/ / Gurzufsky park - a monument of landscape art

Gurzufsky Park - a monument of landscape art

Crimea is famous for its natural beauty, warm climate.and sea beaches. This is an amazing place where you can not only improve your health, but also have a great time. One of the decorations of the peninsula is Gurzufsky Park, located at the resort village Gurzuf.


The park covers an area of ​​12 hectares.This corner of nature is located on the Black Sea coast, near the mouth of Avunda. The mountain river divided the magnificent park into two unequal parts. Northeastern has a small size, but in its beauty and decoration occupies a leading position. On its territory are located the main architectural structures and sanatoriums "Pushkino" and "Gurzufsky". In a large part of the park there is a summer stage and a cinema, there are a huge number of playgrounds for children and physical education.

Gurzuf park how to get

Park vegetation

Gurzuf Park is a cultural and historicalheritage of Crimea. It contains more than 100 species of shrubs and trees. The main vegetation of the park is conifers, typical of the subtropical climate, and valuable deciduous trees. The most unique species are:

  • giant redwoods;
  • large-sized magnolias;
  • Yucca tree plant;
  • evergreen cypress;
  • several types of cedars: Lebanese, Atlas, Himalayan;
  • sweet-scented osmanthus;
  • the plant of the cornel family - aucuba;
  • Crimean incense;
  • stupid pistachio;
  • strawberry tree or arbutus.

excursion Gurzuf park

Thanks to a huge variety of breeds, it was possiblecreate unsurpassed corners of nature with highly artistic design. Plant compositions in most cases are plantations of homogeneous groups of deciduous and coniferous trees. They alternate with flower meadows and lawns of lush green grass.

The olive grove is the highlight of the park. She stretched out near the sea coast. Trees have a solid age, but despite this, they still bear fruit.

History of the park

The excursion will help to learn the history of the creation of the open-air museum and enjoy the beauty of these places.

Гурзуфский парк был создан праправнуком кардинала Richelieu - Armand. In 1808, he acquired a plot of land of approximately 40 hectares. During this period, Duke Richelieu Armand took the post of mayor of Odessa (1803-1814), being in the rank of Governor-General of Novorossia. Visiting the South Coast and seeing the scenic area at the bay, he falls in love with these lands. The Duke is building a two-story house, around which a beautiful Gurzuf park is smashed.

Gurzuf Park address

Distinguished guests

Beautiful architectural buildings with openspacious terraces, as well as magnificent landscapes of the surrounding places created a cozy atmosphere for a good rest and unity with nature. The owner of the estate rarely visited the Crimean residence, therefore the building was rented from time to time.

Many wanted to relax in such a picturesquecorner, therefore, moved into the house with all their belongings, servants and guests. The Raevsky family settled here in 1820. A. Pushkin came to the estate at the invitation of them. While in exile, he spends a lot of time on the Crimean peninsula, working on his work The Prisoner of the Caucasus. It is in these places that the idea of ​​writing the now famous novel “Eugene Onegin” and the poem “The Fountain of Bakhchisarai” is born.

Today, the museum of A.S. Pushkin is located in the house of the Duke Richelieu.

Gurzuf park

Small architectural buildings

In addition to the picturesque nature, Gurzuf ParkDecorate small architectural forms: fountains and sculptural compositions. One of the most popular sculptures - a fountain, made in the Baroque style, is called the sculptural group "Goddess of the Night." There is an opinion that this composition is an exact copy of the work of the German sculptor Berger, which was presented at the Vienna International Fountain Exhibition. The sculpture embodies the elements of antiquity. Nukta - that is the name of the goddess of the night, appears as a naked girl holding a torch over her head. It is followed by Hypnos (patron of sleep) and ancient Greek Eros (god of love).

In the central part of the composition is a ball,which is surrounded by zodiac signs, which is a symbol of the universe. At the bottom of the sculptural group housed the caryatids and Atlantes, who support the ball with their shoulders. In one hand they hold a fish, from the mouth of which a fountain beats, symbolizing silence.

Another remarkable sculpture is considered the sculpture "Bathers". It is believed that the image of a naked girl borrowed from the great Rembrandt (the painting "Susanna, caught by the elder").

Fountain "Rachel" was created for biblical reasons. The sculpture is depicted as a woman holding a jar above her head.

If you love cultural activities, you should definitely visit Gurzuf Park.

Gurzuf park

How to get to Gurzuf?

Just so walk through the park will not work.Only people who have a rest in a sanatorium located on its territory have free entrance. For other visitors are organized tours, which are held at 11-00 and at 17-00 daily, seven days a week.

If you come to Yalta, then get to Gurzuf is quite simple, since the village is located on the outskirts of the resort town.

A lot of impressions and good mood will give Gurzufsky park. The address of the monument of landscape art: Leningradskaya Street, 10.