/ / Levomecol ointment during pregnancy

Levomekol ointment during pregnancy

With the acquisition of a new status of a pregnant womanthe representative of the weaker sex radically revises her regime of life. So, most expectant mothers begin to watch their food and well-being especially carefully. However, like other women, the fairer sex in an interesting situation are susceptible to many diseases. Some of them do not cause fear and pass independently. Other ailments require prompt medical intervention and some medications. This article will tell you about how to use the "Levomecol" ointment during pregnancy. You will find out the main indications for its application and learn about the limitations. Also it is necessary to say about opinion, whether it is possible "Levomekol" during pregnancy.

Levomekol during pregnancy

Information from the annotation

Можно ли использовать препарат «Левомеколь» при pregnancy? The instructions for use do not indicate special restrictions on the use of the drug during this period. However, before using this remedy, it is worth consulting with a doctor and getting competent appointments.

To find out whether it is possible to apply ointment"Levomekol" during pregnancy, you need to know the composition of this drug. The main active substances are the following: levomycetin, ethylene glycol and methyluracil. Can they somehow affect the condition of a pregnant woman and her future baby?

Action on the fetus

"Levomekol" ointment during pregnancy is not prohibited. And this despite the fact that it contains an antibiotic.

Levomycetin affects cells of pathologicalmicroorganisms. It destroys their protein structure and promotes the excretion of microbes from the body. It is worth noting that the drug is able to penetrate the placental barrier and get into the blood of the baby's future.

Methyluracil is recognized as an effective immunomodulator.Most drugs with such an action are prohibited during the period of bearing of the child. However, due to the fact that this remedy is applied locally, it can be used by future mothers. In addition to immunomodulatory action, the agent has a healing and regenerating effect.

Ethylene glycol facilitates the separation of dead cells from the site of its application. In most cases, it is perfectly safe for the future child's body.

levomecol during pregnancy instruction

Opinion of doctors

Doctors say that "Levomecol" ointment can be used during pregnancy. Everything is explained by the following facts.

Назначается препарат только в случае экстренной necessity. It is recommended to use the product in the field of open wounds, burns and various injuries. The drug is also used to treat hemorrhoids, which so often encounter pregnant women. When appointing a medication, the fetal development period and the state of the future mother must be taken into account. In some cases, it is much more dangerous to start the disease than to use Levomecol during pregnancy. After purulent wounds are dangerous because bacteria and the inflammatory process can spread throughout the body. In this case, infection of the fetal tissues will occur. Such a state becomes not only dangerous, but also fatal in especially severe cases.

Gynecologists and obstetricians are convinced that the doses of the substance,falling into the child's body become minimal. All due to the fact that the drug acts locally, and not used orally. That is why doctors prefer this method of correction.

Levomekol during pregnancy reviews

When you can not use "Levomecol" ointment during pregnancy?

The instruction says that treatment of thissubstance categorically contraindicated future mothers who have increased sensitivity to one of the components of the means. Also, with a tendency to allergic rashes, increased irritation of the skin, it is worth noting such correction.

The drug should not be used by pregnant women,who have serious liver disease. Despite the local effects of levomycetin, it still penetrates the blood and has a detrimental effect on this organ.

In the first half of pregnancy it is worth refrainingfrom such treatment. All due to the fact that it is during this period that all the important organs and systems of the future child are formed. Antibacterial drug may unexpectedly affect this process. Often there are complications in the form of defects in the future baby.

Levomekol with hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Ointment "Levomecol": instructions for use

In pregnancy, you can not use the drugyourself. Only after consulting a doctor you can start correction with this composition. In most cases, the treatment regimen is selected individually and directly depends on the symptomatology and severity of the pathology.

The drug is administered topically.If it is necessary to treat lesions of the skin, then the medicine is applied to a sterile swab and applied to the wound. Bandaging is carried out from one to three times a day. Treatment is carried out until the condition of the future mother improves.

Often, "Levomekol" ointment is prescribed for hemorrhoids.In pregnancy, it is used as follows. On the previously cleared area of ​​the anal opening, a thin layer of ointment is applied. A gauze bandage should be applied from above. This compress is preferable to do at night. In the morning, simply rinse the affected area with cool water.

In some cases, the drug may be usedby vaginal administration. In this case, the ointment is impregnated with a tampon and inserted into the sexual organs of the woman. However, most specialists try to choose alternative ways of treating pathologies during pregnancy.

Levomecol is available in pregnancy

Opinion of women who used the medicine while waiting for the baby

Most patients who used ointment"Levomekol" during pregnancy, reviews leave positive. They say that the medicine has an antiseptic effect and quickly destroys microbes. Also, the drug promotes wound healing and the separation of dead cells.

Women assure that there is no pernicious influencethe medicine did not have any effect on the fetal organism. Despite the long treatment, they had a healthy and strong baby. It should be noted that the use of the drug was carried out in the second half of pregnancy on the preliminary appointment of a doctor.

Also, representatives of the weaker sex celebrateavailability of this medicine. So, packing a product weighing 40 grams will cost you about 100 rubles. While other drugs with a similar effect have a higher price category.

Levomecol instructions for use in pregnancy

Can I use the medicine before giving birth?

Most of the medicines allowed duringpregnancy, doctors are not recommended to consume a few days before the birth. Everything is explained by the fact that active substances accumulate in the mother's body and are able to penetrate into breast milk.

"Levomekol" ointment does not have such prohibitions.It should also be added that in some cases the drug is prescribed during breastfeeding to treat the area of ​​the breast and nipples. However, such manipulations are carried out only if necessary (with the development of a bacterial infection). In this case, the doctor chooses a special treatment tactic.

is it possible levomekol during pregnancy

Summary or brief conclusion

You now know if you can apply the drug"Levomekol" in the form of ointments during pregnancy. Remember that any self-medication can lead to unexpected consequences. Always use the services of a doctor and follow all recommendations. Only then will you be able to protect yourself and your unborn child from the negative influence of medications and pathological processes as much as possible.

Be healthy and easy to you pregnancy!