/ / Bartholin gland cyst - symptoms and treatment

Bartholin gland cyst - symptoms and treatment

Observing the hygiene of the external genitals is importantfor the health of every woman. Proper and thorough daily care can prevent a variety of infectious and inflammatory diseases of an intimate nature. These diseases include the cyst of the Bartholin gland. This article will acquaint you with the causes of the development of the disease and ways of treating cysts.

Causes of the disease

Bartholin glands are glands infemale genitalia at the entrance to the vagina. These two body size of a small pea are placed in the subcutaneous fat layer. It is impossible to see or feel them.

Bartholin organs produce a liquid,moisturizing zone of the genitals. The liquid passes out through two tubes located at the entrance to the female vagina. They are called Bartholin ducts. Sometimes the ducts are clogged, the fluid accumulates and clogs the glands. In this case, there is a disease - a cyst of the bartholin gland (bartholinite).

The causes of bartholinitis can be:

- Trichomoniasis;

- gonococcal infection;

- Thrush;

- Chlamydia and ureaplasmosis;

- non-observance of intimate hygiene.

The disease is a small slowgrowing tumor. Most often cysts are small and painless, which disappear by themselves, without ongoing treatment. When an infection of the glands or duct, an abscess of the disease occurs, which must be treated.

Bartholin gland cyst - symptoms

The disease of an uncomplicated species looks likeRounded formation in the zone of large labia. Education is almost painless, it varies in size from the size of a small pea to the size of an apple. Small formations do not cause inconvenience. With the growth of the gland to a large size, there are complaints of pain while walking and during sex.

If the cyst of the Bartholin gland has passed intoan abscess, an increased body temperature, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, weakness. The diameter of the formation can reach up to 12 cm. First, there is an easy itching and slight burning sensation in the genital area, and later - a sharp and throbbing pain while walking. In view of the fact that the condition of the abscess is caused by the presence of a purulent infection, purulent discharge from the vagina is possible. A purulent abscess can open up spontaneously with the release of pus.


Identify bartholinite is not specialdifficulties. Diagnosis of the disease is based on gynecological examination, clinical picture, smear examination on the level of purity of the vagina, examination of the contents of the inflamed gland.

Bartholin gland cyst - treatment

Treatment of the disease directly depends on itsstage. The bartholin gland cyst, like other infectious diseases, is acute and chronic. Treatment of the acute stage of the disease is based on:

- on topical application of anti-inflammatory therapy with ointments (Vishnevsky, Levomecol, ichthyol) and solutions of myastatin, chlorhexidine and others;

- on the appointment of antibiotics of a number of cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone and others), penicillins (Amoxiclav);

- on the use of imidazoles (Tinidazole, Trichopolum).

The course of antibiotic therapy - no more than 10 days.

In the treatment of severe cyst disease andabscesses require surgical intervention. The main task here is the restoration of the gland with the further formation of the channel. For this purpose, an operation is performed using intravenous anesthesia.

Во время операции вскрывается гнойный очаг, cleared its contents. The cavity is treated with antiseptics (hydrogen peroxide 3%). For further outflow of purulent discharge, a drainage tube is inserted into the cavity. After some time after complete purification, it is removed.

In addition to surgery, antibiotics and vitamins are used. Wound treatment is performed with topical application of ointments (Vishnevsky, Levomekol).

In some cases, it is necessary to remove the Bartholin gland or to create an artificial canal.


It is very important in the treatment of bartholinitis to observe the following rules:

- Do not make haircuts, hair removal in the affected area;

- Do not wear tight underwear during illness and treatment (bikini, thong);

- daily washing of the genitals with the use of soap.