Metrogil Denta

Metrogil Denta - ointment dental opalescent, which has a white or almost white color.

One gram of the drug contains 10 mg of metronidazole in the form of benzoate, 500 μg of chlorhexidine gluconate in the form of a 20% solution.

Auxiliary components: carbomer-940, propylene glycol, edetate trisodium, water, levomenthol, sodium saccharin, sodium hydroxide.

Metrogil Denta is a drugcombined, with antimicrobial effect. The medication is used for therapeutic and preventive purposes with dental diseases of an infectious and inflammatory nature. The mechanism of action of the Metrogil Dent gel is due to the properties of Chlorhexidine and Metronidazole.

The first is active to vegetative formsmicroorganisms (Gram-positive and Gram-negative), as well as dermatophytes, yeast, lipophilic viruses. Chlorhexidine acts on bacteria only at elevated temperatures.

Metrogil Denta is used for infectious inflammatory processes of the oral cavity, which include:

  • gingivitis (chronic and acute);
  • gingivitis of Vincent (acute ulcerous-necrotic);
  • periodontitis (chronic, acute, youthful);
  • complicated by gingivitis periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis aphthous;
  • cheilitis;
  • lesions of the oral mucosa caused by the wearing of prostheses;
  • alveolitis postextraction;
  • abscess periodontal;
  • periodontitis.

Contraindications to the use of medicinalof the drug are early childhood (up to six years), hypersensitivity to chlorhexidine, metronidazole, a derivative of nitroimidazole or other components of the drug.

Metrogil Dent during pregnancy and duringlactation is not recommended. The expediency of its use in these periods is determined by the attending physician. There are limitations in the use of the drug by persons with liver diseases accompanied by functional disorders (probably cumulation), as well as with diseases of the peripheral nervous system and circulatory system.

For the duration of treatment, alcohol intake is strictly prohibited.

With gingivitis in children (over six years old) andadults Metrogil Dent applied twice a day on the gum area. To wash off a medicinal gel it is not recommended. The duration of the therapeutic course is from seven to ten days. After applying the drug, abstinence from eating and drinking for at least thirty minutes is recommended.

For the treatment of periodontitis after removal of dentaldeposits processing of periodontal pockets and application of the application on the gum area. The duration of exposure is about half an hour. The number of procedures will depend on the severity of the disease. The application of the gel during the treatment of the patient can be carried out independently.

Therapy of aphthous stomatitis is recommended to be carried out twice a day. The gel is applied to the oral mucosa for seven or ten days.

Prevention of exacerbation of gingivitis and periodontitis inchronic form is carried out at least two to three times a year. The duration of the course is from seven to ten days. The drug is recommended to be applied to the gums twice a day.

Prevention of postextraction alveolitisis the treatment of the well with the gel of the removed tooth. In the future, the drug is used on an outpatient basis. The duration of the course when applied two to three times a day - from seven to ten days.

If you follow the instructions and recommendations of your doctorlocal application of the drug in rare cases causes side effects in the form of headache, allergic reactions (itching, urticaria, or rash).

It should be noted that the use of dental gel does not replace hygienic cleaning of teeth.