/ Symptom of panic attack - how to live with this?

A symptom of a panic attack is how to live with it?

Frequent heartbeat, pressure surge,intermittent breathing, lack of oxygen, trembling of the legs and hands, nausea and unconscious fear in a seemingly empty place is a symptom of a panic attack. And this is not all manifestations. In addition to these manifestations, the syndrome of panic attack is also often accompanied by scattered attention and thinking (it is difficult to gather thoughts, pull yourself together), internal trembling, a sharp surge of sweating or chills, pain in the heart, numbness of the extremities. The fear of death or madness in the background of these appearances already looks quite natural. What provokes the symptom of a panic attack, is it a serious pathology or an annoying episode? Where to go with this and whether?

panic attack symptom

I'm going crazy?

Каждый человек, столкнувшийся с подобным, вряд ли will forget the horror caused by this condition, and even begins to suspect in himself this or that form of insanity. According to medical statistics, about 10% of people on earth experienced a panic attack syndrome, the symptoms of which were from obvious to more blurred. And most often suffer from this disorder of a woman, about twice as many men. In a risk group, alcohol abusers are susceptible to depressive conditions and those whose blood relatives have similar disorders, as well as emotional natures belonging to the anxious, hysteroid type of personality. The symptom of a panic attack, as, indeed, the eponymous syndrome, is not a disease and especially does not indicate a mental illness. However, it can be concomitant or even, rather, a resultant factor of many diseases, both mental (psychological) and somatic.

panic attack syndrome symptoms

I am sick?

The first episode often occurs on quitesuccessful background, for no apparent external reasons. It can be provoked by a phobia, diabetes mellitus of both types, a malfunction in the thyroid gland, a failure of hormonal background. Attacks, as a rule, tend to recur, so for a start a person will need a thorough and versatile examination, which will allow to identify their root cause. In any case, a single symptom of a panic attack or their combination as an independent disease will not be treated by a competent and intelligent specialist, because such healing is symptomatic, and therefore ineffective, superficial.

panic attack symptoms forum
Doctor, will they cure me?

What kind of specialist is able to help the suffering?Definitely a psychotherapist. The psychologist in this case will be powerless, since similar symptoms can, as already mentioned, produce somatic diseases, which means the specialist must have a medical education, which the psychologist simply does not have. It is the psychotherapist who will be able to choose the complex of pharmacological and psychotherapeutic methods that is optimal for each individual case. Each person has his own panic attack, the symptoms (the forum dedicated to this problem confirms this) can vary and manifest themselves with different strengths. Therefore, different treatments are prescribed: autotraining, breathing and relaxation techniques will help to relieve fear, to gather. And drugs in the form of droppers or tablets normalize the state of the processes in the body.