/ / The drug "Ribomunil": reviews and description

The drug "Ribomunil": reviews and description

Many children's doctors talk about the needcreation of additional protection for children from diseases that have a viral etiology. This can be achieved using drugs that have immunomodulatory properties. One such remedy is the drug "Ribomunil", the reviews of which indicate its effectiveness.

ribomunil feedback

The composition of the medicine "Ribomunil" includes a complexribosomes, isolated from the most common pathogens of infectious processes in the respiratory system. In other words, when using the agent, the graft effect arises, since the ribosomes, penetrating the body, activate the production of antibodies to the viruses.

Таким образом, даже в случае появления насморка и increase in temperature after using the initial dose should not stop using the drug "Ribomunil". Reviews of parents say that such symptoms will soon pass. As a result, children begin to feel better.

The medicine "Ribomunil" for children can begive for the prevention of such inflammatory pathologies as bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. The medicine will also protect against pharyngitis, sore throat, sinusitis, otitis and rhinitis.

Ribomunil instruction

Parents should pay attention thatthe drug should be used according to the scheme described in the recommendation to the drug "Ribomunil". The instruction indicates the need to comply with the dose appropriate to the child's age, and very small children up to six months are best taken in granules that dissolve easily in water. In other cases, you can take the drug in the form of tablets.

Курс лечения должен устанавливать детский врач.After a detailed examination of the baby, he prescribes a regimen of taking Ribomunil. Reviews of patients taking the drug indicate that the duration of the course of therapy is an average of five months. In this regard, to begin treatment better in the spring period, so that by the summer season the body is stronger and has acquired the necessary protection against viruses. Such measures will safely meet the rainy autumn and frosty winter, when the incidence in kindergartens and schools increases.

ribomunil for children

Some pediatricians only recommend it in the autumntake the drug "Ribomunil." Reviews of parents who treated their children according to this scheme, say that their children were sick less often and suffered a cold much easier.

If the child after or during admissionthe medicine is sick, it is necessary to consult a doctor about changing the dosage of the drug "Ribomunil". The doctors' comments indicate an increased effect from the use of other medications when used together. Therefore, in some cases, you should not stop taking Ribomunyl tablets.

Also, do not expect that the curative effectwill come quickly. The medicine has the property only to force the body to synthesize immune cells. And the speed of this process depends largely on the individual characteristics of the child's body.