/ / "Multi tabs asset" - a complex of vitamins and trace elements for active people

"Multi tabs asset" - a complex of vitamins and microelements for active people

In modern pharmacies sold a lotvitamin-mineral complexes, among which the line of Multi-tabs products from the Danish pharmaceutical company Ferrosan enjoys unchanged popularity. Since the vitamins of this line cover all stages of human life, starting from a very early age. Vitamin complexes are tailored to the needs of each age group. Thus, Multi-Tabs Asset is conceived as a special vitamin-mineral complex for people who are used to lead an active lifestyle and who have a higher need for vitamins and trace elements than more passive ones. The preparation contains ginseng extract, which has a pronounced tonic effect. Therefore, it is advisable to take a “Multi-tabs asset” in the morning, better at breakfast. Taking the drug in the evening can cause insomnia. The drug can be taken for patients with diabetes and people who do not tolerate gluten and lactose. Contraindications to the reception are:

• arterial hypertension;

• individual intolerance to the components;

• increased nervous irritability;

• pregnancy and lactation;

• age up to 12 years;

• with the possibility of convulsive states;

Reception "Multi-tabs asset" is shown:

• with increased physical and intellectual loads to maintain increased efficiency;

• for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and micronutrient deficiencies in the body;

• in asthenic conditions;

• in the period of recovery and rehabilitation after illness;

• in stressful situations and psycho-emotional overload;

• while following diets, unbalanced and inadequate nutrition;

• to increase the sexual activity of women and men;

Need to know!

Taking this drug leads toenhancing the action of analeptics and stimulants (camphor, caffeine, etc.). The drug is an antagonist of drugs that act oppressively to the central nervous system (barbiturates, anticonvulsants, tranquilizers, etc.). Due to the possibility of an overdose of fat-soluble vitamins, it is not recommended to take "Multi-tab active" simultaneously with other vitamin-mineral complexes. Constantly take multivitamin complexes can not, because fat-soluble vitamins are accumulated in the body. The use of vitamin preparations was justified by courses (from two weeks to one month), then a break should be taken for a month. When taking the drug, the urine turns bright yellow, due to the presence of vitamin B2 or riboflavin in the complex. You should not be afraid of it, this is a normal phenomenon. Allergic reactions are occasionally possible.

Ferrosan company producesvitamin-mineral complexes by microencapsulation, in which vitamins and trace elements are enclosed in individual microcapsules. This causes the high efficiency of multi-tabs vitamin preparations. The production of vitamins in the company is certified according to European GMP quality standards.

In the Russian pharmaceutical market is not soa lot of vitamin preparations (perhaps, only Vitrum Antistress and Complivit Antistress can make a competition), which have a tonic effect, similar to Multi-tabs active. Feedback on the use of the drug is often positive. One tablet of vitamins ensures energy and good mood for the whole day.

As summary:“Multi-tabs asset with ginseng” meets European quality standards, it has a very reasonable ratio of quality and price, so if a pharmacist or pharmacist advises you to buy this complex in a pharmacy, you can trust him. Many pharmacists and pharmacists (based on personal experience) use the Multi-Tabs line as a multivitamin preparation for themselves and their family members and recommend them to their loved ones.