.

Our ears, ears

Mother Nature has identified a sufficient amountreasons that cause the ears to become stuffy without pain. Experts divide them into factors of a natural and physiological nature.

under what pressure lays the ears

For natural, that is, physical, reasons include:

- ingress of fluid into the ear cavity while swimming or diving;

- pressure drops (in airplanes, elevators, at amusement rides).

Water in the ears

It is quite possible to cope with such difficulties inhome conditions. In the first case, in order to extract unwanted fluid from the ear, it is enough just to jump on one leg (if water has penetrated into the right ear, then on the right leg and vice versa). If the desired result is not achieved, warming up can be used: lie down on the heating pad on the side of the pledged ear (the ear should be on the heating pad) for a quarter of an hour, not more.

Up down

Если же заложило уши после самолета, что делать в such a situation? Those who floated in the air on snow-white liners, clearly remember that at the moment when the iron bird soars upward or, on the contrary, decreases, it lays its ears. The same sensations appear after traveling in elevators or walking in the mountains. Not everyone likes it, but it is conceived by Nature itself. There is nothing wrong with this situation. Spending just a couple of minutes, you can return everything to its place. It is only necessary to open the mouth and independently make a massage of the area between the ear cartilage and the temple. And you can just swallow a little or just yawn more deeply. Such actions distribute pressure and relieve congestion. So, if the ears after the plane are laid, what to do, you no longer ask, this question will no longer be so acute.

Physiological factors of ear congestion

Unfortunately, there are much more serioussituations. It happens that sometimes lays the ear, as a consequence of a cold, which is accompanied by a cold. The mucus from the nose gets into the ear canal and contributes to the occurrence of the inflammatory process. As a result - hearing loss. In this case, experts do not recommend taking any action on their own. It is more correct to come to the reception to the otolaryngologist, who can perform a routine inspection, but can also assign special functional tests.

laid ears after the plane what to do

Based on the fact that was the root cause of a sudden hearing loss, or even complete deafness, the doctor will be able to professionally select the necessary option for all possible methods of treatment.

Human ears are quite fragile organs. If they are not provided with the right time or in insufficient degree, the complications can be very serious, and the treatment can be long.

Our enemies are sulfur plugs

In cases where the ear periodically lays, butthere is no pain, a person does not have a cold, does not ride in an elevator, does not fly in an airplane, does not climb into the mountains, then, most likely, hearing is reduced due to the presence of sulfuric traffic jams. And they can occur if the ear canal is narrow from the very birth or the “owner” does not properly care for its ears. The ear glands will secrete sulfur, which is able to accumulate in the ears, reducing hearing.

sometimes lays the ear

"Fight" with traffic jams can be without resorting toservices of doctors, and at home. One way is to drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the affected ear. The second home method is to take a hot shower, dripping before it into the ear two or three drops of warm oil or glycerin. Cork is very easy to get using ordinary cotton wool. But this should be done carefully.

Learning to show off

There are cases when, when blowing outlays the ear. It's not scary. Most likely, the reason for this is all the same sulfur plugs. Most likely, fossil sulfur has moved in the ear aisle. The ENT doctor will wash them with a syringe with ordinary water. If you do not want to go to the hospital, you can drop Otipaks into your ear and rinse your nose. In general, even taking pictures of one should be neat: one nostril “works”, the second one is squeezed with a finger.

Pressure and congestion of the ears

Being in flight on a snow-white liner,passengers usually lays ears. What reasons contribute to this? With what pressure does your ears lay? All this is due to the difference in pressure. During the flight on iron birds, a rather sharp drop in atmospheric pressure, that is, external, occurs. And the pressure in the ears does not have time to adapt to this. As a result, there is a feeling of stuffiness.

And it does not matter at all, specifically at what pressure does the ear lays. The main thing to remember the recommendations of doctors about the implementation of rapid swallowing movements.

just laid ear

After all, the ear, as mentioned above, the bodyquite complex and neatly organized. The eardrum, which "hides" the middle ear from the external passage, plays the role of bar function. On both sides of the membrane, a certain equilibrium is maintained, which results in the most comfortable conduction of sounds for humans. When atmospheric pressure decreases, air passes from the middle ear to the nasopharynx. When the pressure rises everything goes the other way.

When a violation of the bar function occurs, the resistance of the membrane to injuries is significantly reduced, which leads to hearing impairment.

Charging for ears

If there is only congestion in the ears, without pain, doctors can recommend gymnastics for the ears, due to which the feeling of congestion will leave very quickly.

First you need to push the lower jaw about five times. Then you need to make a circular motion of the lower jaw.

Only do all this very carefully, so as not to earn dislocation.

periodically lays the ear

If nasal congestion runs in parallel withtemperature increase, then all the procedures performed with the ears must be carried out very carefully and carefully. The advice of ENT doctors in this case: as soon as the patient begins to rise in body temperature, any ear-warming manipulations are banned.

There is no cause for concern if the ears are rarely laid, but if it is logged in, it is reasonable to make a visit to a specialist, because the root cause may hide in a state of health.

To prevent difficult health situations.readers should be aware and remember: quite often self-treatment is the beginning of various kinds of complications. Therefore, in case of ear congestion, it is extremely reasonable to turn to medical staff in time for help.

laying on ear when blowing

Thanks to such an exclusive tool asour ears have the opportunity to enjoy the open world of various sounds. Therefore, our main task is to take good care of their good location so that the hearing organs are in good and safe condition.