Воспаление надкостницы (периостит) может быть chronic and acute. It depends on the characteristics of its course and development. There is also a way to classify inflammation, which we want to bring to your attention. Our main task is to introduce the features of each type of inflammation and its clinical picture.
Simple inflammation of the periosteum.The cause of this disease is trauma (possibly the development of simple periostitis after bruises, fractures) and the close proximity of the inflammatory process in muscles or bone tissues. This is an inflammation of the periosteum, the symptoms of which are expressed in the form of pain and swelling at the site of inflammation, which most often occurs in the region of the tibia, in its periosteum. Often this form of the disease is eliminated independently, without medical treatment and consequences, but there are cases of osteophytes (growths on the bone tissue), as well as deposits of calcium salts.
Fibrous inflammation.The form of this disease is not acute - only chronic. The cause of its development is constant irritation of the periosteum, which happens as a result of peptic ulcer, as well as under the influence of bone necrosis (in the presence of chronic arthritis). This disease is characterized by the formation of fibrous tissue, which leads to the destruction of the bone. This inflammation of the periosteum, the treatment of which is aimed at eliminating the cause, not the effect, and with proper and timely medical intervention, it is quickly eliminated.
One species requiring immediateresponse, is the development of purulent inflammation of the periosteum. In this case, the infection enters the periosteum through the wound from nearby tissues. The main signs of this disease is an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, chills. Complete blood count diagnoses leukocytosis. In the affected area there is a sharp accumulation of pus. When you click on the place filled with pus, there is a fluctuation - oscillations caused by touching the fingers over the inflamed area. As a rule, the disease occurs in an acute form, but sometimes there are more protracted cases that occur, as a rule, in patients with a weakened immune system. Rarely, but there is a development of purulent periostitis without fever and pain symptoms.
There is also inflammation of the periosteum.serum albuminous. It is characterized by the formation of a large amount of exudate (proteinaceous liquid, which contains particles of blood and has a dark red tint). This cluster can reach the limits of two liters. The harm exudate lies in the fact that its accumulation contributes to the detachment of the periosteum from the bone. As a result, bone necrosis may develop. The characteristic symptoms of this type of disease are pain and persistent swelling where there is an inflammation center.
Chronic inflammation of the periosteum is calledossifying It occurs with the constant action of the stimulus on the periosteum. In this case, there is an increase in the size of the bone tissue in the area of the inflammatory process. If the irritant is eliminated, the natural processes of bone formation are resumed. When the development of pathology occurs quickly, it can lead to detachment of the periosteum together with pus inside. Pus, if it has accumulated a large amount, breaks the periosteum, and in places of rupture begins to form bone. The disease continues to develop, and more rapidly.
Any of this disease requires urgent medical advice and immediate treatment.