/ / How to treat a cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester)? Treatment at home with folk remedies

How to treat a cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester)? Treatment at home with folk remedies

The time when a woman carries under her heartkid, is very exciting and responsible. After all, how the pregnancy will proceed depends on the health and further development of the newborn baby. In most cases everything goes smoothly. However, many future mothers face viral and bacterial diseases at least once for the entire period. How to treat a cold during pregnancy? The 3rd trimester is safer in this regard than the first part of the term.

how to treat a cold during pregnancy 3 trimester

This article will tell you about the main waysdrug correction. Also, you can find out what is the treatment of the common cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester. The opinion of specialists in this regard will be presented to your attention below.

Colds during pregnancy (3rd trimester)

How to treat an ailment?If you are faced with such a pathology, it is worthwhile to see a doctor for appointments. Gynecologists very much do not advise to be engaged in a selftreatment. This can lead to the development of such consequences as polyhydramnios or hypochlorism, retardation of fetal development or even fetal death.

Why does a cold appear during pregnancy (3trimester)? How to treat a pathology - will be described below. To begin with it is necessary to tell about the reasons of development of an infection. During the waiting period for the child, the woman's body becomes more vulnerable. Immediately after fertilization, the immune defense decreases somewhat. This is to ensure that the fetal egg is not rejected by the woman's body. This condition is maintained for the entire period of bearing the baby.

cold during pregnancy

Pregnancy in a woman lasts normally 9-10months. From this we can conclude that some part of this term, one way or another, falls on the cold season. The most common epidemics occur in the fall and winter time. Future mothers are at risk. After all, these women can not inject vaccines that prevent infection. That is why so often there is an infection in the period of bearing of the child. Cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester) treatment should be mandatory. You can not let the process go by itself and idle. This is fraught with consequences.

The method of treatment depends on the nature of the disease: bacteria or viruses?

Before treating a cold during pregnancy (3term), it is necessary to visit a doctor and learn about the nature of the disease. If this infection is a virus, then the drugs will be alone. Bacterial infections are treated with completely different means. At the same time, doctors say that with the defeat of microbes, antiviral drugs practically do not have any strength. Similarly, antibiotics work. They absolutely can not cope with the viral pathology. Often, future mothers incorrectly make a diagnosis and conduct the wrong treatment.

Also many representatives of the weaker sex,who are in an interesting position, try to use folk remedies for treatment. Perhaps in some ways this is correct. However, many recipes of traditional medicine should be used with extreme caution. So, some herbs are contraindicated for expectant mothers because they can cause spontaneous abortion. Let's consider the basic methods, telling how to treat colds during pregnancy (3rd trimester).

Immunomodulating agents

So, the woman showed a cold withpregnancy (3rd trimester). Than to treat it? In the first two-thirds of the term doctors strongly do not recommend the use of funds to enhance immunity. However, in the last trimester, the use of such formulations is possible. It is worth recalling that in this case it is always necessary to take into account the risk to which the baby may be exposed. It is compared to the benefit that the future mother will get.

cold during pregnancy 3 trimester than to treat

Among immunomodulating drugs, you canallocate funds containing interferon in their composition. This substance is normally produced in humans during illness. That's why physicians talk about the safety of such compounds. To immunomodulatory drugs can be attributed suppositories rectal "Viferon" and "Kipferon", suppositories vaginal "Genferon". Also there are medicines in the form of tablets, for example, "Anaferon", "Tsikloferon". The same group includes funds on a gel basis or in the form of ointments - "Infagel", "Viferon". We should not forget about the drops for the nose - "Interferon". All these formulations should be used strictly according to the instructions and in the indicated dosage. They provoke the immune response of the body, helping them to cope with the infection.

