/ / What if acidity is increased?

What if acidity is increased?

Often, when there are unpleasant feelings anddiscomfort in the stomach, we are talking about the increased acidity. However, we rarely understand what it is, how it manifests itself and what is the reason. In fact, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, which promotes active digestion of food. Sometimes its production exceeds the normal value of 1.5 units on an empty stomach, then measures should be taken to eliminate the consequences. So, why is acidity sometimes increased?

increased acidity

Causes and Symptoms

First of all, they affect the level of acidityfood that we choose for a daily diet. Often with a similar affliction, lovers of too sharp and salty dishes, abundantly flavored food, fried with a lot of oil. Also, common causes include the presence of bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking. In the risk group there are also avid coffee lovers. The state of health of a person can not help but affect his psychological state, so regular stress or frequent depression serve as a provocative factor. Currently, doctors say that a person has increased acidity already on a primary examination after a detailed medical history. Special studies in this case is not required. At the initial stage of development, this ailment does not betray its presence, later there is heartburn, stitching pain, an unpleasant eructation. It is necessary immediately to seek help from a doctor, since the symptoms appear to indicate the emergence of serious problems with the stomach.

how to treat high acidity

Acidity increased: general rules

To hope only for medical treatment is extremelystupid, because most of the drugs are aggressive enough to affect the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, one-time disposal of uncomfortable sensations will not provide a full-fledged recovery, so you will have to radically change your lifestyle. For example, you must permanently abandon bad habits, significantly reduce the amount of coffee consumed per day. Encourage yourself to love food and food, eat in small portions, you must thoroughly chew every bit. After eating, you should not drink liquid for an hour, and twenty minutes before eating it is recommended to drink a glass of still water. Of course, we exclude semi-finished products and harmful products with a high content of seasonings.

means of increased acidity
How to treat hyperacidity?

Patients with a similar pathology are assigneda strict diet, presupposing the use of light and quickly digested products. Broths should not be made too rich, soups in the form of mashed potatoes are welcomed. From vegetables it is better to give preference to carrots, potatoes, cauliflower. Of course, fruits of non-acidic varieties have, undoubtedly, a positive effect on the body. You can make baked apples or pears. Meat and fish (low-fat varieties) should be cooked mainly for a couple, you can not fry. In case of an exacerbation of the disease, the doctor prescribes special funds for increased acidity. However, more emphasis is placed on the food system and a healthy lifestyle.