/ / Every future mom should know how to reduce pressure

Every future mother should know how to lower the pressure

Pregnancy is one of the most pleasant and, together withone of the most crucial moments in the life of a woman. During this short period, a woman passes a fairly large amount of tests from emotional to physiological.

One such test is increased stress on the fragile cardiovascular system.

This is due to the fact that:

  1. A new uteroplacental vascular bed is being formed.
  2. Increases total body weight.
  3. There is an increase in circulating blood volume.
  4. Increased intrauterine pressure.

The volume of blood by the end of pregnancy increases tosix and a half liters. This creates an additional burden on the work of the heart and vascular system. In relatively healthy women, this process takes place without special difficulties, however, most pregnant women have such a serious problem as increased pressure.

How to reduce the pressure during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women try to eliminate taking medications in order not to harm the baby during its development. But how to reduce the pressure without medication?

Before deciding the question: “how to reduce pressure?”, It is necessary to eliminate or reduce the use of those products that are ways to provoke an increase in pressure.

These products include:

  • salt is one of the most serious substances that increase pressure. Salt retains water in the body, and also contributes to vasospasm;
  • water;
  • products containing caffeine - coffee, chocolate, strong tea;
  • fatty food;
  • spicy food;
  • red meat (according to nutritionists, also contributes to increased pressure).

Thinking about how to reduce pressure, you shouldto consider another factor that can cause hypertension is an emotional state. Any turbulent surge of emotions can raise blood pressure. Experiences, anxiety, fears, quarrels - all this leads to increased pressure. The same result can lead to increased physical exertion.

Other causes of high blood pressure during pregnancy:

  • heredity;
  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • fixed lifestyle;
  • alcohol;
  • smoking.

How to reduce pressure with acupuncture?

  • At the junction of the spine with the head there is an occipital fossa, pressing on which by the thumb pad (of the right hand), hold for 10 seconds. Repeat twice.
  • Squeeze and stretch the middle finger of your left hand (perform with the right hand), also with the other hand.
  • The surface of the neck mentally divided into three equalparts (horizontally, from the back). Symmetrically with respect to the spine to determine three paired points. Consistently press on each pair with the thumbs of both hands for 10 seconds.

How to reduce the pressure of folk remedies?

  • hypotensive juices are capable of lowering pressure.These include birch sap, which can be taken once a day in one glass. As well as beet juice, prepared in advance in an open container (3 hours before the reception). Drink 0.5 cups two - three p. in a day;
  • cranberry mousse: squeeze the juice from 50 gr. cranberries, pour a glass of boiling water. Boil 5 min., Pour 1 tbsp. spoon semolina, cook another 20 minutes, stirring. Add sugar to taste, cool;
  • karkade tea, lemon tea;
  • pumpkin decoction with honey.

Well, and finally, how to reduce the pressure, if nothing helps?

Only your doctor will answer this question, since high blood pressure may be a sign of more serious diseases, so do not delay, consult a specialist.

The most important thing to remember is that bearing a child is a very responsible process and requires a special attitude to its health, both for the woman and for her close people.

Take care of yourself and your baby, consult a doctor in time and do not be lazy to undergo the necessary (or not so) examinations.