/ / Application of wheat germ oil in our time

The use of wheat germ oil in our time

The use of wheat germ oil has been practiced.back in the times of our great-grandmothers. Even then, people began to notice its healing properties: wound healing, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, nourishing and rejuvenating. This oil is rich in vitamin E, which makes it indispensable for skin care.

wheat germ oil application
В современности применение масла зародышей Wheat found itself in cosmetology and medicine. For example, in dermatology, it is an auxiliary tool in the treatment of burns and skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis). Due to its nourishing and softening properties, the oil eliminates dryness, peeling and inflammation of the skin, promotes healing of cracks in the lips, elbows and feet. In cosmetology for skin care, prone to rashes, excessive dryness or prematurely aging, wheat germ oil is also indispensable. Its use in the composition of masks and wraps helps to improve skin elasticity, reduce stretch marks, soften cellulite deposits. It is successfully used as a prophylactic against wrinkles, sagging and flabbiness of the skin. And, of course, an indispensable component is the composition of the funds aimed at the treatment and restoration of dry, brittle and exhausted hair dyeing and chemical perms.

Ways to use oil
wheat germ oil application

The use of wheat germ oil in its pure formneither in medicine nor in cosmetology is not practiced. Basically it is basic for creating compositions with essential oils or for enriching any hair and skin care products (shampoos, creams, masks). For example, to prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy, the skin on the abdomen and thighs is treated with a mixture of wheat germ oil, tangerine and lemon (with the calculation of 1 tsp fatty oil and 2 drops of essential). If stretch marks do appear, the mixture is prepared with rosemary (2 drops) and lavender (1 drops). For anti-cellulite massage is preparing the composition of the base fat and essential oils (cypress, rosemary and citrus). To soften the hardened areas of the skin (in the area of ​​the elbows, knees, heels), wheat germ oil is applied in the form of applications: the gauze section is impregnated and applied to problem areas.

wheat germ benefit
Eating wheat germ

As for fresh wheat germ, theyare invaluable in composition. Using this fairly affordable product, you get 12 types of vitamins, more than 15 amino acids and at least 20 trace elements. Common indicators for the use of germinated grains is the total depletion of the body after physical and mental stress. Activation of brain activity, improvement of memory, normalization of hormonal balance, rejuvenation, cleansing of the body - all this is done by wheat germ. Their benefits do not end there: for athletes, they are an indispensable source of protein, contributing to both weight loss and muscle gain. Wheat germs contribute to the normalization of metabolism and supply the body with the daily norm of essential trace elements. For weight loss, you must take 20-25 grains of germinated seeds three times a day with a glass of clean water. During this diet, you need to reduce calorie intake to 900 units per day. Mainly in the diet should prevail vegetables, dairy products, as well as boiled eggs, lean meat and fish. For sets of muscle mass, it is recommended to take 60-40 g of grains three times a day. The ration itself should be made in such a way that consumed calories exceed the consumed. Also, the use of wheat germ is recommended for people with intestinal problems. By introducing 40-60 grams into a daily ration of grains, it is possible to stabilize the stools, clean the intestines, get rid of the heaviness in the stomach.