/ / Antibiotic for inflammation of the gums and teeth. Causes of inflammation, treatment, drugs

Antibiotic for inflammation of the gums and teeth. Causes of inflammation, treatment, drugs

Toothache is such an unpleasant sensation,which, perhaps, can not be compared with anything. Due to their employment, laziness, carefree attitude towards health or because of the banal fear of doctors, many postpone the visit to the dentist until the last.

against gum disease
And at the moment when you fall asleep in the evening only with an anesthetic drug, we heroically go "to surrender" to the dental hands of the dentist.

As the dental practice shows,The vast majority of problems with teeth and gums can be avoided by regular examination. To visit the dentist's office is recommended at least once every three months. But what to do if there is an obvious inflammatory process in the oral cavity, accompanied by painful sensations? What actions will be most correct?

Causes of tooth and gum pain

Some people believe that taking an antibioticwith inflammation of the gums and teeth will be the best solution. However, this is an erroneous opinion. The first step is to contact the dentist. This is the only correct solution in detecting even the most minor oral problems.

A dentist is able to adequately and professionally assess the situation. After examining the oral cavity, he will identify the cause of the pain.

antibiotic for inflammation of gums and teeth
This can be one of the following processes:

  • Caries with pulpitis.This is a fairly common problem in people who do not turn to the dentist on time. The started caries develops deep into the tooth, and the cavity deepens into the pulp. The inflammatory process affects the nerve, and a person not only experiences unpleasant sensations when contacting the enamel with cold, hot and sweet food. Pulpitis can cause unbearable and unremitting toothache. The antibiotic here will be absolutely useless. It is worth taking an anesthetic drug, for example, "Nurofen", and immediately go to a dentist.
  • The effect of a "dead tooth".This phenomenon is typical for the tooth, from the channels of which the nerve was removed. He ceases to react to stimuli. However, if it is infected, there is pain and inflammation develops. This can develop into an abscess, a flux, or a purulent inflammation of the gums that pose a mortal danger to a person. At these phenomena, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, but before that he performs the procedure of opening the site to remove accumulations of pus.
  • Gingivitis is an inflammation that affectsmucous membranes of the gum. It begins with the formation of tartar and the development of bacteria in it. Microorganisms secrete toxins, and tissues become inflamed. At the same time there are bleeding, unpleasant sensations and inflammation of the gum. Treatment with antibiotics for this disease is not always appointed, and this decision is made only by the doctor.
  • Periodontitis is an inflammatory process thataffects the tissues surrounding the tooth, and causes painful sensations. This disease develops if the time is not treated with gingivitis. There is a pronounced inflammation of the gum. What antibiotics in this state are shown, the dentist decides.
    than rinse your mouth with gum disease
  • Parodontosis is a systemic diseaseNon-inflammatory nature, which affects periodontal tissue. This is a rather difficult process, which leads to the denudation of the neck, painful sensations and increased sensitivity of the enamel. Laxation and loss of teeth may also occur. Periodontosis requires complex treatment, which includes the washing of pathological pockets, a course of antibiotics, patchwork, splinting and correction of the underlying disease.

Why can not I choose an antibiotic myself?

One important rule should be understood:antibiotic for inflammation of the gums and teeth is prescribed only by a dentist. Self-medication in these cases is unacceptable, since this group of drugs has several characteristics:

  • Antibiotics are not capable of eliminating pain. These medicines are designed to fight bacteria that provoke it. Analgesics are used for analgesia.
  • Each antibiotic has a pronouncednarrowly specific action and is effective only against a certain group of microorganisms. It is only a qualified specialist who can determine what exactly is needed.
  • The action of the antibiotic will be effective only in combination with special treatment. Without it, the result of using the drug will be reduced to zero.
  • The course of the antibiotic must be completed. Interrupted therapy will not give the desired result.

How does a doctor prescribe an antibiotic?

The doctor prescribes the necessary antibiotic for inflammation of gums and teeth from a generally accepted list of drugs that dental practice recommends for use in a particular disease.

gingivitis treatment with antibiotics
Для того чтобы лечение было наиболее productive, first takes a smear on the flora with the patient's mouth mucosa. This is done to determine the strain of the microorganism, which provoked inflammation of the gums. The reasons for such a scrupulous approach in a huge variety of bacteria, each of which can be destroyed by a specific medication. This method is usually called antibiotic susceptibility testing.

There are several groups of antibacterial drugs that are used in dentistry. Further they will be considered in more detail.


The most common drug from this group- "Metranidozole" 0.5. Its peculiarity is that it is used only in combination with some basic antibacterial medication. This drug is taken three times a day for 1 tablet.


