/ / "Water hump": causes and treatment

"Water hump": causes and treatment

"Widower hump" - this is quite commona disease that most often occurs in mature women. However, recently his "age" began to decline, perhaps because today's young people lead an inactive way of life.

widow hump
Outwardly, this disease manifests itself in the form of curvatureon the transition of the cervical spine to the thoracic department. There are, as a rule, only two vertebrae through which these sections are connected. The appearance of the hump is determined by the overgrown fat layer. This disease can greatly spoil not only the appearance, but also the general state of health, which is why it is so important to consult a doctor at the earliest stage of the disease. Do not wait for the moment when even doctors can not help. And even better - take preventive measures in advance, while the processes occurring in the body can still be affected.

The emergence of the term

Surely many are wondering why thisthe disease is called "widow's hump", because they suffer not only women who prematurely lost their husbands. All this is explained quite simply. The fact is that the term "widow hump" appeared in the Middle Ages, when almost all women in the menopause period (and then the hump begins to appear most often), that is, by the time they were forty, they became widows. And their illness was aggravated by the fact that they went to grief, lowering their heads, thereby contributing to the strengthening of the curvature of the spine. Here is a simple and at the same time eerie explanation.

widow hump, photo
Causes and treatment

First, the "widow's hump" (photo) may arisebecause of a hormonal disorder during the menopause. During this period, the work of the adrenal gland is disrupted, the distribution of adipose tissue changes - it "wanders" from the lower half of the body to the upper one. You can identify this cause by unexpected weight loss of the legs and buttocks. The solution to the problem is a trip to the endocrinologist and treatment with hormonal drugs.

Secondly, the curvature of the spine can becomethe consequence of osteoporosis, in which the bone tissue is thinned, and the vertebrae seem to "sag". Effective will be the visit of the manual therapist and taking a course of calcium-containing drugs.

cervical spine
And, thirdly, the hump may appear due towrong way of living. At risk people who spend a lot of time at the computer and desk. The disease, developed for this reason, is the hardest to cure, because the patient needs an active action. Such a person needs to move a lot, learn to keep a posture, go in for sports (or better yoga), start sleeping on a hard surface and perform special exercises.

What is dangerous "widow's hump"?

Many people underestimate the dangers of thisdisease, considering his only trouble is the deterioration in appearance. In fact, everything is not so simple. Because of the hump, blood circulation is disrupted, which can lead to oxygen starvation of the brain, frequent headaches, increased pressure and even strokes.


In order to prevent the occurrence of"widow's hump," you do not need to do anything out of the ordinary. It is enough to lead a healthy lifestyle, to give time to physical exercises and to be observed in the endocrinologist during the menopause.