/ / This treacherous varices. How to treat at home?

This insidious varicose veins. How to treat at home?

Loss of elasticity of the walls of the saphenous veins thatleads to the formation of nodes in their different areas - it is varicose veins. How to treat this disease at home and can it be avoided? This question is relevant for 40% of the population. This disease is accompanied by a violation of blood flow and the valves and leads to the formation of blood clots.

varicose veins how to treat at home
Causes of varicose veins

Nowadays there are many theories related to why varicose veins arise. The main ones are:

  • hormonal changes: have a strong effect on the vascular system;
  • obesity: increases the load on the lower limbs, which leads to the development of this disease;
  • pregnancy: hormonal changes are present, and the load on the entire body in general and especially on the legs;

I would also like to note that lifestyle alsois of paramount importance in the development of this disease. Stress and strain on the legs during the day, tight underwear, high heels, and, as a result, varicose veins, which is difficult to cure at home.

Symptoms of varicose veins

The initial symptoms of varicose veins are the appearancesmall blood vessels on the surface of the skin, pain and heaviness in the legs (which is most often manifested after fairly strong physical exertion), swelling of the lower extremities.

Treatment of varicose veins

If you already know what varicose veins are,treat this ailment at home, we'll tell you. For varicose veins, it is recommended to wear special elastic bandages and underwear. Exercising such as swimming and walking can also help combat this disease. But do not forget that exercise with a load on the legs is a taboo for this disease.

Varicose veins: how to treat at home
varicose veins at home

If your disease is in its initial stages andIt does not have the status of a chronic disease, you can do the therapy yourself. Home treatment of varicose veins may take a little longer than a surgical or medical intervention, but it is also more gentle for our body. So, folk remedies:

  • When varicose veins are often used infusion of dried nettle. To do this, for 30 minutes, insist the leaves of this plant, filter and take three times a day for a third cup.
  • Apple may also help in the fight against varicose veins.vinegar. It can be taken orally: 2 teaspoons of the substance is taken for a glass of water, it is well stirred and drunk. At one time, you can use 2-3 glasses of such a mixture. You can also wipe problem areas with this vinegar.
  • Fresh potatoes are another helper in the fight.with a disease like varicose veins. How to treat at home this ailment with tubers? Very simple: you need to grate the potatoes. Having made a mush from it, we place this mixture in cheesecloth and apply it to problem areas; this remedy is very effective for ulcers caused by varicose veins.
  • When thrombophlebitis use tincture of flowers of white acacia, with its help problem areas are lubricated.
    home treatment of varicose veins
  • Kalanchoe leaves also come to our aid.Apply most often tincture of this plant. For its preparation, a bottle of 0.5 liters is taken, filled with sliced ​​Kalanchoe leaves and filled with alcohol. Infuse the mixture for a week in a place where direct sunlight does not penetrate, after which the liquid is filtered. She is ready to use. Most often it is used for rubbing the lower limbs.
  • The white cabbage leaf, which beat off, toogood helper in the fight against varicose veins. We lubricate one side of it with vegetable oil, apply it to the affected area and fix it, for example, with a bandage, walk with such a compress for 24 hours.
  • Antonov apples - another tool in the fight againstvaricose veins. Take 3 apples. Cut them and put them in the saucepan. Fill 1 liter. boiling water, close the lid and leave to infuse for 4 hours under a blanket. Then, without taking the apples out of the pan, knead them, turning them into mush. We filter the resulting mixture through cheesecloth and take this infusion with honey (50 ml of a teaspoon of honey) in the morning or before bedtime.
  • Chopped hazel bark: a tablespoon of raw material is poured 500 ml. boiling water and cooked for 10 minutes on the fire, then filtered.
  • Green walnuts (immature) are placed in a jar, pour olive oil and insist 40 days in the sun. We lubricate the sore spots with the finished mixture.
  • Alcoholic tincture from the herb of the rue, which is infused for 10 days in a dark place, is taken in 10 drops, dissolved in a liquid, three times a day.
  • In the fight against varicose veins, it will also help tomato: cut into slices and apply to the affected areas, hold until wilting, then change the slices.
  • Fill the half-liter bottle with birch buds (3/4 capacity) and pour vodka. Lubricate this tincture of the place where the pain occurs.

Diet for varicose veins

It is impossible not to mention that effectiveA remedy in the fight against varicose veins is diet. When such an illness, its fruit variants or on the basis of juices lasting 7-8 days are very useful. Also, do not forget to exclude from your diet alcoholic beverages, coffee, strong tea and starch.

Therapeutic baths for varicose veins

For varicose veins are very effective.therapeutic baths with the use of decoctions of medicinal plants such as chamomile, oak bark, string, etc. It will be useful to add sea salt and essential oils to the water.

Therapeutic gymnastics for varicose veins

In case of varicose veins, light physical exercises will be useful, but do not forget that strong loads on the lower limbs are inappropriate for this disease.