/ / The drug "Midratsil" (eye drops): a brief description of the drug

The drug "Midratsil" (eye drops): a brief description of the drug

The drug "Midratsil" (eye drops) is prettyoften used in modern ophthalmology, both in the study of the eye, and for the treatment of certain diseases. Immediately it is worth noting that this tool in any case can not be used arbitrarily - only on the instructions of the doctor and preferably under his control.

Mediastin "Midratsil" (eye drops): description and properties. The drug is available in plastic bottles withconvenient dropper. This substance acts on holinoretseptory, causing violations in the contractile processes of the sphincter of the iris and ciliary muscles. As a result, a significant and persistent dilatation of the pupil and a temporary paralysis of accommodation are observed.

Medication "Midratsil" (eye drops): indications for use. As a rule, this drug is usedfor diagnostic purposes only, for the detection of ophthalmic problems. For example, drops are used in the event that there is a need to examine the fundus. Use the tool and before performing a skiascopy - this makes it possible to more accurately determine refraction.

In some cases, the drug "Midratsil"prescribe to eliminate the inflammatory process in the tissues of the visual analyzer. It is especially effective in the presence of adhesions in the eye chambers. Drops can be used as an analog of atropine.

Eye drops "Midratsil": instructions for use. As already mentioned, this drug canUse only when appointed by an ophthalmologist. It is necessary to instill one drop into the lower conjunctival sac. Then gently press your finger onto the tear sack and hold it for two or three minutes after instillation.

As for the dosage of the drug, it toodetermines the doctor. For the treatment of inflammation, it is recommended to use the drug approximately six times a day, one drop. With ophthalmoscopy, one drop is dripped, and after five minutes one more - in ten minutes you can examine the fundus.

To perform a skiascopia, the eyes are digested six times with the interval between procedures in five minutes. An hour later the spasm of accommodation develops.

It should be noted that wearing soft contactlenses during treatment with this drug can not. In addition, a strong pupil dilatation causes increased susceptibility to light and visual impairment. Therefore, at the time of treatment, this tool is not recommended to drive a car, work with mechanisms that require visual reaction and concentration of attention.

The drug "Midratsil" (eye drops): contraindications and possible side reactions. This medicine has only a fewcontraindications. First, its use is prohibited for patients with increased intraocular pressure. Secondly, it can not be prescribed to people with advanced glaucoma, especially if it is of a closed type.

Meadriacil should be taken very carefullyuse in the treatment of newborns. This drug is relatively rarely prescribed to women during breastfeeding or bearing a future child.

As for adverse reactions, inIn most cases, it is an allergy, which is accompanied by redness, itching, burning and pain in the eyes. In some cases there is an increase in intraocular pressure or paresis of accommodation. When using the drug develops a strong photosensitivity.

System violations are also rarely observed.For example, when using drops in a patient, there may be a headache or dry mouth. More rarely, more serious problems are recorded - tachycardia, hyperthermia and mental reactions. If you have any symptoms, you should consult a doctor.

Midriacil eye drops: reviews. Both doctors and patients agree -This drug is quite effective both in diagnosis and in treatment. In addition, a properly selected course of treatment restores vision and relieves fatigue. In some cases, it is necessary to combine eye drops with other drugs.