/ / What to take if a stomach ache? Pills for stomach pain - the best drugs

What to take if your stomach hurts? Tablets with stomach pain - the best drugs

Tablets from stomach pain: the best drugs for the stomach

Stomach is one of the most vulnerable organsour body, because he has to cope with significant loads due to an incorrect lifestyle, eating inappropriate food, fast food and alcohol. The tender mucous membrane of the stomach is traumatized from these aggressive factors, and inflammation occurs. The causes of the pain in the stomach can be varied, so it's worth to first turn to a doctor who will put an accurate diagnosis.

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Popular pills for stomach pain

Since the cause of the pain is not always clear, and putan exact diagnosis can only be done by a doctor, we do not recommend engaging in self-treatment and, by removing the symptoms of antacid drugs (“Maalox”, “Almagel”), ignore the problem. In order not only to relieve pain, but also to prevent the development of serious gastrointestinal diseases, you can take the drug "Escape". It creates a protective film on the gastric mucosa, which protects it from the effects of negative factors, thereby protecting it from the further development of inflammation.

The drug "Escape" can be used independently to determine the cause of pain in the stomach.

In addition, a common way to relieve discomfort if the stomach hurts is painkillers, as well as antispasmodics, which save if you have stomach cramps.

Treatment regimens and methods of use

The treatment regimens of the stomach depend on the specificdiseases. If you have gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori, then most likely the doctor will prescribe a course of an antibiotic, Omeprazole and Escape, as a healing and astringent. If it is acute gastritis caused by another reason, then most likely it will only prescribe Omeprazole and Escape, it is possible that the treatment can be done only with Escape. Accept it strictly according to the scheme in accordance with the disease. It should be noted that the pill is taken half an hour before meals and drink plenty of water, it is worth swallowing the pill whole without breaking. Usually the duration of treatment is from 4 to 8 weeks.

Principles of treatment of gastric diseases

The main principle of the treatment of gastric diseases is an integrated approach.

An important role is played by the diet, which shouldstick to the patient. Usually, it excludes all fat, fried, salty and spicy, that is, everything that in some way can irritate the already inflamed gastric mucosa. In some cases, fruit, some vegetables (cabbage, tomatoes) and black bread are excluded.

pills for stomach pain

It should pay attention to the continuoustreatment with drugs prescribed by the doctor, and drink them strictly as he prescribed. Compliance with these recommendations will facilitate your speedy recovery.

When self-medication is unacceptable?

Despite the fact that doctors always adviseseek help from professional doctors, not all people attach great importance to inconvenience from the gastrointestinal tract. And the symptoms can be suppressed by antacids ("Maalox", "Almagel"), which is fundamentally wrong. Antacids do relieve pain for a while, but then it comes back again because antacids are symptomatic, that is, they relieve symptoms, but do not cure the disease itself. In this case, if a person has an ulcer, then, removing the symptom, he can start such a serious disease. In this case, you should consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. Or, to relieve a painful symptom, take the drug “Escape”, because it treats, among other things, ulcerative lesions.

Contraindications to the use of tablets for stomach pain

Often contraindication to the use of tablets fromstomach pain is intolerance to any component of the drug or the presence of allergies. If you take, for example, the frequently used "Omeprazole", then you can find out that it is contraindicated in people who have gastritis with low acidity. Also, it can not be applied to those who have osteoporosis, because this drug contributes to the leaching of calcium contained in bones.

Широко применяющийся антацидный препарат "Maalox" can cause a change in taste, nausea and vomiting, and if you use this drug for a long time, it may impair the activity of the kidneys.

Препарат «Эскейп» в данном случае отличается better patient tolerance and safety. It is practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and therefore does not affect the activity of other human organs. The only category of patients who are not recommended to use it is pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 4 years old.

Escape has a complex effecteliminating not only the symptoms, but also helping to deal with the cause of discomfort, such as gastritis. If pain is associated with dyspepsia, Escape works locally, reducing inflammation and minimizing pain.


Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract -common problem, because of the fast pace of life, it is difficult to eat rationally. Often we intercept something on the run, eat fast food or take long breaks in eating and do not think about how this all affects our stomachs. But it is worth remembering that the gastrointestinal tract is a very vulnerable system, so you should treat it carefully, otherwise you may encounter problems such as gastritis or an ulcer.

To save your stomach, you should payattention to the drug "Escape", which is one of the most effective drugs to eliminate stomach pain and treat gastrointestinal problems. This drug is effective both in complex application and in monotherapy, because its spectrum of action is quite wide: it heals, restores mucous membrane, and also fights with pylori helici if pain in the stomach is caused by its activity. Escape helps even if used as a symptomatic remedy, as it forms a protective film on the gastric mucosa, eliminating inflammation. In addition, due to the safety of the remedy, if the stomach hurts, the Escape pills can be used to relieve symptoms before going to the doctor and making an accurate diagnosis.