/ / Sexual abstinence in men: the danger

Sexual abstinence in men: the danger

Ancient philosophers argued that sperm in itsthe origin is identical with the gray matter of the brain; therefore, they advised men not to waste this useful fluid. Abstinence in men was obligatory in the ancient priests, who consciously took a vow of celibacy - their body caresses were strictly forbidden.

In addition, most religions, cults andtraditions actively promoted restriction or complete renunciation of carnal pleasures and sexual life. It would seem that the ancient times, when they cultivated a long abstinence in men have already passed, and no one is engaged in these nonsense. Is it really so?

Sexual abstinence: the pros and cons

There is an opinion that if a man is longtime can not conceive a baby, then he is recommended to refrain from sexual contact. Rejection of sex for some time increases the chances for a successful conception.

Это объясняется тем, что в период воздержания в the body of a man accumulates germ cells. Such sexual abstinence sometimes gives positive results. But not everyone approves of this method, he also has opponents who claim that those who have an active sex life have higher sperm quality than those who constantly refuse to have a relationship with a woman.

Scientific research conducted in Israelrevealed: abstinence in male donor sperm just before donating this valuable fluid reduces its quality. Israeli scientists as an experiment took more than seven thousand samples of seminal fluid and found that after a rather long refusal of sex during sexual intercourse, only its volume increases, and this is no guarantee for a successful conception. In addition, the motility of sperm cells is sharply reduced.

Modern medicine claims abstinencein men, in most cases, causes damage to health. Regular sexual training has a beneficial effect on the endocrine system and strengthens the heart muscle. Especially sex is important for those men who are over 40 years old. It is healthy sexual relations contribute to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Male abstinence: consequences

Long-term rejection of sex development is dangerous.prostatitis, accelerated ejaculation, frequent mood swings and depressions. Medical studies claim that men are divided into two types. The first is those who are actively sexually active and react very painfully to the rejection of it. The second type - those with other priorities in life, so for them abstinence is not an important issue and does not affect their health and mood.

The degree of harm from sexual abstinencedirectly depends on the age of the man: the older he is, the more dangerous for him is a long and unreasonable sexual restriction. Constant abstinence in men over the age of forty can lead to the development of stagnation, prostatitis, adenoma, and the risk of developing a cancer increases.

Значительной пользы от сексуального воздержания not. The only good reason for him is separation from his wife or his girlfriend. Abstaining from fleeting and erratic sexual intercourse is always unconditionally useful.

After forced abstinence, a man maysexual intercourse is reduced, but with repeated contacts the function is restored again. For each man, the period of returning to the previous mode of sexual activity is individual: for some half an hour, and for others a week. It is better not to leave for a long time from your second half and not to deprive yourself and her sexual pleasure. Moreover, it has been proven that sexual abstinence leads to depression, irritability, lethargy and depression.