/ / What and how to treat a sunburn with blisters?

What and how to treat a sunburn with blisters?

There are times when sunburn can become seriouscause for concern. It is important to know how to treat a sunburn with blisters to prevent the occurrence of serious complications. In case of serious lesions of the skin, it is necessary to consult a specialist in due time, who will prescribe remedies for elimination of dangerous symptoms.

Causes of sunburn

The skin is protected by the pigment melanin, which is activestruggles with the effects of sunlight, but when this effect is too intense, the pigment can not provide the required protection. As a result, sunburns form.

how to treat sunburn with blisters
Людям со светлой кожей можно пребывать на солнце limited amount of time, as this is potentially dangerous for them. Treat sunburn immediately after it occurs, as this can lead to very serious consequences. Solar radiation can be very dangerous for the skin, it provokes the appearance of malignant tumors.

Sunburn Symptoms

Among the main symptoms of sunburn can be identified such as:

  • redness and excessive skin sensitivity;
  • blistering that itches violently;
  • body aches, chills, nausea.

After a few days, the blisters begin to burst, andon the affected areas the skin begins to peel off. Such symptoms seem completely unsafe, can only bring a slight discomfort. However, it is burns that can lead to severe skin lesions.

How to prevent blistering

Be sure to know not only how to treatsunburn with blisters, but also how to properly sunbathe, to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant consequences. For prophylaxis, one should avoid exposure to the sun in the hours when the strongest radiation is observed. To protect the skin, you should use sunscreens with a factor of at least 30, especially carefully treat the neck, face and shoulders, that is, areas with the most delicate skin that does not come into contact with clothing.

how to treat blisters after sunburn
Sunscreen must be applied at leastthan 30 minutes before going out. The skin on the lips is very sensitive and burns easily, so you need to use balms with a high degree of protection. Immediately after the beach, you need to take a cool shower or put a wet towel in place of the intended burn. This will prevent blistering.

First aid for sunburn

If blisters appear after sunburn,you need to know what to do, as this will allow you to avoid severe injury to the skin. Be sure to give first aid. Even with a slight reddening of the skin, you need to take a cool bath, as well as use a cooling gel that will help relieve inflammation. Cosmetic means must be selected very carefully, so as not to provoke even greater drying of the skin.

how to treat sunburn with blisters
After taking a shower you can not wipe, enoughjust blot the burnt areas with a towel and let the skin dry naturally. Aloe vera juice can be affected by the affected skin, which will help eliminate inflammation.

How to treat a sunburn

You can determine how to treat a burn with blisters.only on the basis of the size of the lesion of the skin. If the blisters are large enough, you should definitely consult a doctor, as traditional medicine will not bring the desired result.

With the right approach, you can get rid of blisters literally in a week. Be sure to use:

  • ointments and creams that relieve inflammation;
  • antipyretic and analgesic drugs;
  • antihistamine medications;
  • healing agents.

In addition, the treatment of sunburn and blisters at home is carried out through the use of folk remedies that help eliminate inflammation of the skin and accelerate their healing.

sunburn blisters from the sun than to treat
It is forbidden to pierce blisters, so as not to carryinfection and do not injure even more damaged skin. It is best to gently treat the skin with anti-inflammatory cream or antibiotic ointment. Then on the affected place you need to impose a loose bandage of gauze.

For a better effect on the affected place, you can put a compress dipped in chamomile tea, diluted with vinegar or cucumber juice. Eliminate the discomfort and soreness will help decoction of calendula.

Before treating sunburn skin withblisters, you need to make sure that there is no need for the help of the doctor, since the consequences of late treatment can be quite serious, in particular, such as the formation of infectious pustules or scarring of the skin.

Burn medicine

If there are blisters from sunburn, thatto do, the doctor may recommend. However, if it is not possible to immediately turn to a specialist, then apply the “Rescuer” cream on the affected places, and if not, then millet use sour cream or kefir. Dairy product should have a high percentage of fat.

sunburn treat
You can use the tool "Atoderm cream"However, it is worth remembering that this is a hormonal drug, which is why it should be applied in a very thin layer. If the blisters have burst, and sticky skin has formed in their place, then antibiotic ointments should be used to prevent skin infection. By antibacterial agents include "Pimafukort", zinc ointment. You can apply and combined tools, which contain not only antibacterial components, but also healing oils. Creams such as Solcoseryl, Actovegin, Psilo-Balsam, and sea buckthorn oil work very well with burns. Well helps spray "Olazol", which consists of healing components.

Blisters will open themselves as they dry.To speed up this process, you can use "Panthenol" or hydrocortisone ointment. These funds are considered completely safe and contribute to the rapid recovery of the skin. To eliminate pain and heat, it is recommended to use drugs such as Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Aspirin. Antihistamines can help eliminate itching and burning.

Treatment of burns folk remedies

Asking how to treat sunburn withblisters, we can say that well help folk remedies. Some home remedies help to reduce pain, as well as accelerate the healing process of the skin. To remove the heat and pain, you need to use only cool water for swimming. It is forbidden to apply ice, as this can only further traumatize the skin. Among the means of traditional medicine also need to highlight:

  • baking soda;
  • honey;
  • cereals;
  • turmeric

Baking soda helps to quickly calmburned skin and reduce itching. The tool refers to antiseptics, and therefore helps to provide additional protection for damaged skin from infection. You can add soda to a cool water bath. In addition, it is possible to apply this tool, mixed with water to a pasty state, on the affected area.

blisters from sunburn what to do
Для обработки кожи можно применять мед в чистом form or mixed with vinegar. Honey will help prevent infection and promotes faster wound healing. To enhance the effect of honey mixed with turmeric. You can make pasta from turmeric by mixing it with water and applying it to the burned places.

Good help to cope with pain and swelling.compresses made from lettuce leaves. To do this, lettuce leaves boil a little, cool and apply on the affected places several times a day.

When using oat flakes, they should be ground on a coffee grinder, diluted with water to a paste-like state and applied to the skin covered with blisters.

Errors in the treatment of sunburn

There are typical mistakes during treatment.sun-affected skin. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat sunburn and blisters from the sun, as well as what to do is prohibited. It is forbidden to wash the affected skin with the use of soap and other cosmetics. In addition, you can not handle the skin with petroleum jelly and any kind of fat. These funds lead to blockage of the sebaceous glands and interfere with the normal breathing of the dermis.

blisters after sunburn what to do
It is forbidden to drink tea or coffee. During the rehabilitation period it is not recommended to be in direct sunlight. In addition, it is recommended to wear hats and apply sunscreen.

When to see a doctor

Many are interested in how to treat blisters aftersunburn and in which case you need to consult a doctor. If there is fever, dehydration, there are signs of heat stroke, then you should definitely contact a specialist. Such signs as may be a serious cause for concern:

  • severe dizziness;
  • increased heart rate;
  • intense thirst;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • nausea;
  • chills;
  • hypersensitivity to sunlight, lacrimation;
  • the formation of many painful blisters;
  • blackening of the skin.

All these signs require immediate treatment to the doctor, since only an experienced specialist will be able to prescribe treatment.