/ / Preparation "Eglonil": reviews and description

Preparation "Eglonil": reviews and description

The drug "Eglonil" is antipsychoticA drug that has a mild stimulating and antidepressant effect. The main active substance of the drug is sulpiride, which has a dual effect on the body.

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At low doses, the stimulating effect manifests itself, at high, on the contrary, the activity of the nervous system is suppressed and the hyperactivity decreases.

The preparation "Eglonil": description and form of release

Due to the productivity of sulpiride,peristalsis of the intestine, metabolism, blood supply. In addition, signs of neuralgia, dizziness and intestinal spasms are removed. Also, the drug refers to strong antiemetic drugs.

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Manufacturers issue medicine in the form oftablets, capsules with powder and solution for injection "Eglonil". The reviews of many patients who used the drug indicate the presence of complete analogues. Of the means having a similar chemical formula and spectrum of action, it is possible to isolate preparations "Restful" and "Sulpiride".

Indications and contraindications for the use of Eglonil medication

Отзывы указывают на эффективность медикамента при treatment of mental disorders of varying intensity. It helps with depression and neuroses. The agent is prescribed for various etiologies of dizziness, peptic ulcer or psychosomatic disorders. In addition, for the treatment of vestibular neuritis and otitis, Egonil is also effective.

Reviews speak about the inadmissibility of usedrug in childhood, during pregnancy and lactation. It is forbidden to prescribe medication for epilepsy, for all degrees of hypertension, for individual intolerance to sulpiride.

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Overdose and side effect of the drug "Eglonil"

Reviews of people who have been treated withmeans, speak about possible negative effects. In some cases, therapy may be accompanied by allergic reactions, digestive disorders, increased blood pressure, an endocrine system disorder. Side effects include drowsiness or insomnia, apathy, a sense of autopilot. There are deviations in sexual life, expressed by a decrease in libido and frigidity.

The symptoms of drug overdose have been studied.With a regular excess of daily doses of the drug, the patient falls into a stupor that develops to a coma. In exceptional cases, resuscitation may be necessary, as well as treatment with anti-Parkinsonics.

Eglonil: price and use

Productive treatment and the necessary dosagescan appoint only a specialist. Under the general scheme of therapy at the initial stage, intramuscular injections are performed, which are gradually replaced with tablets. The inhibition of the mental state is treated with the appointment of a daily dose of 0.2 to 0.6 g, with increased emotionality, the patient is given from 0.8 to 1.6 grams. In other clinical pictures, the average dose is 0.1 .. 0.2 g per day.

Approximate cost of tablets (12 pieces of 200 mg) is 320 rubles, a solution for injections - 390 rubles.