The following types of drugs are used:

  • "Lincomycin" 0.25 in the form of capsules, which2 pieces are taken twice a day. This antibiotic for inflammation of the gums and teeth is very effective, but often causes indigestion and dysbiosis.
  • "Lincomycin" - 30% injection, which are produced 2 times a day, 2 ml intramuscularly. This is a good alternative to oral capsules.
  • "Clindamycin" 150 mg in the form of capsules and "Clindamycin" 300 mg solution for injection. These two agents are preferably prescribed for periodontitis.


The following drugs belong to this group of antibiotics:

  • "Nolitsin" 400 mg.
  • "Sifloks" 250 mg.
  • Tarivid 200 mg.

All of these drugs are available in pill form and are taken one at a time twice a day.

inflammation of the gums which antibiotics
These drugs are usually prescribed to patients with diabetes when other antibiotics do not work.

How best to take an antibiotic?

The course of antibiotic therapy is usually 7-10 days, but the timing can be adjusted by the doctor for certain circumstances of the disease.

A few decades ago domesticdentists preferred the procedure of administering the antibiotic directly to the patient’s gums. Now this method is not made, but some clinics continue to work the same way. This method of treatment has long been excluded from the recommended procedures, as it has negative effects, significantly exceeding the positive effect. The dangerous effects of antibiotic injections in the gums include:

  • Periodontal necrosis.As a result of injections, a large amount of antibiotic accumulates in the tissues near the tooth. In a short period, a large number of pathogenic bacteria die, releasing an enormous dose of toxins and cytokines. From this is the death of microbinding of the tooth and bone tissue.
  • The appearance of mobility. As a result of tissue necrosis around the tooth, its strengthening weakens, and it begins to loosen.

Based on these considerations, antibiotic injections are made only intramuscularly.

Some patients have inflammation of the gums after tooth extraction. This suggests either a weak immunity, or a violation of oral hygiene.

gum disease causes
In any case, whether or not to take an antibiotic for this problem can only be solved by a dentist with a thorough examination.

The doctor in the appointment of a course of treatment will necessarily give a number of recommendations. Especially it concerns the correct use of antibiotics:

  • Do not violate the reception mode.
  • Alcohol is prohibited throughout the course.
  • Dosage is strictly observed.
  • Despite the external improvement, the course must be completed. Reduction of terms can reduce the result to zero.

Rinsing the gums

In addition to the procedures in the dentist’s officeand a course of antibiotic therapy, the doctor usually prescribes the patient to rinse the mouth. This manipulation is very simple and very effective, so it can be done at home. The dentist, depending on the disease, will give recommendations than rinsing the mouth for inflammation of the gums.

This procedure combines healing and hygiene.specifications. Rinsing removes food particles that are inaccessible to the toothbrush, as well as itching, pain, bleeding and inflammation. You can rinse your mouth with the following antiseptic solutions:

  • "Furacilin" (2-3 times a day).
  • "Chlorhexidine" (each time after eating, according to the state of complete recovery).
  • "Chlorophyllipt" (prepare the solution and rinse three times a day).
  • "Miramistin" (3-4 times a day).

Can also be used for rinsing the mouth"Rotokan" and a solution of hydrogen peroxide. They show excellent efficacy against gum disease. Means such as Forest Balsam and Malavit will help relieve pain, as well as perfectly eliminate bleeding and give freshness to breathing.

Herbs and plants to help gums

To your question:than rinsing your mouth for inflammation of the gums, any doctor will recommend herbs. They are not worse than drugs that can help with diseases of the oral cavity. The following medicinal plants have proven themselves:

  • Calendula. One spoon of flowers you need to brew a glass of boiling water and let it brew.
  • Chamomile. Two spoons of raw materials pour a glass of boiling water and insist.

Cooled and filtered infusions of herbs used for rinsing gums.

purulent inflammation of the gums
They have a pronounced antibacterial effect.

The following herbs have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect:

  • Sage (spoon of raw materials in a glass of boiling water).
  • Yarrow (2 spoons of inflorescences pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 15 minutes).

Rinse your mouth with cold infusions, or make gum baths.

The following plants have an excellent astringent and strengthening effect on the gums:

  • Oak bark (handful of raw materials pour 0.5 liters of water and boil for 30 minutes in a water bath).
  • St. John's Wort (flowers insist on alcohol and diluted in rinse water).

All these tools in the complex will help to cope withgum disease. However, it is worth remembering that the best cure for diseases is timely periodic check-ups at the dentist for the purpose of prevention and treatment.