With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract thoughonce in a lifetime every person came across. Stomach pain, flatulence, diarrhea, constipation and other ailments of this system knock out a rut, delivering some discomfort. It is possible to treat such diseases both with drugs and natural, such as the gastrointestinal collection "Fitogastrol." Despite the fact that this plant collection, before applying it, you should consult with your doctor, as each herb has certain indications and contraindications, can cause a number of side effects.
"Phytogastrol" (gastrointestinal collection): composition
Vegetable collection consists of five herbs, taken in the same amount (20% of the total mass), is:
- chamomile flowers;
- peppermint leaves;
- Dill seeds;
- calamus rhizomes;
- liquorice root.
Латинское название препарата Phytogastrol (gastro-intestinal species). The tool is a finely chopped herbal powder of a yellowish-brown hue with splashes of different colors. It has a strong bitter-sweet taste, has a bright specific smell.
Available in filter packs of 2.0 grams.In the paper packaging is 20 bags and instructions for use. Also available in bulk form gastrointestinal fee "Fitogastrol." Photos of the appearance of the package is below.
Pharmacological action of herbal remedies
"Phytogastrol" refers to the means of vegetableorigin. Relieves spasms, inflammation, promotes the removal of bile from the body. The collection contains five herbs. Such a composition of plants allows to achieve the maximum effect in curing gastrointestinal diseases.
Chamomile effectively fights stomach ailments andintestine. It is an excellent choleretic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It acts softly and delicately, therefore it is allowed for use not only for adults, but also for children from the first year of life.
Peppermint improves the digestion process,has a sedative and analgesic effect. It has an antiemetic and anti-inflammatory effect. Contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, pregnant and lactating women. If you exceed the dose causes drowsiness.
Dill fragrant seeds relax the intestines andnormalize the digestive process. Characterized by diuretic, antiseptic, choleretic effects, suppress the development of putrefactive processes in the stomach and rid the body of toxins. Seeds also stimulate the production of gastric juice, relieve spasms in the peritoneum, a good result is given in the treatment of diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract. These include flatulence, constipation, colitis, etc.
Calamus root possessesantispasmodic, antiseptic and wound-healing properties, increases the appetite and activates the production of gastric juice. It is prescribed for flatulence, achylia and intestinal colic. It is also used in diseases of the kidneys, duodenum, liver, bladder and stomach. Calamus root relieves muscle cramps and helps with nervous disorders. You can not take it during pregnancy, increased gastric acidity, acute inflammation of the internal organs and bleeding of any genesis.
Licorice rhizome gives anti-inflammatory,antispasmodic, diuretic and laxative effect. It is also characterized by enveloping, expectorant and antiallergic effects. It is a reliable assistant in the fight against various bacteria, microbes and viruses. It is prescribed for damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, ulcer. Licorice helps with colitis and gastritis with high acidity of the gastric environment, a positive effect gives its use in inflammatory processes in the kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder. Licorice root is indicated in diseases of the liver and biliary tract.
Not once proved its effectiveness in combatingdiseases of the peritoneum "Fitogastrol" (gastrointestinal collection). The harm and benefits of its use are completely dependent on how the patient complies with all the doctor's prescriptions.
Indications for collection
Gastrointestinal collection "Fitogastrol" is shown incomplex therapy of diseases of the gastrointestinal environment and the liver, such as chronic colitis, smooth muscle spasmodic processes, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and hepatitis with gastrointestinal disorders, flatulence.
Contraindications to the use of "Fitogastrol"
Prohibition of the use of herbal remediesare allergic to certain components of the drug, calculous cholecystitis, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, children up to twelve years of age.
Do not take the gastrointestinal fee "Fitogastrol" during pregnancy and lactation due to the lack of knowledge of its effects on the female body during this period.
Method of preparation and dose of consumption
"Phytogastrol" (gastrointestinal collection)brewed as follows. A tablespoon of a mixture of dry plants (5 g) should be put in enameled container and pour a glass (200 ml) of hot boiled water. All close the lid and keep in a water bath for about fifteen minutes. Cool at room temperature for forty-five minutes. Strain and squeeze the water from the remnants of herbal raw materials. Add infusion with distilled boiled water to 200 ml.
Употреблять растительное снадобье следует три once a day, 1/3 of a glass half an hour before meals. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the attending physician. Each time before use, the infusion should be shaken.
If the herbal preparation is packed infilter bags, then for the preparation of the infusion two packages are placed in a glass or enameled container and poured a glass of boiling water (about 200 ml). The grass should be insisted for fifteen minutes under the lid, then, pressing the filter bags with a spoon, squeeze out the liquid formed in them and finally squeeze well. The volume of the solution must be brought to 200 ml. Vegetable infusion drink 2-3 times a day for half a cup for half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment depends on the type of disease and is monitored by a doctor.
Special instructions to the treatment process
No cases have been observed so far.overdose of the drug "Fitogastrol" (gastrointestinal collection). The manual does not provide data on the interaction of herbal remedies with other medicinal and natural preparations. Also its influence on the ability to drive transport and other mechanisms has not been studied.
Приготовленный для употребления настой должен stored in the refrigerator for no more than two days. Grass should not be used beyond the expiration date. Before the use of herbal medicine, you should consult with your doctor, since any medicinal herb has contraindications.
Packaging "Phytogastrol" should be stored in a dry and protected from direct sunlight.
Желудочно-кишечный сбор «Фитогастрол» практически does not cause side effects. An exception may be excessive sensitivity to one of the components of the drug. In the event of an allergic reaction, herbal intake should be discontinued.
There were no cases of overdose, even with prolonged administration.
The cost of vegetable collection
Gastrointestinal fee "Fitogastrol" releasedin pharmacies without a prescription. Its average cost varies around 50 rubles per 50 g of dry grass and about 60 rubles per box with 20 filter bags.
"Phytogastrol" (gastrointestinal collection): reviews
Gastrointestinal collection deserved a lotrave reviews. People take it for problems of the gastrointestinal tract, such as flatulence, colic, pain in the stomach. They say that it quickly restores the work of the intestines, normalizes digestion and stool, and saves from heartburn, even when other means are powerless. Some patients a month later with a daily intake cured an ulcer with it (in combination with other drugs). Well relieves of holiday overeating, gently removing all associated symptoms, ranging from heaviness in the stomach to constipation, rumbling.
Not everyone likes the sweet-bitter tasteinfusion, but it can be softened by adding honey, sugar. Many people drink healing infusion twice a day and advise, before consuming chemicals, to try to cure your body with natural and inexpensive means, such as Fitogastrol. It is argued that in order for the effect to be positive, it is necessary to drink a collection of at least ten days. Despite this, many people drink it as needed, “when they squeeze”. Many keep it in their first-aid kit as a magic wand, in case their stomach aches or their stomachs get swollen, especially since the herbal tea has a long shelf life of two years.
For people with serious diseases of the stomach andThe intestines of these herbs became real helpers, saved from health problems. In addition to the positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, this collection gently sanitizes the entire body, simultaneously eliminating inflammatory processes in other organs.
Despite all the effectiveness of the gastrointestinal collection, it is not necessary to prescribe it yourself, but you should consult with your doctor before using herbal remedies.