/ / Products containing carbohydrates: list, description

Products containing carbohydrates: list, description

The latest fashion trends in healthy lifestyles is the right one.nutrition. Hence, there is a huge number of recipes, diets, recommendations, which are aimed at acquiring a healthy body and slim fit figure.

Of course, the main recommendations are the right ones and you should listen to them. But there are those that can significantly harm the health.

What are known foods containing carbohydrates?

Diets have great popularity, where they advisecompletely eliminate carbohydrates from the diet or reduce their consumption. In this article we will help to understand what it is, analyze food containing carbohydrates, analyze their benefit or harm.


First you need to understand what functionperform carbohydrates. This is an energy and structural function. Carbohydrates help the body produce energy, thanks to which it performs all its vital functions. Many people noticed that during carbohydrate-free diets, they feel bad, quickly tired, feel weak, and mental activity decreases. It turns out that without carbohydrates, our vital activity suffers greatly.

Classification of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are: simple, complex and fibrous.Simple are called easily digestible. In the body, they instantly turn into simple sugar, thereby sharply increasing its content in the blood. At the same time begins to produce insulin, which converts sugar into energy. But such a huge amount of energy is not needed by the body immediately. Because of this, its excess is deposited in fat. Therefore, foods containing simple carbohydrates should be consumed in minimal quantities after playing sports or mental exertion in order to replenish body reserves with energy.

Carbohydrate Food

Complex carbohydrates are called slow. Once in the human body, they are broken down gradually, the energy produced is consumed gradually. This type of carbohydrate less often leads to excess weight.

Fibrous is fiber.In the body, the fibers are not split. They serve for a kind of cleansing of the intestines, collect all the excess and toxic and are removed from the body. Fiber is a good carbohydrate for the intestines. It promotes the formation of a favorable microflora.

Easily digestible

Easily digestible carbohydrates are divided into several types: disaccharides and monosaccharides.

Foods high in carbohydrates

Disaccharides have their own groups:

  • Lactose - it has a great influence on the development of the child’s body. In the adult state is absorbed worse.
  • Maltose - a large amount of it is found in malt. In its pure form, such carbohydrate is rarely found.
  • Sucrose - this substance is not in nature. It was artificially synthesized in sugar cane and sugar beet.

Monosaccharides are divided into the following groups:

What foods contain carbohydrates?
  • Glucose - plays a huge role in the work of many body systems. The hormone that is involved in glucose uptake is insulin. It helps the easily digestible substance to be processed into energy.
  • Galactose - is found in both dairy products and other energy products. In the body it splits into lactose and glucose.
  • Fructose is the sweetest of the saccharides.It is absorbed more slowly, therefore it is a frequent component of sports nutrition. Contained in fruits and berries. An excess of fructose in the body leads to metabolic disorders.

Starch and glycogen. What it is? What products contain?

Slow carbohydrates include starch and glycogen.

Starch is essential for good intestinal function. Communicates with fiber. Located in products such as: potatoes, corn, beans, beans, lentils, bananas and others.

What food contains carbohydrates?

Гликоген – это молекулы глюкозы.Shortage leads to quick fatigue, drowsiness, weakness. Before sports training, it is recommended to eat some berries or a banana in order to replenish glycogen stores and sports have been fruitful.

Products with easily digestible carbohydrates

Now it is worth considering products containingcarbohydrates. A list of products with simple, we now compile. Easily digestible carbohydrates are found in such a text as: granulated sugar, dates, prunes, raisins, bananas, persimmon, grapes, honey, dairy products, yeast, cereals, white wines, and more.

When is it better to eat such food?

Knowing which foods contain carbohydrates, you easilyYou can build your food so that it is useful. But is eating simple carbohydrates so dangerous and necessarily leads to obesity? Not. Easily assimilable carbohydrates must be introduced into your diet, it is better to do this before 16.00. In the first half of the day the body spends more energy than in the evening. When developing your menu, try foods that contain a large amount of carbohydrates, do not include in evening meals. For the evening is ideal protein and fiber. Also, after an intense workout, mental activity or heavy physical exertion, you can eat foods that contain carbohydrates: banana, yogurt, a handful of nuts or dates. But there should be a minimum number.

Do carbohydrates contain foods?

Many people know which foods contain carbohydrates,A list of these products will be compiled in the article. But it turns out that some food, despite the fact that there are carbohydrates in them, still remains useful. In this case, some use better not in the morning. For orientation in the world of carbohydrate-containing products, experts have come up with a glycemic index. This is an indicator that helps to determine the increase in blood sugar, while consuming various foods.

Carbohydrates in foods

Considering foods containing carbohydrates, it is worth knowing their glycemic index. The lower the score, the more useful the product.

Product name

Glycemic index



White bread toast


Muffin cakes


Potato casserole


White rice


Boiled carrots


Mashed potatoes




Pearl barley


Fresh pineapple




Yeast Brown Bread




Pasta with cheese










Dried apricots, prunes


Fresh apple


Variegated Beans








Protein and carbohydrates in food

Do not forget that many products havenot only carbohydrates, only fats and only proteins. Often in one unit they are all available. A large number of carbohydrate-free products: poultry, fish, beef, Russian cheese. In the diet menu, this is definitely worth considering.

The table shows foods containing protein and carbohydrates:

Product Name






Low-fat cottage cheese



Ice cream


6 - 15




Bulb onions






With proper nutrition, you still need to enterIn your diet complex carbohydrates that will not be deposited in fats, and help our body produce energy, will feed our muscles, brain and other organs. If these substances are not enough, then the body begins to malfunction. A person feels tired, lethargy, weakness, metabolism is broken. It is fraught with diabetes.

Food with complex carbohydrates. Names and description

Make a list of products with complex carbohydrates:

  1. Tomatoes - perfectly clean the intestines and blood vessels of the human body, suppress appetite.
  2. Grapefruits are known as good fryers, they can easily and quickly have a snack during the day.
  3. Apples - they have a lot of fiber, which helps to remove all unnecessary from the body.
  4. Brown rice is in many ways better than ordinary white rice. Despite the large amount of carbohydrates, it contains few calories.
  5. Beans - contains all the necessary antioxidants, vitamins, folic acid. Helps in the work of the heart and blood vessels.
  6. Zucchini is a universal product. There is a huge number of dishes with zucchini, which diversify the diet. They are rich in minerals and potassium. Well combined with protein foods.
  7. Cauliflower - still not appreciated by many representatives of mankind. It is rich in antioxidants that are responsible for health, youth and beauty.
  8. Mushrooms - no matter which representatives of the product will be in the diet (white, honey, mushrooms, chanterelles, and so on). All of them are rich in nutrients and perfectly strengthen the immune system.
  9. Celery - the leaves and roots of this product contain vitamin K. It is he who helps the absorption of calcium in the body. Also consists of almost water. Therefore, its use can not affect the weight.

A small conclusion

Таким образом, чтобы рацион питания был it is balanced, it is necessary to include foods rich in carbohydrates. They help generate energy. They also help the functioning of many organs. Foods containing more carbohydrates are best eaten in the morning or after an intense workout. When losing weight you should eat healthy foods, act wisely, then it is easy to achieve the desired result.