/ What eye drops from conjunctivitis to choose?

What eye drops from conjunctivitis to choose?

Each of us experienced inflammation of the mucosaand, naturally, stood before the choice of eye drops from conjunctivitis. But how to properly choose these drops without compromising your own health?

Conjunctivitis is one of the most commondiseases of the organs of vision. It is manifested in the form of redness of the eyes, secretion of tears, purulent discharge. Most often conjunctivitis is caused by an infectious disease and non-observance of the rules of hygiene (more often in children). Allergic, bacterial, viral conjunctivitis is isolated. Depending on the type of disease, its form and manifestations, individual treatment is selected and, consequently, appropriate eye drops from conjunctivitis.

When prescribing treatment, the ophthalmologist relies onall the information you received from you about what preceded the disease. This can be as the conditions of residence, the specifics of the work, possible trips, and contact with the sick person or animals. At the slightest suspicion of conjunctivitis, one should get eye drops from inflammation, in order to prevent the acute form of the disease. Do not forget to carefully study the instructions for using the drug before using it, make sure that you do not have allergies to its ingredients.

The disease proceeds more easily if observedbed rest and personal hygiene. In complex treatment, eye drops are prescribed from conjunctivitis and ointments based on interferon, antiallergic and disinfectants, infusions of chamomile and strong tea. Usually conjunctivitis is treated quickly, but creates a number of inconveniences. Procedures for washing, instillation of drops and ointment are not very pleasant.

Applying eye drops from the conjunctivitis atdisease of an allergic nature, it should be understood that the disease arises from the general allergic reaction of the body to external stimuli. This can be both a seasonal phenomenon, and a reaction to cosmetics, animal hair, etc. The disease usually affects both eyes, redness, lacrimation, swelling of the eyelids. The following antihistamines are prescribed for conjunctivitis: Cortisone, Claritin, Lacrisifin, Oftadec.

Bacteria, more often streptococci and staphylococci,bacterial conjunctivitis is caused. It is not difficult to infect them. If you constantly wipe your eyes with dirty hands, the mucous membrane ceases to protect the conjunctiva, and the infection becomes infected. The disease is accompanied by edema of the conjunctiva and the release of pus. Ophthalmologists prescribe the use of the following drugs: "Albucid", "Norsulfazol", "Oftadec", "Floxal", "Tobrex". In acute form, eye drops are recommended for conjunctivitis and ointments containing antibiotics. Before burying your eyes, they should be washed with infusion of chamomile or brewing strong tea.

Viral infections with weakened immunesystem can cause viral conjunctivitis. The cause of the disease may be drafts. In this case, treatment begins with the elimination of the underlying disease. Antiviral and antimicrobial drops and ointments are prescribed, among them are Florenal, Tebrofen, Gludantan, Floksal, Albutid, Oftadec, Tobrex.

Remember about measures to prevent conjunctivitis, wash your hands regularly, use your towel while washing, and avoid chlorinated water.

Note that all eye drops are fromconjunctivitis have a different composition, method of application and, most importantly, indications. Therefore, it is necessary to establish exactly what form of conjunctivitis you have. Consult an oculist for qualified help, it is not necessary to risk their health. After all, the eyes - this is one of the most important organs, giving the opportunity to live a full life.