Antiviral formulations

How to treat a cold during pregnancy (3trimester) if it is caused by a virus? The most effective drug in this case will be an antiviral drug. These include "Kagocel", "Citovir", "Ergoferon" and so on. They are contraindicated for admission in the first period of pregnancy. However, in the third trimester can be taken as prescribed by the doctor.

treatment of common cold during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

If you want to protect yourself thoroughly, thenyou can use Oscillococcinum. This medication refers to homeopathic remedies. Its components are natural and can not harm a woman and her future baby, even at the very beginning of pregnancy. It should be noted that the drug should be used according to the instructions. The composition is not accepted for more than three days. Never break this prohibition without the advice of a doctor.

Eliminate the common cold

How to treat a cold during pregnancy?The 3 trimester is a time when it is very dangerous to use vasoconstrictive drops for nasal sinuses. However, the disease is often accompanied by nasal congestion. In this case, the future mother's breathing is broken. The result of this symptom may be fetal hypoxia. The kid does not get enough oxygen, and it's very dangerous.

How to release the nose?Doctors recommend using salt formulations for washing. As everyone knows, salt attracts liquid. With stuffiness of the nose, the tissues swell and overflow with a certain substance. The use of salt solutions helps not only to remove swelling, but also to clear the nasal passages from bacteria, mucus and fungal lesions. Among such drugs can be identified "Aquamaris", "Aqualor", saline. Also you can independently conduct a salt treatment. Purchase medications should be used according to the instructions. Home remedy is harmless, it is injected into each nostril with a few drops. After this, it is necessary to blow your nose carefully.

cold during pregnancy 3 trimester treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of a cold in the third trimester shouldaccompanied by the use of medical formulations for the nose. To such can be attributed drops and spray "Pinosol". This product is made of natural herbs and oils. That is why it can be applied on the whole term of bearing a child. Drugs "Derinat" and "Irs-19" are also often used. They are antiviral, and also have an immunomodulatory effect. If the nose is affected by bacteria (as happens with genyantritis), then you can use tampons with ointment "Levomekol" or "Bioparox".

Get Rid of Sore Throat

You have a cold during pregnancy (3trimester)? Than to treat a throat? Painful sensations when swallowing can cause a lot of problems. Often, the future mother because of them refuses to eat. This leads to the fact that the baby loses some of the nutrients. Treatment of sore throat can be carried out with sprays, resorption capsules or lubricating compositions.

To popular drugs for spraying, you cancarry "Tantum Verde". With the bacterial form of the disease, you can use Bioparox. It is also allowed to treat the oral cavity and tonsils with the means "Chlorophyllipt", "Lugol", "Miramistin". A very effective and authorized drug are tablets "Lizobakt". Such a medicine fights not only with pain, but also eliminates inflammation.

Whether to treat a cough?

How to treat a cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester)at home? If you have a cough, the preparations for its elimination can be as follows: "Herbion" (exists for dry and wet cough), "Ambrobe", "Lazolvan" and so on. Some of the medicines listed above are contraindicated in pregnancy. What to do then?

treatment of colds during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

Use the inhaler.This device turns the drugs into small particles of the smallest pair. It must be inhaled. Cough after such a correction takes place after a few days. It is worth noting that inhalation can be carried out using mineral water or conventional saline solution. Treat this symptom necessarily. This is due to the fact that during the cough there is an involuntary tension of the anterior abdominal wall. This circumstance can provoke premature contraction of the genital organ and cause an abortion.

Beat temperature - prevent fever

How to cure a cold during pregnancy?The third trimester is a period in which some antipyretic compounds are contraindicated. So, from the 12th to the 24th week, the temperature increase and pain sensations can be eliminated by means containing ibuprofen. In the last third of pregnancy, this component is strictly contraindicated. That's why before you take this or that medicine, you need to visit a doctor.

cold during pregnancy 3 trimester treatment

Shoot down the temperature better than usual and allaccessible means called "Paracetamol". You can take a pill at a dose of 125, 325 and 500 milligrams. Also often future mothers use candles "Cefekon" with a dosage of 100 milligrams. This is a children's drug, approved for use during pregnancy. Remember that antipyretic compounds should be taken already when the thermometer appears figure 37.5. A further increase in temperature can lead to disastrous consequences.

