/ "Nikofleks": reviews. "Nikofleks" is an ointment for external use. Instructions for use, analogues, price

Nikofleks: reviews. "Nikofleks" is an ointment for external use. Instructions for use, analogues, price

What components does the drug contain?"Nikofleks"? The composition of this medication and its form will be presented later. Also, you will find out what indications for use the said medication has, if it has analogues and contraindications, what its price is, what the patients say about it, and so on.

никофлекс reviews

Composition, packaging and shape

In what form do they produce Nikofleks? Experts say that this drug has the only existing form - ointment. Sometimes it is called gel or cream.

The active elements of this tool arecapsaicin, ethyl nicotinate and ethylene glycol salicylate. Ointment goes on sale in 50 g in tubes made of aluminum, which are contained in cardboard packages.

Pharmacological features of the external agent

What are the properties of the drug "Nikofleks"? The use of this medicine produces an anesthetic, absorbable and locally irritating effects.

Согласно прилагаемой инструкции, рассматриваемая the ointment contains substances that contribute to the expansion of the vessels at the site of application, and also cause an increase in the temperature of the skin area and a sensation of heat.

The therapeutic efficacy of this drugis due to its composition. According to experts, capsaicin has distracting and irritating properties, ethyl nicotinate - a resorption effect, and ethylene glycol salicylate - anti-inflammatory activity.

After some time starts to actdrug "Nikofleks", the price of which is listed below? As practice shows, the effect of using this tool comes in about a few minutes, and lasts for one hour.

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It should be specially noted that the warming actiondrug, as well as its ability to improve blood flow, positively affect the treatment of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which are of an inflammatory nature.

Operating principle

How does the drug "Nikofleks" work? The gel irritates the receptors of the skin and causes reflex reactions. As a result of this effect, hyperthermia and skin hyperemia occur.

The mechanism of action of this ointment is due toactivation and release of enkephalins and endorphins in the central nervous system, as well as weakening or suppression of pain in areas of inflammation. This occurs through the interaction of stimulating and stimulating pulses in the nervous system.

Indications for use

Why can a patient be prescribed a drug such as Nikofleks? The experts' comments indicate the following indications of this drug:

  • pain in the joints and muscles;
  • sprains and muscles.

It should also be noted that this cream is often used to warm up muscle tissue before and after intense physical exertion.

nicoflex application

Contraindications for use

What conditions and illnesses of the patient forbid using the gel "Nikofleks"? The doctors' comments indicate the following contraindications:

  • the period of breastfeeding;
  • increased sensitivity of the patient to the ingredients of the drug;
  • acute arthritis;
  • children up to six years;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the application of ointment;
  • period of gestation.

It should also be noted that with special care, the medication in question is used at school age (6-12 years), and also with asthma (bronchial, aspirin).

How should I use "Nikofleks" ointment?

Tablets for anesthesia are just as good as the ointment. But, unfortunately, this form of the drug "Nikofleks" does not exist. It is intended for external use only.

According to the attached instructions, beforedirect use of the gel skin over the lesion should be thoroughly washed with warm water and baby soap. Next, the clean area should be wiped dry, then apply a thin layer of the drug to it.

nicoflex analogues

For the greatest therapeutic effect, the gel should be intensively rubbed into the skin. The frequency of use of this drug is 2-3 times a day.

For the purpose of heating up muscle tissue before physical exertion, the medication should be applied with a 4 cm long strip.

If you are concerned about pain in the joints, the "Nikoflex" ointment is recommended to be used once a day for the first three days, and then twice a day (in the evening and in the morning).

Adverse Events

What undesirable reactions can cause the gel"Nikofleks"? Reviews about this medication say that it only in a single case causes an allergy or angioedema. As a rule, this is due to intolerance of the active substances of the drug.

Do not worry if after applying the gelyou observe reddening of the skin, as well as tingling and burning in the area of ​​application. This is a completely normal reaction, which manifests itself at the very beginning of the therapeutic action of the drug.

Следует особо отметить, что на сегодняшний день there is no evidence of an overdose of Nicoflex, which would lead to negative consequences. However, this fact does not mean that the medication in question can be used without supervision and without a doctor's recommendation.

nicofleks tablets

Drug Interactions

According to the instructions, the drug "Nikofleks"is able to intensify the absorption processes of other medicines intended for external use. Therefore, their simultaneous application is undesirable. The interval between applying the ointment in question and other means should be at least two hours.

Special Recommendations

To avoid getting the ointment in the eyes and other mucous membranes after using it, wash your hands with soap and water.

To achieve maximum therapeuticeffect gel should be rubbed into the skin for 3-4 minutes. In this case, the diseased area should turn a little red (sometimes a slight burning sensation is observed).

Shelf life, methods of storage and release

This drug is dispensed in a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. Its shelf life is 5 years. At the end of this period, the medicine must be disposed of. Do not use spoiled ointment.

How should I store the Nikoflex gel? The doctors' comments say that this drug is best preserved in a dark place where the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees.

nicoflex gel

Cost and analogues of external means

Than it is possible to replace such external preparation, as"Nikofleks"? Analogues of this medication are found in almost all pharmacies. The most popular and effective are the following products: "Espol" and pepper plaster "Doctor Pepper". It should be specially noted that both medicines are manufactured in Russia. They also contain capsaicin, which allows you to eliminate any pain syndromes.

How much is the "Nikoflex" ointment?The price of this remedy is not very high. Buy 50 g of the drug you can for 195-220 rubles. One tube of this drug is enough for several treatment procedures.

Patients' comments on the local preparation "Nikofleks"

Ointment "Nikofleks" is a rather popular preparation for topical application. According to the reviews of those who used this medication, he completely copes with the task.

After the application of the gel, pain in the jointsand muscles disappear pretty quickly. At the same time, a very pleasant warming effect is manifested. Applying ointment to the painful areas before going to bed, patients do not feel any discomfort until the morning.

In addition to positive reports about the drug"Nikofleks", sometimes there are negative responses about it. In these patients, patients complain that the medication in question is allergic. However, experts note that many people confuse the normal reaction of the body to the gel with side effects.

nicoflex composition

Also it should be said that in some patients, when the ointment is applied, pressure sometimes decreases and chills appear. In this case, the drug is better to cancel.