/ Inflammation of the kidney: symptoms in women. What are the symptoms of kidney disease in women?

Inflammation of the kidney: symptoms in women. What are the symptoms of kidney disease in women?

Боль в пояснице – частая проблема женщин средней and older age groups. However, this may not always be due to exacerbation of osteochondrosis. This article will tell you about a disease such as kidney inflammation. Symptoms in women, as well as possible diseases - this will be discussed below.

inflammation of the kidney symptoms in women

Symptom 1. Pain

As mentioned above, back pain is far away.she does not always say that a woman should just warm up or attend a massage course. Often, this symptom is a consequence of a disease such as inflammation of the kidneys. The nature of the pain while acute, paroxysmal. It can occur regardless of the time of day and the load on the human body. There may also be a pulling pain in the abdomen. It will also indicate the presence of this disease.

Symptom 2. Temperature increase

What else should be remembered if diagnosed"kidney inflammation"? Symptoms in women with this disease may affect body temperature. It increases significantly, and in some cases can reach the mark even at 40 ° C. At the same time, the patient will shiver, weakness, dizziness, and headaches may also be felt.

Symptom 3. Test results

It is very easy to recognize kidney inflammation by test results. The symptoms in women will be the following:

  1. Urine will be cloudy.
  2. In the urine you can notice the flakes.
  3. When pyelonephritis in the urine will be a huge number of white blood cells.
  4. When glomerulonephritis in the urine will be a high content of red blood cells and protein.

The last two points - the results of urine analysis of the patient.

What are the symptoms of kidney disease in women?

Symptom 4. Problems with urination

What else is fraught with inflammation of the kidneys?Symptoms in women may also include urination. However, only if the infection has spread to the bladder and ureters. In this case, the lady will often run to the toilet - false urge to urinate. It is also possible the occurrence of cutting pains during the discharge of urine.


Inflammation of the kidneys often causes suchdisease like pyelonephritis. Violation of urination in this case most often does not happen. However, what symptoms of kidney disease in women can be found in this case? General symptoms:

  1. Temperature increase up to 39-40 ° С.
  2. Excessive sweating.
  3. Vomiting, nausea possible.
  4. Headache.
  5. Weakness in the body.

При этом можно также наблюдать и местные симптомы.In this case, it is customary to talk about dull aching pains in the lumbar region. Particular attention should also be paid to the patient's urine. She will have an unpleasant smell, her appearance will be muddy.

Chronic pyelonephritis

What are the symptoms of kidney disease in women?be observed with chronic pyelonephritis? So, there will necessarily be pain, general weakness of the body. The temperature is most often either normal or insignificantly elevated. There may also be a loss of body weight, an episodic increase in blood pressure, indigestion. Additional information will also give a urine test.

symptoms of sick kidney in women


If pyelonephritis is infectious, thenA disease such as glomerulonephritis has several other causes. This may be an autoimmune disease or an infectious-allergic disease. At the same time to the fore there is a decrease in the functionality of the kidneys in the field of filtration. General symptoms:

  1. Headache.
  2. Appetite disorders.
  3. Weakness.
  4. Increase in blood pressure.
  5. Edemas (external and internal - accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity).
  6. The temperature rises quite rarely.

Local symptoms of this disease:

  1. Reducing the amount of daily urine.
  2. Discoloration of urine: from brown to almost black.
  3. The presence of blood in the urine.

Chronic glomerulonephritis

What are the symptoms of sick kidney in women withchronic form of the disease? It should be said that there will be practically no external manifestations. The fact that the disease is active, can say a blood and urine test. If the course of the disease is long, then the patient may develop signs of intoxication of the body:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Headache.
  3. Constipation or diarrhea.
  4. Exhaustion.
  5. Disorders of the functions of other organs.

There may also be an increase in blood pressure.

kidney cancer symptoms in women

Kidney cancer

Another disease is kidney cancer. Symptoms in women with this disease may be as follows:

  1. Temperature increase, fever.
  2. Constant pain in the abdomen or lower back.
  3. In the urine, blood is found.
  4. General weakness of the body.
  5. Weight loss.
  6. If the tumor grows, you can even feel it.

Other symptoms are also possible. However, this will indicate that metastases have penetrated into other organs. These symptoms are called extrarenal.

Important:If a woman has at least some of the above symptoms, you should definitely seek doctor's help. After all, if the disease is detected at an early stage (which, by the way, is quite difficult even for specialists), then it is much easier to cope with it than with its neglected form.

kidney symptoms in women


Как распознать данное заболевание?The symptoms of kidney colds in women are of great importance. Already thanks to them, the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. And the more accurately a woman tells about her feelings, the better. Further, still need some research. So, a lot of what a urine test can “tell”. His indicators give information about what kind of kidney disease is present in women. Sometimes you may need a complex analysis of urine: Nechiporenko, Zimnitsky. Also, the doctor may prescribe a Reberga test or urography (by injection of a contrast agent and X-rays, an examination of the mucous is done). Also, to clarify the diagnosis will need a blood test.


Having dealt with such a disease as inflammationkidney symptoms in women, the treatment of this problem - this is what else needs to be told. As mentioned above, the symptoms that are present in women are of the utmost importance. After all, it is worth saying that the most difficult thing in diagnosing a disease is to identify which microorganism struck the kidneys in a disease such as pyelonephritis (the purpose of one or another antibiotic will depend on this). What treatment may be prescribed for this:

  1. Консервативное лечение.Here, antibiotic therapy with penicillin is important. Also need anti-inflammatory measures. Catheterization is needed only if there is a violation of urine outflow. Also, when this disease is important diet and bed rest.
  2. Surgical intervention.In the most extreme cases, the patient may be shown surgery. In this case, renal decapsulation, pelvic drainage, or excision of necrotic foci are done.

Having figured out what symptoms of kidney disease in women occur with a disease such as glomerulonephritis, methods for getting rid of this disease should also be considered.

  1. Dieting is important (table number 7).
  2. It is necessary to limit fluid intake (maximum 1 liter per day).
  3. The bed rest is important.
  4. Salt use is strictly prohibited.
  5. Antibacterial therapy is required.
  6. With the help of diuretics will need to cope with edema.

inflammation of the kidney symptoms in women treated


When the first symptoms occur,go to a consultation with a doctor (urologist). After all, if the disease is not treated, it can eventually flow into the chronic form. At the same time on the kidneys may appear characteristic scars from frequent inflammatory processes. If the disease is severely neglected, the size of the kidneys decreases with time, renal failure may occur, which is closely related to hypertension.