/ / The drug "Tempalgin": indications for use, properties, dosages, contraindications and side effects

The drug "Tempalgin": indications for use, properties, dosages, contraindications and side effects

The basis of the "Tempalgin" means is the currenta substance called metamizole sodium, tempidone (tranquilizer). Available medicine in the form of biconvex tablets, coated green. Metamizole sodium in each pill is 500 mg.

Pharmacological properties. Средство "Темпалгин", показания к применению which we consider below, is a combined analgesic non-narcotic drug, analgesic-antipyretic. It has a long and pronounced analgesic, antipyretic, as well as moderate sedative and anti-inflammatory action. In addition, it has an anxiolytic effect, positively affecting the emotional component of pain.

Means "Tempalgin": indications for use. These green tablets with metamizol sodium are excellent in many cases.

These are mild or moderately pronounced pain syndromes (tooth and headache, migraine, myalgia, neuralgia, arthralgia, lumbago, rheumatism), especially in patients with nervous irritability.

They also take the drug "Tempalgin" during menstruation to reduce pain.

The next indication - fever with respiratory viral infections or other infectious and inflammatory diseases. Here the Tempalgin tool will also come to the rescue.

Indications for use means and such: not brightly expressed pain syndromes in renal, intestinal, hepatic, colic (in combination with antispasmodics).

And it is also used to reduce pain after diagnostic or surgical interventions (only with complex therapy).

Dosage regimens of the drug "Tempalgin".This tool is taken orally (no need to chew), with a sufficient amount of liquid, after meals or during it. Adults take 1 tab. one to three times per day. The maximum allowable dose for adults - 6 tablets. per day, and the duration of admission - a maximum of 5 days.

Children 10-14 years old drink half a tablet of Tempalgin twice or three times a day. Daily dose - a maximum of 3 table.

Depending on the situation, it is possible (after consulting a doctor) to increase the daily dose and / or duration of treatment.

Means "Tempalgin" during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The drug is strictly contraindicated in the firstthree months, as well as in the last six weeks of pregnancy. During the rest of pregnancy, the use of this drug is possible under strict indications. In the period of lactation, the use of the Tempalgin medicine is also not worth it, since Both active ingredients are excreted in the milk of a nursing mother.

Contraindications to the use of the drug. Means "Tempalgin" (indications for use wealready know) has some contraindications, namely: hypersensitivity to the active components of the drug; severe disorders of the liver and / or kidneys; blood disorders; heart failure and heart disease; lack of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenosis; hypotension (decrease in blood pressure below one hundred mm Hg), the first 3 months and the last six weeks. pregnancy and lactation; children under the age of 14 years.

Side effects of the drug. Sometimes the use of the drug leads to suchside effects: dryness of the mouth, burning in the epigastric region, jaundice, cholestasis, hyperbilirubinemia, dizziness, hallucinations, itching, hives, skin rash, angioedema, bronchitis anemia, anuria, proteinuria, oliguria, interstitial nephritis.

Overdose. Симптомами передозировки этим лекарственным The remedies are: drowsiness, ataxia, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, oliguria, hypothermia, arterial hypotension, tinnitus, shortness of breath, delirium, ataxia, impaired consciousness, convulsions, hemorrhagic syndrome, respiratory muscle paralysis. At the same time, it is necessary to flush the stomach, take enterosorbents, artificially induce vomiting, conduct antishock therapy, fill the volume of circulating blood (if necessary).

Special instructions. When taking Tempalgin, the urine may turn red. During the period of taking this medication is not recommended to drink alcohol.

Due to the presence of a tranquilizer in the preparation, it should not be taken during work, which requires increased attention and speed of reactions (for example, driving vehicles).