The trigeminal nerve, the symptoms of inflammation of whichmanifest themselves in severe pain - a special education that covers the entire face of a person. One of its branches is located on the forehead, the second on the upper jaw and the third on the lower jaw. From each of these parts there are even smaller ones.
Causes of inflammation
The main cause of problems associated with ternarynerve, is usually squeezing. After some injuries on the face can form tumors and adhesions. They are often the cause of squeezing. On the ternary nerve, the symptoms of inflammation which are extremely unpleasant and painful, the displacement of arteries or veins can also affect. Of course, compression in this case occurs only when they are located in close proximity.
Symptoms of the disease
The trigeminal nerve, the symptoms of inflammation of whichmanifested in the form of attacks sharp, similar to electric shocks pain, the treatment is difficult to give. Provoke unpleasant feelings can such actions as brushing your teeth, massage, shaving, etc. In particular, pain often occurs when the nasolabial fold is applied. Sometimes seizures are accompanied by muscle spasms. In this case, on the face there is a painful tick.
Methods of treatment
It is rather difficult to get rid of this problem. Treatment of inflammation of the ternary nerve - the process is very versatile and time-consuming.
Of course, the method of treatment is chosen onlyafter carrying out all necessary to identify the causes of the disease activities. It often happens that the ternary nerve, the symptoms of inflammation that appeared after a visit to the dentist, can be corrected by rearranging an improperly installed seal. Sometimes for the removal of seizures should be cured pulpitis. This removes the nerve from the affected tooth. To get a full idea of the causes of the problem, the doctor often sends the patient for examination to an immunologist, an endocrinologist, an allergist, etc.
Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - the disease is extremelyunpleasant. Most often they suffer from elderly people, especially women. Of course, doctors will have to visit in case of occurrence of similar troubles necessarily. However, you can also try to take pain off with folk methods. The nervous system is relaxed, for example, decoction of the motherwort or St. John's wort, as well as valerian.