There is such a belief that a newborn babyhas smooth fingers and palms. When he gets older, curls and lines become noticeable on them. The more obstacles in life you have to overcome, the more difficult these patterns will be.
In fact, papillary patterns are formedthe fetus is already at week 12. They appear when the nervous system is laid down. The characteristics of the temperament and nervous organization of a person really depend on the characteristics of such drawings.
Papillary drawings are linear elevations of small width and height, which, curving, weave into a variety of patterns, located across the palm and separated by small grooves.
Features of the structure
Our skin is made up of three main balls. These are the upper (epidermis), derma (actually skin) and subcutaneous fatty tissue.
The dermis consists of a net and papillary ball.The latter are elevations of various shapes and heights. Some areas of the body are covered with smooth skin, others consist of linear elevations in the form of scallops (papillary lines). From such lines papillary patterns are formed. They are covered with the palms and soles of human feet.
Scallops are details of such patterns and maytell an experienced fingerprint doctor about the type of nervous system of the newborn. Some properties of papillary patterns can warn about abnormal development of the baby.
In addition, everyone knows the abilities of people who study palmistry, predict the future along the lines on their palms.
Types of papillary patterns
The drawings on the palms are a kind of genetic cipher, unique for each person.
By type, you can distinguish such papillary patterns: arc, loop, curl.
Characteristic of arc patterns
Such drawings are the simplest.They are made up of two streams of papillary lines, which originate at one edge of the finger and end at the opposite. The middle is arc-shaped figures. Such patterns have no internal pattern. Nor do they have deltas.
There are such types of papillary arc patterns:
- Simple. The center of the finger has a smooth lift, which formed the papillary lines.
- Tent or pyramidal. In the middle part you can see the rapid movement of the lines to one another with the formation of a bend. Its inner part is covered with subtle strokes.
- With uncertain structure. Figure can not be attributed to any particular type.
- False loop. Sometimes the arrangement of the arcs is such that a specialist in fingerprinting with little experience can confuse them with a loop pattern. These lines do not end in a loop.
- False-curled. The pattern formed by the papillary lines of the inner part of the arc resembles a curl, but it has other features.
- Rare patterns.It happens that the arcs have a clearer manifestation near the edges of the finger pads with the central part in the form of a tent, on the outer part there are eyelets and heads. Such an imprint is identified as an arc and referred to as rolling imperfections.
Features loopback patterns
This type of pattern is not uncommon.It consists of three streams of lines that have a beginning at the extreme part of the fingertips. Wrapping the loop, the lines return to their beginning. Loop patterns form a series of loops, which are located one in another. The center of such a pattern should be a complete loop head or a complete loop.
On the fingertips you can notice the center andthe delta. The center is the area in which the papillary lines turn. In the delta region, all flows merge. The most concave part of the loop is called the head. It has a top at the point of rotation of the scallops. The lines that diverge are the legs.
Types of loopback patterns
Patterns are divided into simple, closed, curved. In addition, there are parallel or double, false-curl patterns.
Depending on where the legs of the loops look, they can be radial, ulnar. In the first case, the legs are directed to the thumb, in the second - to the little finger.
If the loop head moves to the edge, then this means that the pattern is not rolled and is not classified. The direction of the legs of the loops may be different.
Curl Patterns
They are made up of curls that were formed from three streams of lines directed towards each other. The pad has two deltas located on both sides.
The form of curls can be different. This can be an ellipse, oval, closed and open spirals.
These types of papillary patterns are quite rare. There is an opinion that a person who has such patterns is highly talented and gifted.
Papillary patterns are characterized by the following properties:
- Individuality. Even Siamese twins do not have identical patterns on the fingers. Matches of papillary patterns are excluded.
- Sustainability. Throughout life patterns remain unchanged. Only their size can change.
- Patterns are printed when touching on things and objects and form a clear picture.
- The ability to regenerate. After severe damage to the epidermis, patterns are restored over time. When the dermis is damaged, distinctive signs of papillary patterns appear - scars and scars.
Such qualities are indispensable for fingerprint research, they help to identify the person.
Palmists, studying the lines of fingers and palms, muchThey learn about a person, his present and future, although this is considered more entertainment. But even in official medicine, papillary patterns of hands are used to determine the state of human health.
Even if the changes in the figures do not occur, but you can notice the strengthening of some details. For example, you can notice a thickening of the scallops, an increase in the tubercles on the palms, the consolidation of papillary lines.
Types of handprints
Handprint depending on the wayeducation is volumetric or surface, colored or colorless, less visible or invisible, static or dynamic. By location - local and peripheral.
Объемными следами называют трехмерные mappings that are the result of contact of the palms with plastic surfaces. Such traces remain on the oil, cheese, plasticine, icy surfaces, etc.
A surface mark on a solid surface occurs when a trace-forming substance is peeled off or laminated. There is a colorless and painted, low-visible and invisible mark.
Статический отпечаток руки образуется в состоянии rest when there is no movement of objects. Such prints give the most accurate picture of the external structure of the object, which left a mark (traces of shoes on the ground, fingerprints on the glass).
Dynamic trail occurs when objects move. For example, when drilling, cutting, sawing, sliding, etc.
Within the boundaries of the interaction of surfaces that are in contact, a local imprint appears. The peripheral footprint is the result of a change beyond their boundaries.
Character and patterns on the palms
There are many combinations of papillary patterns, and even experienced palm tellers or dactyscopists cannot study them.
But some types of papillary patterns can tell about the temperament of a person.
Particular attention should be paid to the large cushionfingers: if there is a radial loop on it, this indicates that a person is choleric by temperament. The main features of his character are the desire for leadership, the ability to bring everything to the end, high intelligence, a quick change of emotions. If such a pattern is observed in a woman, then she has male qualities.
The presence of the elbow loop pads largefingers indicates an open person, the ability to adapt to any team and any situation. Ring finger with the same pattern - a sign of talent.
The elbow loop on the index finger indicates that a sanguine person has the ability to adapt to circumstances or change them in his favor. Pleasant to communicate.
A little finger with a similar pattern is a good sign. A person is able to find a way out of any situation.
Those who have curls and spirals on the palmsdifferent unpredictability. Unary indicate the ability to bypass difficult situations. Deep, in the form of a funnel, they say that a person has a complex psyche, and it will not be easy to solve it. Spiral curls - a sign of heightened sensuality.
The direction of the scallops helps determine whobefore you - an extrovert or an introvert. If the scallops with the legs tend to the inside of the palm, then the person tends to loneliness. In the opposite case, if the scallop legs are directed to the little fingers, - an extrovert is in front of you.