/ / Kidney carbuncle: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Carbuncle kidney: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

What is a carbuncle kidney? How does this disease manifest and why does it develop at all? We will answer these and other questions regarding this pathology in the materials of this article.

carbuncle buds

basic information

Что представляет собой карбункул почки?In modern medicine, this term is used to refer to the purulent-necrotic formation, which is formed in the cortical substance of the above-mentioned organ. The main cause of the development of this disease is the penetration of the bacterial pathogen into the kidneys. This happens from a distant purulent focus along with blood flow.

It should be noted that if theBecause the inflammatory process in the kidneys was not cured at the initial stages of its development, then purulent fusion of the outer walls of the developed formation and, as a result, its contents with further penetration into the pelvis, the medulla of the kidney or perirenal fiber may occur. According to experts, such complications significantly aggravate the course of the disease.

The main reasons for the development

Why does the primary carbuncle kidney?This disease develops when a huge amount of bacteria enters the body from a far-away suppurative focus in the said organ. As a rule, it occurs in the hematogenous way. This process leads to the formation of blood clots in small and large vessels.

If a blood clot forms in only one largevessel, then in the kidney there will be only one focus of septic infarction. If small vessels are involved in this pathological process, multiple foci appear, which slowly merge with each other.

where does it hurt

So why is the carbuncle kidney? Distant causes of infection that can cause this pathology are:

  • osteomyelitis;
  • mastitis;
  • furunculosis;
  • purulent skin lesions;
  • paratonsillar abscess;
  • felon.

In the event that the causes of educationpathology associated with pyelonephritis (including acute), purulent focus may occur due to compression of the vessels (small or large) inflammatory infiltrate.

Experts say that most often in the formation of the carbuncle of the kidneys are involved protei, staphylococcus and E. coli. Also sometimes observed joint effects of these bacteria.

Other reasons

What to do with the development of formations on the kidneys?Only an experienced urologist will tell you about this. The clinic and its specialists will help the patient not only to diagnose this disease, but also to determine the correct and effective treatment tactics.

For what other reasons does the issue occur?pathology? In rare cases, this disease is associated with the occurrence of obstacles that worsen the flow of urine. They may include benign and malignant masses in the urinary organs, calculi in the ureters and prostate adenoma.

kidney inflammation

It should be particularly noted that the probability of forming a carbuncle under the influence of the above factors increases significantly with reduced immunity of the person.

Appearance of education

What does the carbuncle of the left kidney (or right) look like?Visually, this formation is a bulging, which has a rounded shape. At the same time on its section you can see that it consists of small necrotic tissue sections with the content of small pustules in them.

Usually in the process of development, the carbuncle enters the kidney parenchyma. As for the base of this formation, it lies directly on the fibrous membrane.

We can not say that in inflammatorythe process occurring in the kidneys, may be involved in their shell and fiber. If the lesion is located in the upper region of the organ, the infiltrate is able to pass to the adrenal gland. At the same time, signs of his hypofunction often develop.

The main symptoms of the disease

What are the symptoms of carbuncle kidney?This disease can have a completely different clinical picture. In some cases, the symptoms of the disease under consideration are most pronounced. Although it often happens that this pathology does not manifest itself at all.

carbuncle causes and treatment

In case urodynamics in the event ofpurulent-necrotic lesion is not broken, the symptoms of this disease are very similar to the course of the usual infectious process. In this case, the patient has:

  • excessive sweating;
  • chills;
  • tachycardia;
  • temperature increase (up to 40 degrees);
  • nausea;
  • increased breathing;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence.

It should be noted that on the first daythe formation of the carbuncle signs of urination disorders in the patient are completely absent. Also, patients do not have severe pain. In this case, some people have only a slight discomfort in the lumbar region. However, in the process of urine in these patients an increased number of leukocytes is detected. In the latter stages of the disease, pyuria is also detected (that is, pus in the urine).

Other signs of pathology

Where does it hurt if the carbuncle develops in the kidney?Symptoms of this disease partly depend on where the pathological focus is located, as well as on the activity of the inflammatory process and the presence of concomitant abnormalities.