The need for antibiotics during pregnancy

If there was a cold during pregnancy (3rd trimester), how to treat? The doctors' comments indicate that antimicrobial drugs may sometimes be required. Indications for their use will be as follows:

  • increase in body temperature for more than five days;
  • the appearance of thick green mucus from the nose;
  • appearance of pus when coughing;
  • wheezing in the bronchi when listening with a stethoscope;
  • white purulent ulcers in the mouth and tonsils.
    cold during pregnancy 3 trimester how to treat reviews

During pregnancy the safestAn antibacterial agent is a drug based on amoxicillin. These include "Amoxiclav", "Flemoksin", "Flemoklav" and so on. Do not forget that similar compounds contain additional components that may be dangerous for your unborn child. Antibiotics should not be taken immediately before childbirth. If a woman falls ill at the end of pregnancy, the doctor chooses the treatment regimen individually. Standard antibiotic therapy with drugs is carried out from three to seven days.

Taking vitamins

Virtually every pregnant woman takes vitamin complexes. However, during the period of illness this is not enough. An expectant mother needs an extra dose of vitamin C at this point.

You can buy the drug "Askorutin" and drinkhis instructions. There is also the following option: buy regular ascorbic acid. It can be in the form of yellow dragees or round large tablets. Take this vitamin every day. The daily rate is 1 gram. It is necessary to monitor the occurrence of the reaction. If you have an allergy, immediately consult a doctor, stopping treatment.

Cold during pregnancy (3 trimester): treatment of folk remedies

Many women chooseIt is this method for correction. They believe that drugs can harm the baby. However, grandmother's recipes may be no less dangerous. So, if you have a cold during pregnancy (3 trimester), how to treat folk remedies? Consider a few popular and effective recipes.

cold during pregnancy 3 trimester how to treat folk remedies

Tea Brewing

How to cure a cold during pregnancy (third trimester)? Drink warm broths.

  • Among the effective can be identified ginger. To make it, chop the ginger root and pour boiling water over it. This tool enhances the body's immune defense and fights against germs.
  • Raspberry tea is also very popular.This tool reduces body temperature and removes toxins from the body. It is worth saying that a large amount of hot crimson broth can cause premature contractions.
  • Herbal teas (chamomile, thyme, mint) have anti-inflammatory effects. Their use favorably affects the throat. You can also drink herbal tea with the addition of honey or lemon.

Warming up

When pregnancy is absolutely impossible to soar legsand bask in the bath. This may trigger the onset of labor. However, doctors sometimes prescribe mustard plasters. Think a few times before applying such folk remedies.

Very good for colds helps homeinhalation. To do this, boil the potatoes and place the pan on a stool. Cover yourself with a blanket and take a breath of steam. After that, it is advisable to drink hot tea and go to bed.

Nose and throat

To cure cold in the third trimesterpregnancy, you can use a bow. Squeeze the vegetable juice and mix it with a few drops of olive oil. Let the compound stand for a few hours. After that, bury one drop in each nasal passage three times a day.

Garlic is also a natural antibiotic. You can of course add it to dishes. However, a greater effect will be when you eat a raw root vegetable.

cold during pregnancy 3 trimester how to treat reviews photo


During the illness in the body of the future motherintoxication occurs. Harmful substances must be removed. It will help to make it ordinary water. Drink at least two liters of fluid. In this case, you can not take into account teas, broths, soups and other liquid products. Remember that if the restriction in drinking is recommended by a doctor, then you should not violate this prohibition. To start, consult your gynecologist or therapist. Only after that change the previously given recommendations.


You now know what features it hascold during pregnancy (3 trimester). How to treat, reviews, photos of some drugs are presented in this article. Remember that during this period you are greatly responsible not only for your well-being, but also for the health and development of the future baby. At the first sign of a cold, contact your gynecologist or general practitioner. Only a doctor will be able to choose an individual and safe treatment for you. Be healthy!