/ / Indapamide: feedback from specialists and patients

Indapamide: feedback from specialists and patients

"Indapamide" (trade name IndapamideStade) belongs to the group of modern antihypertensive drugs. Diuretic, a good vasodilator, the drug accelerates the work of calcium channels, promotes increased excretion of sodium in the urine, improves the elasticity of arterial walls. Virtually without affecting the amount of lipids in the blood plasma and carbohydrate metabolism, the "Indapamide" (by the name of the active substance) reduces the hypertrophy of the heart muscle, reduces the overall peripheral resistance of the vessels.

A remarkable property of the drug is that,that even prescribed in very high doses, it does not affect the degree of pressure decrease, although diuresis (the volume of urine formed in the body) increases significantly.

To achieve the effect, the "Indapamide"reviews of doctors are unanimous in this matter, it is necessary to appoint for a long reception. In this case, the increase in the positive effect of the drug is gradual: the first effect is noticeable after 2 weeks, the maximum effect after 12 weeks. The effect of the drug persists for two months.

If the drug is taken only once, then its effect will not occur before 24 hours.

Careful observation was carried out in the hospitalsfor patients with hypertension who underwent a course of treatment with the drug "Indapamide". The patients' comments allow us to conclude that the medicine is best taken early in the morning, only once a day. If the tablets do not have a prolonged action, the initial dose is usually in the range of 1.25-2.5 mg. Indapamid retard appoint one and a half milligrams per reception.

The medicine is presented in pharmacies in different treatment forms. These are capsules, usual or prolonged tablets, tablets in a shell.

All types of medicines are sold without a prescription, but this does not mean that the substance can be drunk without the appointment of a doctor.

"Indapamide", the doctors' reviews are unanimous and in this matter, with uncontrolled use can bring significant harm to the body.

First, the drug "Indapamide" has a lotside effects. And among them there may be such severe reactions as vertigo (sensation of constant rotation), depression, drowsiness or insomnia. Often, when uncorrected treatment appears rapid heartbeat, anxiety, dyspeptic abnormalities. With such violations of "Indapamid", the experts' opinions are unambiguous, it should be canceled. In extreme cases, reduce the dose of the drug. If this is not done, then continued treatment can disrupt liver function, cause anorexia, change the chemical composition of the blood.

Secondly, with an overdose, a sharp increase in adverse reactions to a critical value is possible.

Finally, this medicine is not shown to everyone.

In particular, people who suffer from insufficient cerebral circulation, a disorder of kidney or liver function, gout or diabetes, can not drink medicine.

What do patients who take the drug think"Indapamide"? Reviews, of course, are ambiguous. Someone notes a good final effect after the course of treatment, someone complains about an excessive number of adverse reactions, and someone has not experienced any negative actions.

This variety of reviews only emphasizes once again: each organism is individual. To determine the appropriateness and dosage of the drug for everyone should only a doctor.

What is the difference between "Indapamide"?The responses of both doctors and patients emphasize the availability of the drug, its democratic price (no more than 80 rubles). In addition, the medicine has many analogues. The Russian "Indapamid Stada" can be replaced with the Russian drugs "Indopamide Hemofarm", "Ravel SR", "Arifon" and the like. In total, more than 20 analogues of medicine of Russian origin are listed in the Pharmaceuticals Directory.