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What does the chalk look like? Recognize the main features

How does the sweat of babies, knows far fromevery newly mummy. However, you still have to master this information. After all, such a deviation is easily confused with an allergic rash and other more serious diseases.

Why does skin inflammation occur in a newborn baby?
what does the sweating look like

Прежде чем узнать, как выглядит потница у small children, it is necessary to find out, for what reason it generally appears. The fact that the skin of a newborn baby is very delicate and delicate, and after contact with rough clothing, small inflammatory areas can form on it. In order to avoid this, the child should be carefully looked after (regularly bathe, do not strongly wrap in a blanket in hot and warm weather, etc.).

It is worth mentioning that most of the youngmoms who are interested in the way the sweets look, mistakenly believe that this manifestation on the skin is a disease. This is not true. After all, sweating is only the result of the wrong and irregular care of the baby. If you follow all standard hygiene measures, then this problem may not affect your child.

Where can child's heels appear?

The presented deviation may occur in completely different parts of the baby’s body. Most often prickly heat occurs in the following places:

what does the prickly heat look like in babies

  • skin folds on the body;
  • the inner surfaces of the legs and arms;
  • groin area;
  • baby's buttocks;
  • neck and forearm;
  • face;
  • head as a whole;
  • back.

What does prickly heat look like in newborns?

It is worth noting that in the above areasAn allergic rash may also occur in a similar way. Therefore, it is imperative to know what the prickly heat looks like in newborn babies. Such a deviation is an irritation consisting of a large number of small specks of red or pink color. After progression, they are joined by small bubbles filled with a cloudy or clear liquid. If you immediately react and take all the necessary measures to eliminate this deviation, the pimples will quickly dry up, leaving no trace of them. If, however, to wait for an independent resolution of the problem, the bubbles can dry out with the appearance of a hard crust. In some cases, such an outcome causes the baby to itch, to which he can sharply react with constant weeping and whims.

what does the prickly heat look like in newborns

Кстати, мокнущая потница у новорожденных быстро distributed throughout the body. Therefore, you should get rid of this disease in the early stages of its development and in no case do not bring up the appearance of small watery pimples.

How to recognize the prickly heat?

It is not enough to get hold of that information, like prickly heat in infants. After all, this deviation is very similar to many other diseases of the skin. In this case, you should know that:

  • on the face of the child prickly heat is extremely rare;
  • if you stretch the watery pimples in hand, then visually they disappear. If the bubbles remain noticeable, then you are dealing with any other deviation, but not only with prickly heat.