It can not be said that the clinical picture of the carbuncle is determined by the appearance or absence of complete or partial obstruction of the urinary tract.

So where does it hurt with this disease?According to experts, in the late stages of the disease, the patient has pain in the lower back. Moreover, palpation of the discomfort rather easily reveals swelling on the back, particularly from the side of the lesion.

symptoms of carbuncle

Similarity of symptoms

Reception of the urologist, as well as his consultation withdevelopment of the carbuncle of the kidneys - a mandatory procedure. This is due to the fact that if treatment was not started on time, then the progression of the purulent process contributes to the development of appendicitis symptoms.

Very often, the disease hassigns similar to the clinical symptoms of cardiovascular pathologies, liver damage and neuropsychomorphic diseases. Such a course of the disease can quite easily lead to the formulation of an incorrect diagnosis and, consequently, incorrect treatment, which subsequently complicates the course of the underlying ailment.

No signs

Regular reception of the urologist, and also fulla medical examination of the patient is also necessary because the kidney carbuncle may be asymptomatic or with signs of abnormal liver function. Such a state of affairs can lead to the fact that the treatment will not be prescribed in time, and the developing disease will cause a thromboembolism of the vessels in the pulmonary artery or brain.

Diagnostic process

Who should diagnose the subjectdisease? Such a specialist is a urologist. The clinic in which this doctor accepts may be private or public. In any case, the process of diagnosing a carbuncle of the kidney requires a special approach and experience.

Due to the fact that the disease has no specific symptoms, diagnosis is possible only if there is local swelling and pain, as well as x-ray data.

According to experts, to identifyThe carbuncle (the causes and treatment are discussed in this article) is very easy only if it is combined with a lesion of the renal pelvis-pancreas. Also, this disease is diagnosed in the process of urine examination, in which a huge number of white blood cells is detected.

renal drugs

If the carbuncle is localized in the cortical substance of the kidney and at the same time the patency of the urinary tract is not disturbed, then it is quite difficult to identify the disease.

The process of x-ray examination with such a disease reveals a reduced respiratory excursion of the diaphragm. Sometimes the carbuncle may even have the appearance of a tumor.

With ultrasound and computerTomography such a pathology is often defined as the formation of a round or oval shape. If the carbuncle is large, then the deformity of the renal cup system is detected.

Medication Therapy

Preparations from the kidneys and formations in them are sold in many pharmacies. However, such medications should be taken only as prescribed by an experienced doctor.

Many experts argue that even aftersuccessful therapy of the carbuncle kidney, he can recur. As a rule, this happens if the cause of its occurrence has not been completely eliminated.

When a carbuncle is detected in its early stagesThe development of patients can be offered treatment with antibiotics, but only strictly under the control of a urologist. It should be noted that in most cases, such therapy does not give proper results, since the purulent formation significantly complicates the blood flow in the kidney, which does not allow antibacterial substances to penetrate into the lesion.

Recently considered diseasethey began to treat them in a complex manner, using not only antibacterial drugs, but also such a remedy as Cryoprecipitate. The latter is a kind of concentrated mixture obtained from blood plasma. Treatment with this medicine helps to increase the content of fibronectin in the blood, which subsequently contributes to the restoration of blood flow in the affected areas of the kidneys.

carbuncle of the left kidney


Most often after detection of the carbuncle kidneypatients are prescribed emergency surgery, which is carried out by lumbotomy. It should be particularly noted that the tactics of such therapy depends on the condition of the patient, the type of kidney damage, as well as the quality of work of another paired organ.

If the disease in question has destroyed a large part of the kidney, then the person is prescribed a nephrectomy. Usually this method of treatment is indicated for older people.

With an organ-preserving operation that wasconducted in a timely manner, the recovery period of the patient proceeds without any complications. At the same time, patients note a decrease in body temperature and the disappearance of other symptoms of the disease.

During the rehabilitation period the patient may beantibiotic drugs are prescribed. By the way, their choice depends on the sensitivity of the detected microorganisms to various medications. Also such patients are shown laser treatment, detoxification therapy and exercise therapy.