/ / How often do Mantoux children? Vaccination schedule for children in Russia

How often do Mantou children? Schedule of vaccinations for children in Russia

Parents of young children are interested in how oftenmake manta children. This question is not so difficult. Indeed, in Russia there is a special vaccination calendar. It indicates the frequency of vaccinations. And there you can find how often the Mantoux reaction is carried out. What do parents need to know about this study? How to interpret the results of the reaction? What is the schedule for vaccine administration in Russia?

how often manta is made to children

What is the Mantoux reaction?

The first thing is to figure out whatdiagnostics in question. The fact is that vaccination in modern parents raises numerous questions. And often people are looking for some analogues of Mantoux. But what is it?

The Mantoux reaction has nothing to do withvaccination. This is a kind of research for the presence of tuberculosis. That is, tuberculin is injected subcutaneously into a child or an adult, to which the body reacts. After 3 days you can find out the results of the study. Mantu is an old and time-tested method of detecting tuberculosis in children and adults. At the moment in Russia is carried out quite often. In place of such a study came analogue - Diaskintest.

How often do Mantoux children? To understand this is not difficult. It is enough to ask about the schedule of vaccination with pediatricians.

Frequency of research

Tuberculosis is a disease that can getin some moment. Therefore, the Mantoux reaction is carried out with a certain frequency. Both in children and adults. But how often? How many times and when is it necessary to conduct such a study?

tuberculin bend

According to the established schedule in Russia thisThe type of diagnosis is regular. How often do Mantoux children? Annually. There are several options for the development of events - either the parents themselves turn to medical organizations for individual research, or mass vaccination is carried out in educational institutions. The second option is found in practice most often.

In other words, from a certain ageit is necessary to conduct the Mantoux reaction once a year. Parents have the right to refuse this diagnostic. Now it is possible to detect tuberculosis in different ways. For example, by performing a blood or urine test. Or agree to diaskintest.

Negative reaction

Now a little about how to interpret the results. How often do Mantoux children? Annually, once in 12 months. But how to understand that the child is not sick with tuberculosis?

Once the tuberculin is injected under the skin, placeThe injection may swell slightly and turn red. In some cases, a small diameter bruise appears. If the redness is small, then there is no tuberculosis. Ideally, apart from the injection trace, there should be no reaction at all.

vaccination schedule for children in Russia

Signs of infection

Nevertheless, Mantoux is positive.How to understand that a child or an adult is infected with tuberculosis? Make it easy. After the introduction of tuberculin under the skin passes 72 hours, then the results of indications are evaluated. It has already been said - the lack of response indicates the absence of infection. Small reddenings and even bruises are also not dangerous.

Mantu positive is the appearance of a papule orredness of the skin in large sizes. Trace diameter is usually up to 1 centimeter. This is a positive result for tuberculosis. In some cases, the redness grows to several centimeters.


Есть такое понятие, как вираж туберкулиновой samples. This is the process of transition of a negative Mantoux reaction to a positive one. Or significant changes in the papules after the last diagnosis. The reddish tubercle increases.

As a rule, it is the turn of the tuberculin test.makes doctors think about the recent infection of the child. Therefore, when such a phenomenon is quite often prescribed a course of treatment. Even before the control check of a child or an adult for the presence of Koch sticks in the body.

mantou positive

Start of vaccinations

How often does the Mantoux reaction occur?Ideally, once a year. But with some suspicion, a phthisiatrician is able to prescribe a re-diagnosis. It does not carry any danger to the body. This must be considered.

When can you do manta?For the first time, a child receives a BCG vaccination in the first days of life. It is closely related to tuberculosis. But the direct diagnosis for the presence of the disease must be done for the first time in 12 months. Tuberculin is injected into the child in the same way as an adult - under the skin, in the arm.

Accordingly, if the parents think aboutSo, as children often do Mantus, we can say that from year to year we will have to face this study. But, as has already been emphasized, you can choose a different way to test a child for tuberculosis.


The next question that interests many is howquickly after questionable results Mantoux can be re-analyzed? This is a rather interesting topic causing controversy among parents. Nevertheless, any pediatrician or immunologist can give accurate answers.

when do manta children

If you recently vaccinated with BCG, do notIt is recommended that Mantoux be carried out earlier than 30 days after the child’s vaccination. High probability of false positives. When it comes to re-diagnosing the presence of tuberculosis, it’s best to wait a month too. More accurate information will give a TB doctor. It is likely that a re-check for the presence of tuberculosis will be carried out after 14 days.

BCG free

How often do Mantus children who are not worthBCG vaccination? The fact is that in the first 3-4 days of life, as mentioned above, the vaccine is administered to the child. If parents refuse to do so, special attention will have to be paid to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. It is carried out more often than in vaccinated children.

So, according to the established rules, in Russiachildren without BCG experience Mantoux 2 times a year, starting at 6 months. Moreover, such a diagnosis continues until the baby is vaccinated with BCG-M vaccine. Accordingly, there may be a situation in which you have to do a Mantoux reaction several times a year. HIV-infected children are also tested several times in 12 months.

when can manna be made

Vaccination schedule

Теперь понятно, насколько часто требуется делать Mantoux The schedule of vaccinations in 2016 in this regard does not change. Diagnosis of tuberculosis is carried out once a year. And what about the other vaccinations? After all, vaccination is a very complicated process. It raises a lot of questions from parents. Some refuse these or other shots. It is important to understand that with the introduction of vaccines must comply with the established schedule. So it will turn out not to expose the child to danger and develop immunity to a particular disease.

The vaccination schedule for children in Russia in 2016 looks like this:

  • in the first days of life - hepatitis B, BCG;
  • 30 days - hepatitis B;
  • 2 months - pneumococcal infection;
  • 3 months - DTP, polio, hemophilic infection;
  • 4.5 months - as in 90 days of life + pneumococcus;
  • 8 months - DTP, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, hemophilic infection;
  • 1 year - measles, rubella, parotitis, Mantoux (annually);
  • 15 months - pneumococcus;
  • 1.5 years - DTP, polio, "hemophilic";
  • 20 months - polio (drops, live vaccine);
  • 6 years old - PDA, diphtheria, tetanus.

Here is a schedule of vaccinations for children in Russiaproposed. You do not have to stick to it - you can not be vaccinated with one or other vaccines or postpone the process at the request of the parents. Then the immunologist and phthisiologist make an individual schedule of vaccinations.


Now it is clear when Mantus is made to children, with what frequency, and how can the results be interpreted. Also became known vaccination calendar in Russia in 2016.

Mantoux vaccine schedule

Делать ли Манту?Parents have the right to decide for themselves exactly how to diagnose them for tuberculosis. And not only on him, in general, for any infections and diseases. Therefore, you can refuse from Mantu. But in this case, as already emphasized, it is necessary to conduct another study on the presence of the disease in the body.

There is nothing wrong with Mantu.The main thing that citizens should remember is that this type of diagnosis is not a vaccination. Tuberculin is injected under the skin, not intravenously. Therefore, to become infected with tuberculosis from this process is impossible.