/ / Swan out of the bus: it's very simple!

Swan of the tire: it's very simple!

One of the most common decorations forhousehold plots and playgrounds is a swan made of tires. It is not difficult to make such a craft yourself. It is simple and reliable. At the same time, they will need only improvised means. Ideal decoration, which will not just one year stand in the suburban area or on the site where your kids will play.

A swan out of a tire.

Before work

It is better to prepare in advance all the necessarytools and materials. This will minimize the time spent creating such an article. To begin with, you need to prepare the car tires, from which the swan will be made from the tire. There are no special requirements here. The larger its radius, the larger the bird will be. And so - what material is at hand, this one can be used. Also we need a white chalk for marking. A sharp knife will allow the workpiece to be cut along the lines. For the exterior decoration of the craft, you will need paint - white and red. In some cases, to make a stronger workpiece, use a wire for additional fixing.


Start the markup with the beak.There are two forms of it - in the form of a triangle and in the form of a trapezoid. There is no fundamental difference between them. Here we must proceed from the fact that the swan from the tire should work. In the first case is drawn
an isosceles triangle, and in the second -an equilateral trapezium. Next comes the head. If you want, you can expand this area (this is often done). This will make it stand out against the background of the beak and neck. The length of the latter should be approximately equal to the triple length of the head. Then mark the tail. Its length is approximately equal to
head. It is marked in the opposite direction. It turns out that one way

Making swans from tires.
there is a head, and in the other - a tail between which a thin line of chalk ran. Of course, if you want, you can choose other proportions.

Cutting out

Then the swan is cut from the tire.The scheme is quite simple. Immediately, a "cut" is made between the beak and the tail. Then cut out the tail. At the final stage, the head and neck are cut out. In the process of working you will need a sharp knife. Therefore, you must follow the safety rules to avoid possible injuries.

We are preparing

At the final stage, the swan from the tire is decoratedproperly. To do this, it is completely covered with white paint (except eyes), which then must dry. Then the beak is painted red. If necessary, all this exposure is fixed with a wire. Then it is recommended to dig a groove with a width from the tire at the installation site. The length of it should ensure the immersion of the lower part of the craft. Next, a bird is placed in this hollow, and its lower part is filled with soil. If you need to provide increased strength, then instead of priming, use a cement slurry. After it is hardened, the workpiece can not be moved from its place.

The swan of the tire scheme.


Making swans from tires is not so muchdifficult task. Everyone can cope with it. As a result, you will receive an ornament that can be placed at your discretion. At the same time, the process of creating such a bird is simple, and for this purpose, purely tool means are used.