/ / Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" in the Crimea: photos and reviews

Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" in the Crimea: photos and reviews

Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" is located in the Southcoast of Crimea in the village of the same name. This is one of the oldest health resorts of the Crimea, which has been leading since 1882. The original name of this sanatorium is the Central Military Sanatorium Gurzuf. The sanatorium is located 16 kilometers from Yalta, and also 75 kilometers from Simferopol.

sanatorium gurzufsky

Sanatorium buildings are located in the ancientPark, founded in 1808. It has an incredible number of wonderful sculptures and fountains, pleasing the eye of tourists. More than 110 varieties of shrubs and trees grow in this park, located in a city called Gurzuf.

Gurzuf sanatorium is aThe unique park ensemble of various exotic plants with sculptures and fountains. Among them adorn the body of the sanatorium, perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape.

This sanatorium has small pebbles.comfortable beach with a total length of 240 meters. There are changing cabins, awnings on it. Located from the boarding house at a distance of 200 meters. There is a bar, rental water entertainment, also offered water excursions.

Gurzuf sanatorium accepts visitors for treatment and rest from April to December. It is designed for five hundred places.

gurzuf sanatorium reviews

Natural healing factor

Gurzuf sanatorium (Crimea) is built on the coastpicturesque Gurzuf Bay, which is protected from all sides by mountain ridges from cold air currents, which creates a unique, unique climate throughout the year. Gurzuf is usually referred to the best regions of the whole Crimea. Gurzuf valley resembling an amphitheater is surrounded by a half-ring of mountains. They protect it from cold winds. The valley has unique climatic features that favor the implementation of various therapeutic and recreational procedures suitable for children and adults.

Treatment profile

Located in the region of Big Yalta, the sanatorium "Gurzufsky" has the following treatment profile:

  • respiratory diseases (frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis);
  • a complex for spa treatment of non-specific lung diseases (bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchiectasis);
  • heart diseases;
  • scoliosis, osteochondrosis, consequences of injuries, arthrosis;
  • diseases of the nervous system (vegetovascular dystonias, neuroses, consequences of circulatory disorders of the brain, CNS injuries).

Diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation

Sanatorium "Gurzufsky", which photopresented in this article, offers to all those who have chosen to treat and rest in Yalta, to undergo a course of treatment for any range of services from the total cost of the voucher. Holidaymaker can get any of the listed complexes for its main type of disease.

Gurzuf sanatorium Crimea

Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" (Gurzuf, Crimea): a complex for the treatment of lung diseases

  • Medical advice: physiotherapist, pulmonologist, psychoneurologist, ENT.
  • Examination: biochemical and clinical blood analysis, ECG, urinalysis, spiroanalyzer (spirogram), rheography of the pulmonary artery, in the pulmonary artery pressure level.
  • Diet: antiallergenic, lipid diet.
  • Physiotherapy: sinusoidal modulated currents, electrophoresiswith medical substances, phonophoresis, UHF on the chest, auto-trainings, electrosleep, inhalations of medicinal substances, “Salt cave” (halochamber), aero-phytotherapy with special respiratory gymnastics, according to indications a chest segment or vibrating massage, and vibrating massage of the adrenal glands.
  • Therapeutic exercise and climatotherapy: in summer, sea bathing, aerotherapy, physical therapy, sunbathing, fitness club, health path.

Respiratory diseases

  • Gurzuf sanatorium, reviews of which canwill read in this article below, conducts the following examination: urinalysis (general), blood, according to indications blood biochemistry, ECG, according to indications spirography, according to indications x-ray of the sinuses.
  • Medical advice: pulmonologist, ENT, pediatrician, physiotherapist.
  • Diet: antiallergenic, hypolipid, individual.
  • Physiotherapy: облучение носоглотки ультрафиолетовыми лучами, inhalation of drugs, on the focus of inflammation of the microwave or UHF, ultrasound on the tonsils, phyto-aromatherapy, phonophoresis of drugs, electrophoresis of various drugs, vibratory massage of the adrenal glands.
  • Therapeutic exercise and climatotherapy: summer sea bathing, aerotherapy, physical therapy, sunbathing, on the beach, morning hygienic gymnastics, health path, sport base, fitness club.

Heart Disease

  • Also Gurzuf sanatorium (reviews about himgiven in the article below) carries out such surveys as urine and blood (general), according to the testimony of a biochemical blood test: a complex of rheumatic test, lipid profile, liver function tests, electrolytes, blood enzymes, coagulogram, the whole complex of protein metabolism according to ECG indications with drug tests, veloergometry, integral rheography, echocardiography according to indications, as well as rheovasography, if necessary ultrasound of the adrenal glands and kidneys, radiography of large vessels and the heart.

