/ / The drug "Trombo ACC". Instructions for use

The drug "Trombo ACC". Instructions for use

Tablets "Trombo ACC" instructions for usecharacterizes as an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agent, antiaggregant. The drug helps reduce blood clotting. The active ingredient is acetylsalicylic acid.

The mechanism of drug exposure is based onreduction of aggregation (adhesion) of platelets due to inhibition in them of synthesis of thromboxane A2 (short-lived compound). In a minimum therapeutic dosage (fifty milligrams), the drug reduces by more than 90% the concentration of this compound and its products in the serum.

Has a medicament "Trombo ACC" antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties.

The tablets are covered with a special enteric-solubleshell, not destroyed by the action of gastric juice. This reduces the risk of undesirable effects on the part of the digestive system.

The drug "Trombo ACC" instructions for userecommends the appointment as a means for primary and secondary prevention of heart attack, disorders in the cerebral circulation according to the ischemic type. The drug is indicated for the prevention of embolism and thrombosis, including in patients with a predisposition to their occurrence.

Medication "Trombo ACC". Contraindications

The drug is not recommended for lack ofglucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, hypothrombinemia, "aspirin triad". Medication "Trombo ACC" instruction for use does not recommend for nephrolithiasis, disorders of blood coagulability, hemophilia, increased bleeding, exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative lesions in the digestive system. Do not prescribe the drug also during lactation, childhood (up to eighteen years), as well as hypersensitivity to acetylsalicylic acid and its derivative.

The tool "Trombo ACC" instruction for use recommends taking internally. As a rule, prescribe fifty to one hundred milligrams a day. Tablets do not need to be softened or chewed.

Medication "Trombo ACC" is recommended to take a long period. The duration of treatment should be determined by a specialist individually.

When taking medication "Trombo ACC" certain side reactions are possible.

The drug can provoke the development of allergies,skin rash, bronchospasm. In patients who are predisposed, the drug may cause asthma attacks. When taking medication "Trombo ACC" in some cases, there is vomiting, diarrhea, nausea. On the background of treatment, iron deficiency anemia (associated with latent bleeding in the digestive tract), thrombocytopenia can develop. In some cases, the duration of menstruation increases, ulcerative lesions occur in the digestive tract, dizziness. Side effects include ringing in the ears, a disorder of kidneys.

As practice shows, the patient's "Trombo ACC" medication is well tolerated. These adverse reactions are extremely rare.

Due to the lowered contentacetylsalicylic acid some experts prescribe a drug "Trombo ACC" in pregnancy for preventive purposes. However, the abstract does not recommend acceptance of the drug in the third trimester, as well as in the second and first trimester as part of a comprehensive treatment. When taking medication during the period of gestation, the patient should be monitored by the doctor.

Due to the low content of aspirin indrug, an overdose is unlikely. Presumptive symptoms when taking high doses of "Trombo ACC" can be: nausea or vomiting, general malaise, tinnitus. In such cases it is recommended to provoke artificial vomiting. Subsequently, a laxative is prescribed, activated charcoal.

Before using the drug "Thrombone ACC" should be familiar with the annotation.