Financing of health care

The most striking indicator of the degreesocial and economic development of society are indicators of public health. The statistics of the last decade show a decrease in the birth rate and longevity, as well as the provision of public health services. The urgency of this problem lies in its vital importance for every person.

Unfortunately, the state budget significantlyreduced the possibility of providing free medical care. Financing of health care is carried out at the expense of certain sources. These include:

- financing from the state budget;

- insurance receipts of CHI and LCA;

- services provided on a paid basis;

- income received from securities;

- Donations, as well as gratuitous transfers, etc.

Financing of health care fromThe state budget is made in accordance with the approved annual amounts. However, these funds are not fully sufficient. In addition, the list of diseases for which such maintenance is performed is very meager. The reason for this situation, in particular, lies in the underpayment of taxes by individuals and legal entities.

Financing of health in the necessaryvolume is possible due to the expansion of the corresponding budget item. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen tax obligations, but at this stage of the economic development of society this idea conflicts with the fiscal policy of the Russian government. In addition, the transfer of funds under such a scheme does not promote the development of market relations. Consequently, health financing should be provided only for various scientific developments. That is, in those areas where there are no market relations.

In the new economic conditions, one of the formssocial security of the country's population is medical insurance, which is mandatory. The law of the Russian Federation, which approved the organizational and economic aspects of contributions that cover health care expenditures, strengthens the interest and responsibility of every person, as well as enterprises and the state as a whole, in health protection. This normative act ensures the rights of a citizen of the Russian Federation to receive medical care, which are fixed in the country's constitution. The purpose of this law is to finance preventive measures and guarantee the provision of medical services to everyone who has an insurance event.

Public health systemalso exists through voluntary contributions. VHI serves to provide additional services to medical institutions in the country. Their provision is not included in the CHI system. As insurers in the LCA can act as individuals who are capable, and enterprises that represent the interests of their employees. Under the system of supplementary insurance, health services are rendered only to those citizens who timely and fully transfer insurance payments under the concluded contract. The amount of contributions depends on the state of health of the insured and the prices that medical establishments establish for their services. Usually the agreement on VHI is for a period that does not exceed twelve months. However, it is advisable to make it signed for a longer time period. Medical insurance, made on a voluntary basis, does not extend to the services provided by the MHI.

Currently, domestic health carerequires additional infusion of monetary resources, as well as their most effective use. This should happen due to increased competition between medical institutions and improvement of the insurance system.