/ / Psychopathy: Symptoms and Types

Psychopathy: Symptoms and Species

Psychopathy is a very difficult manifestationhuman psyche. It is a stable properties and traits of the nature of thinking and human behavior. As a rule, psychopathy, whose symptoms are deviating in nature, creates great difficulties for its socialization, in some cases, they become insurmountable. Manifestations of psychopathy hamper the most important thing in the process of socialization of the individual — the identification of self-consciousness, which can result in the loss of behavioral guidelines and value criteria.

Medical literature and practice classifiestypes of psychopathy for congenital and acquired. The former are the result of various kinds of hereditary diseases and mutations, the treatment of these types is extremely difficult, especially when they are latent (hidden) in nature. Acquired psychopathies occur in cases of damage to the central nervous system, arising for reasons of both social and medical nature (the consequences of any diseases).

People who have psychopathy, symptomswhich are easily observable from the outside, as a rule, are under constant medical supervision, are limited in choosing the type of work activity. In addition to disharmony, unstable type of character, inadequate behavior in the most ordinary situations of life, these individuals are easily recognized by the high level of vulnerability, touchiness, a kind of reaction to what is happening.

In medicine, there was a classification of types of psychopathy, which, among the main ones, distinguishes the following:

- schizoid view is psychopathy, symptomswhich are manifested in the closeness of a person, are characterized by an underlined egocentricity and excessive semi-official relations with even close people. Such people tend to prefer loneliness, avoid dating or are afraid of them, show signs of autism. In some cases, schizoid psychopathy can result in unreasonable cruelty, therefore, according to psychiatry, it is important for such people to establish a so-called psycho-aesthetic proportion - a parameter characterizing the degree of compatibility, that is, a peculiar combination of unjustifiably high sensitivity to the environment and the level of rigidity in everyday behavior with around

- Psychasthenic appearance is manifested inexaggeratedly questionable human behavior. Indecision, lack of confidence in one's own feelings, decisions and actions, inaction itself - these are signs that psychasthenic psychopathy suggests. Such people are not socially dangerous or unpredictable in their actions, moreover, they can be excellent employees-performers, because, as a rule, they are very pedantic and responsible. More acutely and clearly these symptoms appear in psychasthenic patients when they have to end up in unfamiliar living conditions or unfamiliar situations. Sometimes this type is also manifested in raskcentsentratsii attention due to high fatigue from performing any action, the correctness of which this person doubts.

- аффективная психопатия проявляется в a person’s obsession with some, often irrational, idea. Such people are changeable in their mood, the emotional support of their actions is not always adequate to the event.

- paranoid psychopathy occurs asthe result of affective progression. Its signs can be despotism and secrecy, completely unjustified cruelty, obsessive ideas, and all this can be accompanied by time-persistent and acute affecting behavior.

- hysterical psychopathy, the symptoms of its mostare explicative (observable from the side). They can even appear in clothes, slang, relationships, and all in order to emphasize their "distinctiveness" from others and their significance. In some cases, hysteria can become very acute in nature, which is accompanied by shouts, inadequate gesticulation, hand trembling and end very hard - loss of speech and even consciousness

The above classification can not act as a criterion, medical practice shows that the person may simultaneously present symptoms belonging to different types of the disease.