/ / What are the pains in the stomach that give in the back

What are the pains in the stomach saying in the back

Situations when there are pains in the stomach,giving in the back, happen very often. What they can testify and why they arise, we will consider in this article. Of course, only the doctor can determine the exact cause, prescribe the correct treatment, accordingly, he too.


stomach pain giving in the back
Whatever the reasons for the unpleasant sensations,You need to see a doctor, especially if they do not abate for a long time. Pain in the stomach, giving in the back, are often signs of the following diseases.

  1. Pancreatitis.This is the most common reason why patients consult a doctor when talking about a similar kind of pain. Pancreatitis is a violation of the functionality of the pancreas. Can be present in both acute and chronic forms. Pain in the stomach, diarrhea, bloating, vomiting - all these are symptoms of pancreatitis, worsening at night or after eating.
  2. Печеночная колика.It is provoked by the appearance of physical overwork and irregular feeding. It occurs against the background of cholelithiasis. Acute pain, which characterizes the hepatic colic, appears in the right subcostal area. Along with it, fever may increase, nausea may appear.
  3. Diseases of the stomach.Signs of ulcers can be sharp, sharp pain, radiating to the shoulder blades, shoulder, back. If there is suspicion of precisely such a disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, it is best to call an ambulance. An ulcer can be a serious danger to human health.
  4. Diseases of the gallbladder.Stomach pains radiating to the back, appearing at the same time as a bitter taste in the mouth — all this speaks of disturbances in the gallbladder. In some cases, possible spasms of the intestine, dizziness.
    back pains

How to be?

If the pain is so severe that it is impossible evenTo find a comfortable position, is long and not affected by painkillers, it is best to contact an ambulance. If you have an ulcer, there is a suspicion of its recurrence, then no drugs can be consumed before the arrival of the doctors.

Signs of what diseases can yet be back pains?

Other diseases may have similar symptoms. Back pain can be combined not only with pain in the stomach. They may also indicate:

stomach pains diarrhea

  • having kidney and bladder problems;
  • diseases of the reproductive system in women (myoma, cervical erosion, and so on);
  • liver problems.

Stomach pains radiating to the back are eliminated.by treating the original cause, that is, the disease that caused them. The doctor will help determine it. First you need to turn to the therapist, and then he will tell you whether you need a gastroenterologist to check the stomach and the digestive system, or any other doctor. In any case, it is strictly forbidden to begin treatment without a specialist’s diagnosis, since the pain described earlier may indicate the presence of various diseases. If the cause of the pain is still a problem with the stomach, then after a successful treatment a special diet will be prescribed by the doctor, which will help to avoid a recurrence of the exacerbation situation.