Gurzuf Gurzuf sanatorium

  • Specialist advice: neuropsychiatrist, physiotherapist.
  • Diets: antiallergenic, hypolipid, individual.
  • Therapeutic exercise and climatotherapy: in the summer season, sea bathing, aerotherapy, physical therapy, sunbathing, on the beach, morning hygienic gymnastics, health path, sport base, fitness club.
  • Physiotherapy: лекарственный электрофорез, электоросон, electric field using a special transcerebral technique, UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, laser magnetic therapy of the liver, heart, auto-training, post-isometric relaxation.

Diseases of the nervous system

  • Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" conducts the following examinations: urine and blood analysis (general), according to the testimony of a biochemical blood test: a coagulogram, a complex of a lipid profile.
  • ECG with necessary functional tests,rheoencephalography, mathematical analysis of heart rhythm by the method of Bayevsky, rheoencephalography with functional tests, radiography of the skull, integral rheography, according to the indications of the spine.
  • Specialist advice: a physiotherapist, psychoneurologist, pediatrician, according to the indications of an ENT specialist and a surgeon.
  • Diet: antiallergenic, hypolipid, individual diets.
  • Physiotherapy: electric, SMT-currents, electrophoresisdrugs, autogenic training, magnetic therapy, EHF-therapy, post-isometric relaxation, massage of the neck area, head, laser magnetic therapy, massage of the extremities and the spine, galvanic mud (collar area, part of the spine)
  • Therapeutic exercise and climatotherapy: in the summer season, sea bathing, aerotherapy, physical therapy, sunbathing, in the sport base or on the beach, morning hygienic gymnastics, fitness club, health path.
    Yalta sanatorium Gurzufsky

Related diseases of the musculoskeletal system

  • Examination: blood test, urine (general), according to indications of ECG X-ray, in addition, biochemical blood test: uric acid, complex revmoprob.
  • Specialist advice: physiotherapist, psychoneurologist, pediatrician.
  • Diet: antiallergenic, hypolipid, individual.
  • Physiotherapy: DDT-currents, SMT-currents, electrophoresis of medicinal substances, laser magnetic therapy, UHF-therapy, electroplating, magnetic therapy.
  • Therapeutic exercise and climatotherapy: sea bathing in summer, aerotherapy, physical therapy, sunbathing, on the beach, morning hygienic gymnastics, health path, sport base, fitness club.


It is necessary to seek advice from your doctor. Only he can tell if this treatment is right for you.

Type of food

It offers 4 meals a la carte in the former Fountain Restaurant, which was built in neo-Gothic style in 1885. The halls are equipped with split systems.

Number of rooms

Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" has several buildings: a three-story "Park", a three-story "Gagarinsky", a nine-story "Breeze". They allow you to stay in rooms of different comfort:

  • Standard double rooms. In each room: toilet, shower, TV, sink, refrigerator, balcony (balcony).
  • 2-bedroom double. In each room: toilet, shower, TV, sink, refrigerator, balcony (balcony).

sanatorium Gurzufsky photo

Infrastructure, services, service

In this sanatorium at the services of guests provided: paid parking, a cafe in the park, individual safe, beauty salon, long-distance telephone.

There is also a sports complex: tennis courts, volleyball courts, sauna, table tennis, sports gym, as well as exercise therapy, billiards, solarium, health path.

A cinema and concert hall was opened, which hosts concerts, musical evenings, film shows, discos, and performances by various artists. All sorts of excursion programs are offered.

Water, beach

The beach of this resort is located 200 meters frombuildings for a relaxing beach holiday. It is well-maintained, small-pebbled, insulated, with a total length of 240 meters. The beach is equipped with tanning beds, tents, sun beds, changing rooms, toilets and showers, a pharmacy, and a first-aid post. To services of guests of the sanatorium are water rides, a sauna and a bar on the coast of the sea, rental of water bikes and boats, water excursions.

Children's rest

Sanatorium "Gurzufsky" gladly acceptskids for rehabilitation and family holidays in the Crimea (of any age with their parents). There is a playground for them on site, babysitting services are offered, and a games room is open.

crimea sanatorium gurzufsky reviews

Crimea, sanatorium "Gurzufsky": reviews

Reading reviews about the rest and treatment in the sanatorium"Gurzufskom", it becomes clear that there are experienced professionals who will help restore the health of each client. As the guests of this place say, this is a great place to recuperate, relax physically and psychologically. But there are also negative reviews. They mainly relate to the high cost of living and treatment here.