/ / Kruger spermogram: normal, deviations, transcript

Kruger spermogram: normal, deviations, transcript

During the fertility study period, couples are increasinglya man is asked to take certain tests. Only in one test can it be said whether the representative of the stronger sex has the ability to conceive. To diagnose the female body requires more than all sorts of different activities. That is why doctors prefer to start with her partner. One frequently recommended study is a spermogram with a Kruger morphology. What it is will be described below. You will learn about the features of the analysis. You can also find out the basic norms and deviations of indicators.

kruger semen

When is the research needed?

Kruger sperm analysis is performedfar from all medical facilities. Most laboratories do not have sufficient equipment for such a diagnosis. That is why, if you are assigned such a procedure with such a thorough study of the ejaculate, then you need to clarify the possibility of its implementation in your chosen clinic.

В каких ситуациях мужчине необходимо сдавать analysis? Diagnosis is always recommended before the procedure of artificial insemination. Such a study will allow the doctor to be prepared for some surprises. Also, the manipulation is appointed when a man wants to become a donor of sperm. With prolonged infertility, each representative of the stronger sex should be diagnosed.

Kruger spermogram: how to prepare?

Nothing special in preparing for thisthere is no research. You do not have to perform some supernatural stunts. It is enough to follow the recommended rules. The preparation period is 5 days or more. It is at this time that a man is forbidden to go to saunas, to be under the scorching sun for a long time and to drink alcohol. All these factors can adversely affect sperm and cause a false diagnosis. Also, doctors advise you to cancel all medications, with the exception of vital ones. If you are forced to take some kind of remedy, you must definitely inform your doctors.

Kruger spermogram suggests abstinencefrom sexual contact within 3-5 days. When this gap is shortened, an insufficient amount of sperm can be obtained, whereas a longer abstinence leads to the death of many spermatozoa.

kruger semen analysis

How is the research done?

Kruger spermogram, as usualstudy ejaculate, provides for the receipt of material by masturbation. The process is carried out strictly within the walls of the laboratory. Before that it is necessary to make hygienic procedures and wash hands thoroughly. The ejaculate is collected in a sterile container. For this type of diagnosis, it is very important not to lose a portion of the sperm. If this happens, then for accuracy of analysis it is worth repeating the manipulation after 5 days.

Explanation of research data

How is spermogram correctly interpretedKruger? Decryption of the data is performed exclusively in the doctor's office. You cannot understand anything from the presented figures. That is why you should not wander through the expanses of the Internet and read abstruse books. Contact a specialist who will help you correctly decrypt the data. The same doctor, if necessary, can give you some advice in treatment, if required.

Decoding analysis can be done already throughseveral hours after diagnosis. The ejaculate is examined immediately; it is not possible to postpone this analysis. Therefore, you can get your result within one hour. Consider the basic parameters that contains spermogram for Krueger.

spermogram test kruger

Volume and color of material

Специалисты говорят о том, что нормальное The amount of ejaculate is in the range of 3 to 5 milliliters. If the fluid is less than 2 ml, then we can talk about the insufficiency of the male glands. This pathology is called microspermia. When the volume of ejaculate is more than 6 ml, there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process in the male reproductive system.

The color of the material can be white.up to some shades of gray. The presence of pinkish or red patches indicates an inflammatory process or a recent injury. Yellow shade of ejaculate indicates a deviation in the liver. However, this characteristic may occur during the course of taking vitamins.

The time of liquefaction and acidity of the material

If you are assigned a diagnosis of fertility andthe Kruger method is proposed, the spermogram should always contain data on the acidity and time of dilution of the ejaculate. Normally, a viscous material acquires a liquid consistency in about 40 minutes. In some clinics, this process is allowed to be carried out for an hour. If there is an increase in the specified period of time, then this is a sign of a long and sluggish inflammatory process (prostatitis, vesiculitis, etc.).

Кислотность мужской спермы должна быть на уровне 7.2-2.8 pH. If there is a deviation from these positions, then an infection is suspected. In such an environment, male gametes simply cannot perform their function correctly.

norm spermogram on krugeru

Density and total number of male gametes

When semen is produced, the Kruger testalways takes into account the total number of sperm. It is calculated by detecting cell density. To do this, under a microscope, a laboratory technician calculates how many gametes are in 1 milliliter of material. This amount should be 20–120 ppm. The decrease in this level is called oligozoospermia. If we are talking about excess, then this is polyzoospermia. Both diagnoses require additional studies of male health and subsequent treatment.

The total number of sperm should be from 40 to 600 million. Range variation is quite large. Deviation in one direction or another occurs for the reasons described above.

spermogram with strict kruger morphology

Cell motility

In the study necessarily taken into accountviability of sperm. For this, the lab technician notes how to move them. Gametes can move in a straight line or on a different path. They are active or slow-moving. Active sperm with rectilinear movement should be at least 50 percent of the total mass. Deviation from the specified range is called asthenozoospermia.

It is worth noting that the spermogram with strict Kruger morphology provides for the diagnosis of only active cells with a straight or oscillatory motion.

kruger spermogram transcript


В этом пункте исследования изучается количество normal sperm that are capable of fertilization. In Russia, the norms of this characteristic are established from 40 to 60 percent. If normal sperm count is less than 20%, then it comes from teratozoospermia. It is worth noting that pathology is often temporary. That is why it is so important to pass a reanalysis a few weeks after the first test to confirm the diagnosis.

If the Kruger morphology has determined thatmales more than 40 percent of the sperm that can fertilize an egg, it is considered healthy. Pregnancy from such a partner can occur naturally without additional manipulation. When the decrease in this level is found out, the pair may need the help of fertility specialists.

kruger spermogram method

Additional information

In 1987, Professor Kruger proposed to considernormal sperm are able to penetrate the cervical canal within 8 hours after ejaculation. To study this item is taken sperm and examined under a microscope. In addition to the ability to move properly, the cell must have a perfect structure. Such sperm oval heads, which contain the nucleus that carries genetic information. Next comes the gamete body. It is thin and is always compared with the size of the round part. Normally, the sperm body is about 1.5 parts from its head. The tail is a very important detail. It is through him that the movement of the male gamete occurs. The tail of the spermatozoon is smooth throughout its length, it does not twist in a spiral. Doctors allow a slight narrowing of this part in the middle.

Kruger says that if the amountnormal gametes in men are higher than 4 percent, that is, a high probability of natural fertilization. However, modern data have slightly different numbers. If there is a deviation from the norm and healthy cells make up only 1%, the couple can turn for help to modern methods of reproductive science. In this case, a screening called ICSI is performed. During the manipulation, laboratory technicians seize good spermatozoa and fertilize them. The probability of successful IVF in this case increases several times.

kruger morphology spermogram what is it

Instead of concluding

You learned a lot about the male survey and were able tofind out what the norm is in this regard. Kruger spermogram is the only diagnosis that can accurately determine the health status of a man. The remaining studies are considered optional. The average cost of the procedure described is from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.

Если вам требуется узнать о состоянии своей reproductive system then ask for a Kruger study. Only after decoding the data obtained can the doctor speak with great accuracy about the norm or deviation. All items that are considered in such a study are presented to your attention in the article. I wish you health and good results!