/ Badger fat: use for bronchitis. Reviews

Badger fat: use for bronchitis. Reviews

Badger fat with bronchitis - provencenturies medical folk remedy. It has many beneficial properties and is well absorbed by the human body. This product in rare cases can cause side effects and has practically no contraindications. Therefore, alternative medicine experts recommend to use it even for young patients.

Properties and composition of badger fat

badger fat bronchitis

Since ancient times, badger fat has been used. The use of this remedy in bronchitis produces such a healing effect due to the unique healing components of the above product:

  • linoleic acid - is used to maintain immunity, contributes to the natural process of cellular oxygen supply, reduces inflammation;
  • minerals have a beneficial effect on metabolic and energy processes;
  • B vitamins and retinol;
  • unsaturated fatty acids - contribute to the preservation of good health by protecting cells from negative influences.

Treatment of bronchitis badger fat is effective due to its healing abilities:

  • stimulates the functioning of the immune system;
  • eliminates the symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • has a tonic effect.

In addition, the above remedy produces a healing effect on the body and in other areas:

  • prevents the occurrence of symptoms of atherosclerosis;
  • accelerates the healing process of wounds;
  • helps with colds and cough;
  • promotes the death of pathogenic bacteria.

It should be noted that in humanscompletely assimilated badger fat. Application with bronchitis of the above means helps to accelerate the treatment of this disease and prevent complications of the inflammatory process.

Methods of use of this tool in the inflammation of the bronchi

badger fat bronchitis use reviews

Badger fat with bronchitis is applied as follows:

  • inside;
  • as a means for grinding.

It should be noted that the above product hasnot very pleasant, specific taste. Experts in alternative medicine recommend drinking it with a decoction of rose hips. In extreme cases, you can eat chocolate candy after taking it.

Russian healers offer the following recipehealing remedy for bronchitis. They take three parts of this fat and mix it with one part of fresh lime honey, which can be melted a little in a water bath.

Another recipe from traditional healers includes the following actions:

  1. Badger fat melted in the usual way.
  2. Add to it two tablespoons of cocoa powder.
  3. Let the mixture harden a little.
  4. Then add a fourth of the total mass of aloe juice.
  5. Mix everything thoroughly.
  6. Scheme of application - to melt a teaspoon of the above means in a glass of hot milk and drink before bedtime.

It should be noted that the above mixture of badger fat is excellent for the prevention of viral diseases in the spring.

Badger fat: use in children with bronchitis

badger fat use in children with bronchitis

This tool offers alternative medicine to use for the treatment and prevention of bronchial inflammation in young patients. Badger fat for children with bronchitis is prepared as follows:

  1. 8 teaspoons of this product, 120 gr. chocolate (tile) and half a pack of butter should be melted in a water bath and mix.
  2. Then in the mixture injected cocoa powder in the amount of 6 teaspoons.
  3. Mix everything well and allow to cool.

The result is a peculiar chocolate smell and color oil. Alternative medicine experts advise children to use it with bread, but not more than three times a day.

Другой метод приготовления барсучьего жира для Children - is mixing it with honey or, for example, with currant jam in the ratio of 3: 1. Young patients (up to 10 years) are recommended to use this remedy in a teaspoon every 8 hours.

Also badger fat in patients of this category is prescribed as compresses. Small children rub the back and chest of the above product at night.

Badger fat: use for bronchitis, reviews

badger fat use for bronchitis capsules
This product, according to many patients,who used it to treat pneumonia, effectively treats the above disease. Already after two weeks of use, the symptoms of bronchitis were not observed.

Some patients used badger fat for the prevention of viral diseases in spring. The use of bronchitis in capsules of this product has made the treatment process more convenient.

But some patients complained about the appearance of severe allergies after the first use of badger fat. Therefore, when observing any adverse reactions of the body, self-treatment should be stopped.

Precautions in the treatment of bronchial inflammation badger fat

bronchitis treatment badger fat

Today there is no need to push yourselftake the unpleasant taste and smell of the above means. It can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of gelatin capsules. But it should be remembered that, nevertheless, a natural product contains much more useful substances than an medicine made industrially.

Badger fat can be purchased from hunters. It is stored for long, so the price is high.

Natural badger fat soonafter the start of administration it improves the blood composition, strengthens the immune system, and is completely absorbed by the body with almost no side effects.

Still, the treatment of bronchitis should beunder the supervision of a specialist. The combination of the above product with other drugs that are prescribed by the doctor, give the highest positive result.

Storage conditions badger fat

This product should be stored in its natural or synthetic form, following the following important recommendations:

  1. Do not expose the drug to high heat treatment.
  2. The optimal storage place for badger fat is a refrigerator, a dark place with a stable low temperature.

A quality product should be free from unpleasant odor.

Contraindications badger fat

badger fat for children with bronchitis

This product is undesirable to use as a therapeutic agent when a patient has signs of the following diseases:

  • liver problems;
  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • pancreatic pain;
  • individual intolerance.

Sometimes the use of badger fat can provoke some side effects:

  • allergic rash;
  • stomach upset;
  • nausea;
  • headache.

If the above symptoms occur, it is important to immediately stop self-treatment and consult a doctor.

Pregnant and lactating women should use this product with extreme caution, since the organism of such patients may behave very strangely.

Badger fat is an excellent remedy for bronchitis.It is absorbed by the body and is of great benefit to it. Before starting treatment of bronchitis with badger oil on its own or giving it to children, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.