They say that a person with a lot of moles must necessarily be happy. About what kind of birthmarks are dangerous, and what problems do not cause, read below.
How do birthmarks appear?
To begin with, a mole is a kind ofpigmented neoplasm. And its color depends on the content of melanin and melanocytes (such cells) in it. Another name for such education is the nevus. Birthmark grows throughout life.
According to observations, the number of nevi depends onfrequency and duration of exposure to the sun (tan). For each birthmark measured its life cycle. The form depends on the level of location of pigment cells (upper level - the mole grows flat, the lower one (in the dermis) - is raised). It appears usually in the form of a tiny speck, and later it can rise above the skin.
Which birthmarks are dangerous?
That elevation, which we have just spoken about, has no negative consequences. The main thing is that the mole does not change its color and size.
Can birthmarks disappear on their own?
They can.But as a mole grows, so it disappears - gradually. A white "orbit" (contour) is formed around the nevus, gradually narrowing. The nevus whitens and, disappearing, leaves in its place a bright spot. This speck (halonevus) can appear after sunburn. Sometimes it becomes a harbinger of a disease called vitiligo.
Do red dots refer to birthmarks?
Red dots are angiomas.Such neoplasms are benign, they are removed by the laser, completely and painlessly. There are angiomas for genetic diseases, pregnancy, contraceptive use, problems with the pancreas and liver. By the way, the red dots, which appeared exactly during pregnancy, most often disappear on their own after the birth.
An enlarging mole may be melanoma- malignant formation, which is based on very aggressive melanocytes, constantly dividing and displacing other cells. When these cells have nowhere to go, they "go" to the so-called vascular bed, spreading throughout the body. Having settled somewhere in another body, she again begins to share. This medical process is called metastasis. Here you can talk about some of the risk factors that could trigger the emergence of such melanomas: the presence of borderline moles (dysplastic nevuses similar to broken eggs or a glazun, with a dark center and light strokes), suffered once in childhood sunburn (especially in the prone to freckles, fair-skinned, fair-haired, blue-eyed) and, of course, a genetic predisposition. If the birthmark grows, seem, at least, to the cosmetician. But a fuller, more accurate answer will be given to you only by an oncologist after examining and conducting a hardware examination on a dermatoscope.
How much of a growing birthmark is dangerous?
The more it is launched, the more dangerous,because it can give metastases. Mortality as a result of their occurrence is quite high (at late stages - up to 95% in the CIS countries). Timely removal of melanoma guarantees an absolute cure. Any deviation (asymmetry, the appearance of unevenness, change in size or color, the formation of crusts (cracks), pain, itching, etc.) should be an occasion for urgent medical attention.