Many studies are devoted to the problem of dysplasia.Orthopedists believe that the treatment must begin immediately with the birth of the baby. Only in this case it is possible to achieve full recovery. The corrected dislocation and fully preserved functions of the joint - that's what doctors are trying to achieve.
There are external signs on which you cansuspect a dysplasia in a newborn, but the final diagnosis is made only after the passage of ultrasound. What symptoms should I look for if there are such suspicions? Examining the child, the presence of the symptom of slipping and hip withdrawal is revealed. Asymmetry of the gluteal folds, shortening of the legs can also indicate changes in the hip joint.
- dysplasia;
- hip dislocation;
- deformation of its neck;
- changes in the position of the head of the thigh.
Tires Vilensky come in three sizes:
- small - for infants up to three to four months;
- middle tire - designed for children from four months to a year;
- a large one that children are worn over the year.
Spacers are worn for half a year, after the dislocation has been removed
In case of dysplasia, Pavlik's stirrups are appointed orVilensky's tire, photos of the latter are presented in the article. The patient must be examined 1 time per week until reposition of the dislocation occurs. This is checked as follows: the folds between the thigh and buttocks should be symmetrical. After reduction of the dislocation make a control picture. Also, the doctor applies the method of manual examination of dysplasia.
Additionally they carry out therapeutic exercises,muscle electrical stimulation, massage; while on the child wearing a discharge tire. If within two months you can not correct the dislocation of the hip, it is necessary to combine procedures with other methods. For example, impose a functional plaster cast. In some cases, use the Ilizarov apparatus. In severe lesions of the femoral head, dystrophic processes can occur. In this case, after X-ray examination, dysplasia is promptly eliminated.