/ Henna allergy: symptoms and treatment. Henna for eyebrows

Allergy to henna: symptoms and treatment. Henna for eyebrows

Henna is a natural dyeorigin, which is produced from the leaves of the bush Lawsonia. These leaves have disinfectant qualities, therefore, used in medicine, cosmetology. With the help of henna, they treat various skin diseases, dye hair, nails, eyelashes or eyebrows, and also make paintings on the body. Henna is of different shades, from orange to dark red, it all depends on the origin of the powder, as well as its quality.

Так, высокое качество продукта достигается путем assembling the upper leaves of lawsonium, it turns out dark in color and is used to paint the body. Lower leaves are used to make powders and hair dyes. It often happens that a person has an allergy to henna, although it is considered a hypoallergenic product. Why is this happening, we'll talk today.

henna allergy

Hypersensitivity to henna

Quality henna is non-allergenic, but init's very difficult to find it now. Basically, all are faced with low-quality products, which have a low cost. Therefore, the question of whether henna causes allergy, is quite appropriate. Certain reasons provoke negative reactions of the organism, which depend on the method of using the product. If hair dye is used, the allergy manifests immediately, therefore it is recommended to immediately wash it off with clean water.

For body painting apply henna withsynthetic additives that give it a dark color, for example, aniline, ursol or paraphenylenediamine. The latter is considered to be poison, which provokes the appearance of allergic reactions not immediately, but ten days later. Moreover, if the dye is not removed from the skin, allergies will manifest itself more and more.


Often, henna allergy occurs due tothe use of pesticides in the cultivation of lausonia, as well as polluted ecology in those places where it grows. A poor-quality product is also made by adding components with toxic substances that can not only increase durability and effect, but also cause negative reactions.

Often, allergies occur for the first time when a personAlready used henna several times. This is explained by the low-quality product, which may have been caught this time. Or a person has a weakened immunity after the disease. And also often the master unfairly performs painting with henna, he does not observe in this case the rules for working with her.

eyebrow henna allergy


The first signs appear in the form of congestion.nose, as well as tearing eyes, sore throat. Further breathing difficulties may be observed, asphyxiation, asthma attacks. Skin rash appears, accompanied by itching and redness. In some cases, there is vomiting, indigestion and fatigue.

Also eyebrow henna allergy can causeangioedema or anaphylactic shock, which requires immediate hospitalization. If the composition of henna includes paraphenylenediamine, the reaction manifests itself in the form of puffiness, suppuration in the place where the drawing is applied. It has a permanent character and is acutely manifested at night, accompanied by painful sensations. The picture becomes unaesthetic.

The above symptoms are formed throughshort period of time after interacting with the allergen. In some cases, the reaction may occur after a few hours or days. In this case, the result may be a change in skin color, the formation of scars that can not disappear even after the treatment. If henna hair has been dyed, in this case there is a local reaction, accompanied by a rash and reddening of the skin of the head, itching. In the case of re-staining allergy will only increase, causing more serious consequences.

In the case of henna tattoos, the allergenenters the bloodstream, causing the serious complications listed above. The risk group includes people who have neurodermatitis, acne, asthma, dermatosis, or allergic reactions to pollen, wool, and others. Thus, the symptoms of the disease depend on the individual characteristics of the organism and the method of henna use.

 henna painting


If you are allergic to henna, what to do -tell an allergist. At the reception he needs to give full information about the state of health. Properly collected history is key to the success of subsequent treatment. Next, the doctor conducts laboratory tests, during which the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood is determined. It is a special protein that produces the body in large quantities when an irritant penetrates it, and also eliminates allergen cells, destroying healthy cells, which promotes the formation of inflammation.

Then carry out allergic tests.To do this, take the blood and examine it. Or spend skin tests, which make it possible to accurately determine the stimulus. But this is done in the event that there are no wounds or damages on the skin.

First aid

If, after visiting the beautician, you are allergic to henna for eyebrows or hair, this causes swelling and itching, you should do this:

  1. The affected areas are well washed with water without soap, as it provokes greater inflammation of the skin during allergic reactions.
  2. You must take an antihistamine, such as "Zodak" or "Suprastin."
  3. Apply ice to affected areas by placing it in a towel or bag.

When after first aid symptomscontinue to develop, you need to see a doctor. Otherwise, the development of dangerous complications such as angioedema or anaphylactic shock may occur. In this case, the doctor makes an injection of adrenaline, uses corticosteroids.

henna allergy treatment


Если аллергия на хну проявляется остро, You must immediately contact the medical facility. The specialist will diagnose and determine the cause of the allergic reaction, which needs to be differentiated from irritation from the burn, which appeared due to synthetic additives in henna.

In order not to consult a doctor, it is recommendedConduct a preliminary test of the sensitivity of the skin to henna. A little paste is applied on the skin and left for one day. If the reaction does not occur, then you can apply this product. When water is added to henna, it becomes green, and after forty minutes it acquires a brown tint. If it contains synthetic additives, it will be blue or contain lumps of heterogeneous consistency. In any case, henna allergy treatment involves antihistamines, as well as antibiotics and hydrocortisone-based drugs. Gels with antibacterial effect and hormonal ointments are often prescribed.

henna allergy what to do

Alternative medicine

Nowadays, henna allergy can be treated withhelp of traditional medicine. In this case, use decoctions of calendula, chamomile or sage. These broths wash, rinse the head, wipe the affected skin, make compresses. The main thing in this case - to know if there is an allergic reaction to pollen, otherwise you can only aggravate the situation.

does henna cause allergies


Before using henna is recommendedsamples for negative reactions. The solution is applied to the region of the forearm and left for a day, and then evaluate the result. It is also necessary to study the composition of the paste well to reveal the presence of synthetic additives in it. All cosmetology procedures should be carried out only by a proven master.