/ / Why is it necessary to treat swine fever in newborns?

Why is it necessary to treat swine fever in newborns?

Young parents should not neglect the rulescare for the baby, and even more so do not pay no attention to the chalk, believing that it will pass itself. The tender skin of infants is quickly infected, since its protective function is imperfect. Therefore, when the baby is overheating sweat glands remain closed, sweat is not yet formed and is not secreted. Sebaceous glands secrete a special secret for lowering the child's body temperature. And the parents at this time begin to lubricate the baby with creams, powders, wash away. Thus, violate the defensive reaction and only aggravate the situation. Therefore, it is so important to know what is sweating and how to treat the swab in newborn babies.

On the skin of a newborn babythere is a pink rash, with a transparent content that rises above the skin. Vesicles dry up and begin to peel off, thereby causing anxiety in children. This is the manifestation of sweating in newborns.

The cause of sweating is overheating of the baby.You should never smoke a newborn baby. Without the need not to put on his head caps and hats. If the apartment is warm, and the children of the mother after bathing are put on bonnets, then there will always be a sweating in the newborns on the head. The second reason for the appearance of sweating is the remnants of moisture after bathing, if the baby is badly dampened with a towel, and there is moisture on the head and behind the ears.

On the skin of newborn children, too, there are manymicroorganisms, which under adverse conditions are activated and can cause pustular lesions of the skin. This is dangerous because the infection can quickly spread to other organs and tissues. And this will require the intervention of doctors and medical treatment. To prevent this, it is best to prevent the sweating of the child. And if it occurs, treat the sweating in newborns.

To do this, it is useful to bathe the baby in the daisy,sage, in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate. Just do not throw the crystals in the bath in the hope that they will dissolve there themselves. It is more convenient to make a concentrated solution in a can and store it for several days in a dark place. And before use, strain through gauze.

It is necessary to change a small child frequently induring the day, to hold air baths. Clothing should be made of fabrics that pass air well and easily washable. It is necessary to choose the right clothes for walking, for sleeping, for the period of the child's wake. Often to air a room, to walk with the kid in the morning and evening hours, especially on hot summer days.

Treatment of sweating in newborns is simple andis the right care, daily bathing and hygiene procedures. If the baby is not reduced immunity, and he is breastfeeding, the arisen sweating will take place in a few days. Weakened children need more time to treat.

If the rash has covered most of the skin, then the treatmentSweating in newborns should be carried out more often during the day. You can bathe your child several times a day, make lotions of problem areas of the skin with a decoction of nut leaves. To do this, take a few branches with walnut leaves, pour two liters of boiling water, boil for several minutes and allow to stand for several hours. Filtered decoction to treat the skin of a newborn. The effect of treatment comes quickly.

For the preparation of infusions from walnut leaves forbath it is enough to take a couple of twigs on a pot of water, bring to a boil and immediately turn off. Let it brew for about forty minutes and can be used for bathing a baby. It is best to prepare the infusions of herbs just before bathing, then all their useful properties will be maximally used.

How to treat sweating in newbornsuse with caution. Especially when treating the scalp because of the close location of the unclosed yet fontanel. Especially since the baby's skin sucks everything from the surface well. For the same reason, disinfectant and antiseptic agents based on alcohol are not recommended.