The drug "Platyfillin" refers to the group of m-holinoblokatorov. Available medicine in pill form, in the form of a solution for injection, drops, suppositories.
The drug "Platyfillin" instruction is recommended whenduodenal ulcer and stomach, intestinal, biliary and renal colic, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pylorospasm. The indications also include bronchorea, arterial hypertension, angiotrofonevroz, spasm of cerebral arteries. The medication "Platyfillin" is recommended in case of bronchial asthma for the prevention of laryngo-and bronchospasms. In combination with other means of the drug is used for angina. The drug "Platyphyllin" is shown for the expansion of the pupil during diagnostic activities in ophthalmology, in acute inflammatory eye diseases, and injuries.
Enhanced antispasmodic effects havedrugs "Platyfillin" with "Papaverin", if used in combination. As a result of this effect, the blood pressure decreases, the vascular tone decreases, the smooth muscles of the internal organs (urinary, digestive and respiratory systems) relax.
The tool "Platyphyllin" instruction does not recommendin acute bleeding, mitral stenosis, ischemic heart disease, heart failure (chronic), tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, arterial hypertension and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system, against the background of which increased heart rate may be an undesirable consequence. Contraindications include thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the digestive system, complicated by obstruction (pyloric stenosis and achalasia), reflux esophagitis and hernia of the esophageal orifice, combined with it, elevated temperature. The drug "Platyfillin" instruction does not recommend for hypersensitivity, pathologies complicated by high intraocular pressure, with intestinal atony in weakened or elderly patients, open-angle glaucoma. The medication is not prescribed to patients after forty years (long), with non-specific ulcerative colitis, liver failure, myasthenia. The drug is not recommended for dry mouth, chronic pulmonary pathologies (especially in debilitated patients and young children), autonomic neuropathy. Contraindications include prostatic hypertrophy without obstructive lesions of the urinary tract, the presence of urinary retention and predisposition to it, brain injury and central paralysis in children, preeclampsia, and Down syndrome.
Not recommended drug "Platyfillin" withof pregnancy. Use is prohibited in the first trimester. In subsequent periods - only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor. If a medicine is prescribed to a nursing woman, she should be warned about the need to stop lactation.
Among the side effects of medication specialistscalled convulsions, photophobia, headache, dizziness, intestinal atony, mydriasis. The use of the drug "Platyfillin" can provoke a decrease in blood pressure, thirst, acute psychosis, urinary retention, lung atelectasis.
Introduction to eliminate the pains of spasticnature, persistent asthma attack, peripheral and cerebral angiospasms is carried out at a dosage of 1-2 milliliters (two percent solution). Injections are made once or twice a day. For infants, newborns, the dosage is 0.035 mg / kg, from year to five years - 0.03 mg / kg, from six to ten years - 0.025 mg / kg, from eleven to fourteen years - 0.02 mg per kilogram of body weight.
Внутрь назначают по десять-пятнадцать капель 0.5% solution. The frequency of application - up to three times per day. In suppositories, it is recommended to use the drug "Platyfillin" in a dose of 0.01 grams twice a day.
Therapeutic course - from ten to twenty days.