/ / Contraceptive drug "Regulon": instructions for use

Contraceptive "Regulon": instructions for use

Most women of reproductive agefaced with the problem of selecting reliable and effective contraception. Despite the large selection of drugs in the present, many tools have contraindications or for some other reason are not suitable in each individual case. One of the most effective oral contraceptive pills are Regulon, which have a rather mild effect, and therefore experts recommend it even at a young age.

The main active ingredients here are desogestrel andethinyl estradiol, they inhibit the secretion of certain hormones, which is why ovulation is blocked; spermatozoa can not easily get into the uterus because mucus changes its characteristic properties. In case the fertilized cell already exists, it cannot be implanted in the uterus. It should be noted that the drug "Regulon" instructions for use and recommends as a therapeutic agent in such cases as a broken menstrual cycle, dysmenorrhea, a pronounced premenstrual syndrome.

The drug is a convex on boththe sides of the tablets are white in color, film-coated. Before taking it, you should consult with your doctor, as it may not be suitable in all cases. If the drug "Regulon", the instructions for use of which are quite detailed, is used as a contraceptive, then additional means of protection is not necessary.

Taking the pill should start simultaneously withnew menstrual cycle. On the day you should drink one pill, while at the same time. It is washed down with liquid, preferably with food. The course lasts 3 weeks, it takes one pack. After this, a week-long break is made, during which bleeding occurs, which is called monthly. Next, the drug is drunk according to the same scheme.

It is worth mentioning that the table "Regulon"instructions for use does not recommend taking nursing mothers, as this may affect the decrease in lactation. In other cases, after childbirth means can be applied after 21 days. After an abortion, the drug Regulon has been used as a contraceptive since the first day. In order to start a course of the drug when switching from a similar oral contraceptive pill take without taking a break between two means.

In cases where the postponement of menstruation is necessary, a week break between reception is not done. However, sometimes there may be spotting or bleeding that do not affect the efficacy of the drug.

Before taking regulon, shouldfamiliarize yourself with the contraindications of this drug. These include pregnancy or suspicion of it, hypertension, cholelithiasis, diabetes, herpes, as well as sensitivity to the components of the drug. In addition, in rare cases, allergic reactions may occur, with the appearance of which the drug should be stopped and other contraceptives should be used.

Before a woman starts usingtablets "Regulon", instructions for use should be studied in detail. In the case where the tablet was missed, should be guided by the following prescriptions. If no more than 12 hours have passed after skipping, the medication is taken, and then the course goes on as usual. If more time has passed, you need to take two pills the next day, continue taking the drug as before, however, use additional contraceptives, as the reliability in this cycle is no longer guaranteed by the manufacturers.

Помимо этого, препарат "Регулон" инструкция по It does not recommend that it be used at the same time as drugs such as antispasmodics, certain types of antibiotics, and medicinal herbs (including St. John's wort).