Всем известно, что ряд продуктов самым positive effect on the processes in the human body. One of these essential products is fish oil. In capsules (instructions attached) or in liquid form, it is extremely useful due to the fact that it contains omega-3 fatty acids.
Дело в том, что эти вещества влияют на ДНК (protects the membrane from disintegration), prolong the life of cells, slow down the aging of the body, prevent the appearance and development of arthrosis (a disease that deforms the joints). Fish oil capsules (children are often prescribed it in liquid form) is also necessary in order to supply the body with vitamin D.
Why is it so important to eat fish oil?The fact is that its most important component (Omega-3 acids) must be taken on an ongoing basis in order to preserve youth, beauty and health. Omega-3 is contained not only in fish oil, but also in the fish itself (salmon, mackerel, sardine, trout), in cod liver, as well as in walnuts, soy beans and pumpkin seeds. If we turn to science, then Omega-3 itself are polyunsaturated fatty acids (EPA and DHA). They are vital for the normal development and functioning of the brain, the entire nervous system, as well as the eyes of a child, for the treatment of inflammation. These fatty acids are involved in the processes of gene transcription, and in other cellular processes.
Fish oil capsules (instructions alwaysattached) it is recommended to take regularly, because it will increase the elasticity of the membranes of blood cells, normalize the condition of the blood, reduce its viscosity and remove the risk of blood clots, improve microcirculation in the vessels. Contained in fish oil and a number of vitamins: A, D, E. Vitamin A, as you know, is necessary for the eyes, metabolic processes and immunity. Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium, that is, for bone tissue, as well as for metabolic processes in the skin. In fish oil, it is contained in a fat-soluble form that is safe for the body. Well, vitamin E keeps youth, protecting cells from free radicals, preventing oxidation.
Fish oil capsules (this instruction describesvery clearly shown for children for the prevention of treatment of rickets, fractures and osteoporosis, and for adults with a number of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, skin and for the treatment of diabetes and neoplasms. Children it is prescribed since four weeks, the doctor determines the dose. Adults - a teaspoon or six capsules daily.
Нужно подчеркнуть, что рыбий жир в капсулах (the instruction mentions this), as well as in a liquid form, is contraindicated for people suffering from problems with blood clotting, as well as allergies to cod liver oil. The result can be a classic allergic reaction, even the most terrible. In addition, you should not take this remedy with other vitamins, especially with those complexes that contain A, E and D. Do not take this medicine and with various drugs that dissolve in water.
In general, it should be noted that moreDifferent types and dosages of the drug, such as capsules (fish oil), are popular with customers. 500 mg of the drug - one of the most convenient dosages. In liquid form, medicine is bought less often, because not everyone likes its taste and smell. In capsules, all this is not felt. Well, before use, of course, you should visit the doctor and be examined.