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Regulon Reviews of medical specialists

In our time, despite the huge selectionContraceptive drugs, Regulon is considered to be the best of them. Its composition includes a combination of estrogen and progestogen, and these synthetic substances have a much greater activity than the natural sex hormones. The principle of action of the drug is to prevent the release of hormones and it hinders the process of ovulation, in addition, the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity is significantly hampered.

It is very interesting to learn about Regulon reviewsmedical professionals. In their opinion, in the body of women using this tool, the same processes occur as during the first weeks of pregnancy. That is, this drug with regular use over several years recreates what nature itself would do if a woman decided to give birth to children every year. By the way, frequent birth of children is today the most reliable method for the prevention of cancer of the genital organs and mammary glands.

This data completely refutes the talk aboutthat the Regulon which application is so widespread today must be taken at intervals of several months. In fact, no interruptions in reception are absolutely necessary. On the contrary, doctors believe that if you take breaks between cycles of using Regulon or other hormonal contraceptives, it can only harm the female body. When discussing the issue of how to take Regulon correctly, doctors' comments unequivocally say that the more time a woman regularly uses this drug, the stronger is its therapeutic effect.

It is recommended to start applying suchdrugs immediately, as soon as the beginning of sexual activity and use them as long as there is a need to take contraceptives. This is evidenced by the existing statistics, because among patients who have never taken such drugs a much higher percentage of women with infertility than among those who regularly use hormonal drugs. When used Regulon for a long time in the female body creates the best conditions for the development and maturation of eggs.

Women constantly use Regulon reviews aboutThe side effects of its use tend to be more concerned with weight gain. However, it was found that this drug does not affect the metabolism in the body at all and therefore its use does not contribute to weight gain. In general, any side effects of it can occur very rarely. Usually it is vomiting or nausea, bad mood, tension of the mammary glands. These effects are quite short in duration and disappear without a trace after 2-3 months of regular use of the drug.

Among patients, a long time hostRegulon reviews of adverse side effects are practically not found. In exceptional cases, pigment spots on the skin or an increase in blood pressure may occur. Although the risk of getting any side effects increases significantly if you start using hormonal drugs without a doctor's recommendation. In such cases, when there are sharp side effects: for example, abnormally severe headaches, a sharp drop in vision or a sudden sharp increase in blood pressure, Regulon needs to be canceled urgently and you should immediately consult a doctor. He will tell you how best to use the drug and check contraindications to its use. Regulon is very well able to recommend itself in the treatment of various disorders of the menstrual cycle and is the most reliable means of preventing pregnancy.