Before talking about ureaplasmosis, for a startIt should be determined what exactly is ureaplasma and how they relate to this disease. So, ureaplasmas are so-called intracellular microbes, which are located in the mucous membranes of the urinary canals and the genital organs of man.
Progression of pathology of ureaplasmosisprovoked by the vital activity of ureaplasma and transmitted solely through sexual contact, or the fetus in the womb from the mother, the usual way of infection is very rare, and often affects children with a weakened immune system. It is necessary to inform in advance that improper treatment of ureaplasmosis can significantly disrupt sexual function and affect the general condition of the body. The main thing is that the disease should be diagnosed in a timely manner, and pathogenic microorganisms can be destroyed with the help of antibacterial drugs.
Pathology is very peculiar, so treatmentUreaplasmosis must be carefully selected, given the degree of its progression, the features of the current and the prevailing form. So, the disease can be expressed in chronic and acute forms. As with many other infections, it does not have specific symptoms specific to this pathogen. The physiological manifestations of ureaplasmosis also depend on a number of factors, in particular, on the behavior of the infected organ throughout the treatment. In addition, today's modern medicine can detect the microbe in absolutely healthy women who have not had any complaints, thereby preventing its progression at an early stage.
The question arises, how to treat ureaplasmosis?First of all, it should be noted that for the final extermination of this infection requires a comprehensive approach, the determination of which completely depends on the area of dislocation of the inflammatory process. In general, the treatment has a general scheme, which includes a number of subtleties and nuances, depending on the dynamics of the disease. So, than to treat ureaplasmosis?
First of all, the leading specialist appointsantibacterial therapy, which is aimed at complete suppression of the infection, as well as immunomodulators that activate the protective properties of the body, and other medications that prevent the occurrence of side effects when taking antibiotics. But again, one should understand the seriousness of the clinical picture, and a qualified doctor can prescribe a productive treatment for ureaplasmosis after a detailed diagnosis of a potential patient.
To kill this pathogen oftenuse etiotropic method of treatment, which is based on combining antibacterial drugs of different pharmacological groups. It should be remembered that ureaplasma is resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics because of the absence of a cell wall in their structure, and sulfonamides, since the latter do not produce acid. In the treatment of this pathogen, those antibacterial medicines that have bacteriostatic properties, that is, they affect the synthesis of protein from DNA, can be effective. Such are aminoglycosides, macrolides, levomycetin, fluoroquinolones and others. Thus, the tetracycline series of antibiotics is represented by Doxycycline and Minocycline, which benefit from their analogues, if only because their daily intake is reduced to one tablet. Also prescribed Unidox soluteba, Medomycin, Vibramycin, having similar pharmacological properties and a two-time administration per day. But the drugs of this series have their shortcomings: they exclude the treatment of pregnant women and children, and also have side effects.
It is important to remember that when using antibioticsit is advisable to take a vitamin complex and absorbents that will restore the exhausted intestinal microflora. Only then can we safely say that the treatment of ureaplasmosis is performed correctly.